Metamorphic Rocks

Team Three: Brandy Ryles, Hadassah Akosah, Joshua Crockett,
Marcellus Blount, Morgan Scott, Zen Luckowski
What are Metamorphic Rocks?
Metamorphic Rocks are Sedimentary,
Igneous, and rocks that have changed
form from a rock previously existing.
Metamorphic rocks form when the heat
from the earth, and the pressure
become so big, it changes the rocks
Colors, textures, and other properties.
What are Foliated Metamorphic
Foliated Metamorphic Rocks are rocks that
are layered, as if they were forced together.
Foliated metamorphic rocks look layered,
as if they were forced together. They form
when layers of existing rock such as shale
get buried under sediment.
What are Non-Foliated
Metamorphic Rocks?
Non Foliated metamorphic rocks do not
have a sheet-like appearance because the
minerals that make up the pre-existing
rocks do not align under pressure like the
Foliated rocks do.