Speech Processing: The Natural Method BME5525 Project Report

Speech Processing: The Natural Method
BME5525 Project Report (FIT, Summer 2014)
Francisco J. Rocha
Abstract– This paper presents a view into the natural human
speech recognition process.
The current state of the art speech recognition methods have not
yet achieved the level of adaptability and sophistication of the natural
process. Humans are able to recognize and understand the voice of
a person in a room while others are talking, they can also identify
the direction of the source, and even the emotion with which the
person is talking.
This study is intended to explore the elements involved in the
natural recognition of speech in humans, while keeping in view the
potential portability of those elements to artificial systems.
Hearing is a perception of external excitation factors, and
in that aspect it is no different from other senses like touch or
smell. However, just being able to hear a sound is not sufficient
to enable the ability to understand speech. Speech carries much
more information than just sound, it is a complex message that
conveys meaning and emotion. The ability to understand such
a message is acquired over a long period of time during a
person’s developmental process. It is the culmination of
training of a very large number of neurons, all interconnected
and working together to decode a very intricate message in a
quick and efficient way.
Humans have an extremely well developed communication
system, it involves the abilities to produce speech and to
understand it. Humans can discern the voice and message from
a single person in the middle of a room full of other talking
people, but we are not alone in this ability, other animals are
also capable of distinguishing a single individual’s “voice”,
seals and penguins are known to be able to recognize a single
individual from the pack by simply listening to their call.
However, they are not able to carry a conversation like humans
do. That ability is exclusive to our species and is the result of
an evolved brain with the appropriate neuronal interconnections
that enable the conveyance of abstract ideas and emotions via
words and intonation.
The brain uses just a few distinct elements in the
recognition of speech; those are the external ear, the middle ear,
the Cochlea with its organ of Corti, and the neurons that connect
this system to the massive neuronal interconnectivity of the
brain. It is this last element and all of its parallel
interconnections with immense quantities of neurons that is the
key for the almost instantaneous recognition of speech.
Figure 1: Sound arrives to the external ear in waves of pressure
differentials caused by compression and rarefaction of air [1].
Figure 2: Sound travels through the ear canal into the middle
ear where it causes movement of the eardrum [1].
Sound is transported from point A to point B by the
translational expansion of oscillatory pressure differentials of
air molecules [1] [2] [3]. These differentials arrive to the
external ear and are guided into the ear canal. At the end of the
ear canal is the tympanic membrane that is pushed in when high
pressures arrive, and bows out in response to low pressures [1]
Figure 3: Sound pressure differentials cause movement of the
tympanic membrane. The Malleus-Incus-Stapes bones amplify
that movement and transmit it to the inner ear. [1].
The tympanic membrane oscillates in synchrony with the
arrival of the pressure differentials, and in turn it moves the
bones in the inner ear, the Malleus, the Incus, and the Stapes
[1]. These bones are arranged such that they modulate the
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amplitude of the vibrations and transmit them into the inner ear.
They are also connected to small ligaments intended to limit the
movement and regulate the projection of the bones under high
amplitude sounds [1].
The vibrations of the Stapes are transmitted directly into
the Cochlea, which is a tube filled with fluid and capped on the
opposite end by a membrane called the oval window. This tube
is folded in half at the Helicotrema [Figure 3] and both halves
are separated by the organ of Corti [1].
The Cochlea is arranged in such a way, that it resonates at
different locations to different frequencies [Figure 4]. This
characteristic resonance is what establishes the basis by which
we can recognize individual frequencies of sound [1], or
complex sounds with multiple simultaneous frequencies like
music or speech [4].
the two membranes are mechanically excited when oscillations
traverse from one side of the Cochlea to the other. This is due
to deflection of the Basilar membrane against the Tectorial
membrane [Figure 6].
Figure 5: The Cochlea is a closed tube capped with the Stapes
bone in one end, and a flexible membrane on the other.
The tube is folded in half and the halves are separated by the
Organ of Corti. [1].
Figure 4: Different sound frequencies resonate at different
locations within the Cochlea, this resonance produces
deflection of the Basilar membrane. [1].
The organ of Corti [Figure 5] stands between both halves
of the Cochlea, and its walls are formed by the Basilar
membrane. When the Stapes transmit the sound oscillations into
the Cochlea, the Basilar membrane deflects to accommodate
those oscillations and functions as a shortcut for the wave to
reach the oval window [1].
The Basilar membrane has embedded within itself a series
of about 15,000 specialized neurons called Hair cells [Figure
5]. These Hair cells transduce mechanical excitation into
neuronal impulses called “Action Potentials” and they are
directly responsible for sensing the fluid oscillations in the
The Tectorial membrane is inside the organ of Corti; its
function is to serve as a kinetic counterbalance to oppose the
movement of the Basilar membrane. Hair cells located between
Figure 6: The Tectorial membrane rests on hair-cells that fire
neural impulses when stimulated by movement. [1].
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Figure 7: The organ of Corti has about 15,000 hair cells evenly distributed along its entire length [1] [2]. All hair cells respond
in the same way to mechanical stimulus, however, the resonance characteristics of the cochlear duct have physically defined
frequency response; groups of contiguous hair cells respond to excitation with a corresponding positional frequency grouping.
Hair cells are the business end of the hearing system: they
are the true sensor of sound vibrations, and transduce the
mechanical vibrations into the neuronal impulses that convey
the necessary information to the brain [Figure 6].
Hair cells are very fragile neurons and do not regenerate;
once damaged hair cells do not heal and are replaced by scar
tissue, this process is conducive to irreversible deafness [1]
[Figure 10].
Hair cells have very fine sensitivity and detect the slightest
mechanical movement of the Basilar and Tectorial membranes.
They are so sensitive, that can detect deflections of the
membrane comparable to a fraction of the diameter of a
hydrogen atom [1].
The transduction function of hair cells is essentially that of
a frequency modulator, where amplitude of membrane
deflection is the modulation factor [Figure 8].
Large membrane deflection produces a higher mechanical
excitation of the hair cells, and therefore a higher frequency of
the neuronal impulses generated by the hair cells [Figure 9].
The modulation bandwidth range for this frequency goes from
0 Hz (at rest), to about 200 Hz (for maximum excitation).
Figure 8: Hair cells operate by transmitting neural impulses of
constant amplitude: 1 Vp-p from -70 mV to +30 mV. However,
their frequency is proportional to the intensity of the stimulus
they receive.
Figure 10: The auditory system can detect sounds so faint that
the distance of basilar membrane deflection is comparable to
only a fraction of the diameter of a hydrogen atom.
Extreme sound pressure levels cause excessive travel of the
basilar membrane and results in scarring and irreversible
damage of hair cells.
Each hair cell generates neurotransmitter signals
proportional to the stimulus they receive [1] [3], these signals
are received by a single neuron that distributes those signals to
a third layer of multiple receiving neurons [3].
Neurons at rest are always in a process to reach a steadystate charge of about -70 mV [1] [2]. At the synaptic interface,
a receiving neuron must reach a threshold of -50 mV before it
can fire a neuronal signal (action potential).
Interconnections of neurons at the synaptic interface can be
either excitatory or inhibitory [1] [2]. Therefore, a threshold
potential can be reached by rapid arrival of multiple excitatory
action potentials from a single input, or by simultaneous arrival
of excitatory action potentials from multiple inputs [Figure 11].
However, arrival of inhibitory inputs is also possible, and these
inputs can discharge the receiving neurons and cancel the effect
of excitatory inputs.
Inhibitory function is very important as it can regulate the
effect of multiple neurons arriving onto a single one [2]. This
function can be interpreted as a “voting” mechanism by which
Figure 9: Therefore, a stronger stimulus produces higher
frequency impulses than a weaker one.
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Figure 11: Graded potentials build up charge at postsynaptic neurons, excitatory inputs arriving close together are likely to trigger
an action potential, whereas inhibitory inputs reduce charge and the likeliness of firing action potential. [1]. Higher frequencies
of excitatory inputs are more likely to buildup sufficient charge to fire an action potential.
some neurons “vote” in favor of triggering a response while
others “vote” against. With respect of speech recognition, this
function is paramount to combine the response to multiple
frequencies and identify a phoneme based on the expert “vote”
of a set of neurons trained to recognize a specific sound.
As described earlier, the Cochlea has physical
characteristics that enable frequencies from 20 Hz to about
20,000 Hz to resonate at specific locations. Because of this
property, and thanks to the distribution of hair cells along the
length of the organ of Corti, it is possible for the inner ear to
perform instantaneous time-domain to frequency-domain
decomposition of sound. This a function of the physical
geometry of the Cochlea, and involves no algorithms or
calculations whatsoever, therefore it is not subject to
windowing or filtering artifacts; it is simply a resonance
chamber with a continuous distribution of sensors along its
length resulting in a direct digitization of its frequency
response. Each one of the hair cells corresponds to one bit of
information that represents its own specific frequency [1] [2]
[3] [5].
Figure 12: A specific sound can be identified by a neuron that receives the appropriate combination of inputs from a define set of
hair cells. These sound-identifying neurons feed forward into other neurons that detect a sequence of identifiable sounds (i.e.
words). [1]
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ASCII encoding is done using only 7 bits. In this way, one
can encode up to 27 = 128 different characters [Figure 13].
Modern computers use 64 bits to encode information; that
translates into 264 = 8.446 x1018 possible individual characters.
Thanks to the 15,000 hair cells distributed along the organ
of Corti, humans can distinguish about 15,000 individual
frequencies, thus resulting in about 215,000 = 2.818 x104515
possible combinations of distinguishable complex sounds!
There are time delays involved in the inter-neuron
communication essential to speech recognition. These delays
allow successive cascading and coherent signal arrival of
recognizable sounds.
To illustrate the above process, let’s consider a neuron
recognizing the proper combination of hair cell signals
corresponding to the sound “S” and that it fires at time t0, it then
will feed its dendrite outputs to all possible neurons that can
follow the “S” sound: “C”, “P”, “N”, “T”, … etc. All the
receiving neurons are thus briefly activated and are now
“listening” to the corresponding signals from hair cells that
would indicate the presence of the next sound in the sequence.
In this case, let’s say the following sound received is “T”, then
the only the neuron corresponding to the sequence “ST” is
triggered at time t1 and fires, its output is now sent to all the
possible neurons that could follow after “ST” such as “A”, “O”,
“U”, “R”, etc. If the next sound is “R”, then the corresponding
neuron would fire and activate the next sequence of neurons to
detect all possible subsequent combinations. This process
repeats until the entire word “STRONG” is decoded.
Figure 13: ASCII encoding is done using only 7 bits. With this
encoding, one can encode up to 27 = 128 different characters
Although 215,000 is an overwhelmingly impressive number,
it only contemplates the “on” or “off” states of detectable
frequencies. In reality, each one of those frequencies is detected
by hair cells sensitive to the continuous variation of amplitude,
resulting in the neuronal output from hair cells with continuous
frequency modulation of action potentials. The overall result is
our ability to detect an infinite number of distinguishable
sounds, each of them different from the next by a succinct
combination of frequencies and amplitudes.
Figure 15: Sequential sound identification and selection from
a predetermined sequence is essential to speech recognition
and forming of words.
In addition to sounds sequences, the human speech
recognition system is also capable of identifying subtle
characteristics in sounds that differentiate one speaker from
another. One can think of this functionality in a similar way as
our ability of distinguishing shades of colors. That is how we
can instantaneously detect not only what is said, but also who
is saying it, see Figure 16 and Figure 17 for an illustration of
this concept.
Figure 14: The activation of specific groups of hair cells,
combined with their proportional intensity (loudness), are the
elements that identify sounds as perception of specific
Detection of a single complex sound is not sufficient for
speech recognition. It is necessary to detect a sequence of
sounds that together form words or expressions. Our neurons
are arranged in a vastly interconnected network that facilitates
cascaded progression and combination of signals [Figure
15Figure 12].
Figure 16: Illumination of a select group of pixels is used in
displays to visually represent letters. In a similar manner,
“illumination” or firing of a select group of neurons identifies
the specific sounds corresponding to a given phoneme.
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Left sound
tn=tn-1+Δ t
Figure 17: If each pixel is allowed to have different intensity
levels and colors, then each letter can be represented with
multiple variations.
Typically we don’t think twice about where a sound came
from, we intuitively “know” where the source is and seems
almost inconsequential. A major area of interest in speech
recognition is our ability to identify the directionality of sound.
Two elements are known that participate in this ability, one is
the detection of the time arrival difference between the ears, and
the other is the detection of subtle variations in amplitude.
A. Interaural Time Difference
Sound travels through air at about 340 m/s, and the
separation between the ears is about 20 cm, therefore the arrival
time delta between ears can be from 0 µs, in the case of an
exactly centered source, to about 580 µs in the case of a full left
or full right source.
Time arrival differences between the ears is caused by
transmission delays due to distance. These temporal delays are
interpreted as phase shift differentials by coincidence detector
neurons [3].
Our directionality detection mechanism is capable to work
within the above constrains, it is a rather simple mechanism but
very efficient and effective. The process involves coincidental
arrival of excitatory action potentials onto a series of neurons
arranged in sequential order, followed by inhibitory signals fed
to the immediate neighboring neurons to squelch noisy or
ambiguous responses. This concept is illustrated in Figure 18
which can be used as point reference for the following example:
let’s say two neurons are used as the source of coincident
signals, both neurons are capable of identifying the same
complex sound and are assumed to decode it in the same
amount of time. The action potentials from both neurons are fed
into a series of neurons in opposite directions. The length of
signal travelled is increasingly longer from one neuron to the
next, thus creating time delay effects up to a sum total
maximum equivalent to the time separation between the ears
(~580 µs). In the top illustration of Figure 18, the left “red”
neuron decodes the sound first and fires an action potential.
Instants later, the right “Blue” neuron finally senses the same
sound at the right ear and also fires an action potential. The Left
and Right signals eventually arrive simultaneously at one of the
neurons in the coincidence detector and trigger a response of
that neuron to indicate detection of coincidence arrival. That
response also triggers inhibitory signals to the neighboring
neurons to prevent ambiguous detections, this phenomena is
called lateral inhibition [2].
Right Sound
Figure 18: Activation of a neuron closer to the right indicates
that the sound comes from the left. Activation of a neuron in the
middle indicates that the sound comes from a centered location.
Activation of a neuron closer to the left indicates that the sound
comes from the right.
B. Interaural Level Difference
Sound amplitude differences due to distance differences
from the source to each ear can also be perceived by the brain
as an indicator of directionality [3]. Perception of level
differences is less influential in directionality detection than
perception of time difference [2], nonetheless it is an influential
factor worth considering.
Hearing, in the purist sense, is a perception no different
from touch or smell. However, our ability to produce speech is
directly linked to our ability to understand it. It is a very
complex process involving multiple layers of open and closed
loop mechanisms, all operating simultaneously in a coherent
Humans learn to discriminate speech from other sounds
over time, as a result of neurons creating interconnections to
detect groups of frequencies in ways that convey appreciable
meaning. The scale of the natural speech recognition system is
massive, but its building blocks are elemental and minimalistic;
what makes them so powerful is their substantial parallel
Modern artificial speech recognition systems have a long
way to go to reach the efficiency levels of natural systems.
However, their massive parallelism can be implemented using
modern chip manufacturing technologies and should be feasible
to produce.
New communication technologies can also be modeled
after the natural speech recognition process, and intelligent
systems can adapt and discriminate desired signals from
background noise of simultaneous streams in the same channel,
just like humans can identify the sound of one person in the
background of a cocktail party.
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L. Sherwood, Fundamentals of Human
Physiology, 4 ed., Beltmont, Ca: Brooks/Cole, 2012,
pp. 161-168.
D. U. Silverthorn, Human Phisiology, an
Integrated Approach, Glenview, IL: Pearson, 2013.
J. Schnupp, I. Nelken and A. King, Auditory
Neuroscience: Making Sense of Sound, Cambridge:
MIT, 2011.
J. Schnupp, I. Nelken and A. King, "Auditory
Neuroscience," . MIT Lincoln Laboratory, 6 2014.
T. F. Quatieri, Discrete-Time Speech Signal
Processing, Principles and Practice, Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002, pp. 401-412.
Francisco J. Rocha (M’05) was born in Salamanca, Spain in
1968. He received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering
from Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida in 1998.
From 1995 to 2006, he was a design engineer at Motorola
and was involved in the development of telecommunication
portable devices, control-center stations, and base transceiver
stations. Since 2006 he has been working at JetBlue in the
development of avionic test systems.
Mr. Rocha is currently pursuing the M.S. degree in
biomedical engineering at the Florida Institute of Technology.
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