Exercises. Introduction to Systems Neuroscience

Exercises. Introduction to Systems Neuroscience - Visual and Auditory system.
Multiple choice: Indicate which answer(s) is(are) correct.
1) In primate extrastriate cortex:
□ cortical visual areas can be part either of the “what” or the “where” pathway
□ cortical visual areas communicate via bidirectional connections
□ visually sensitive cells can belong to the parietal or temporal lobes
□ most visual neurons are monocular
2) V1 neurons are:
□ never direction selective
□ sensitive to light changes in the ipsilateral visual hemifield
□ called complex when they have clearly segregated on and off regions
3) Retinal ganglion cells:
□ have axons that form the optic nerve
□ have synapses with the cone photoreceptors
□ are called on-center when their receptive field surround responds to a decrease in light
□ from the nasal retina project to the contralateral lateral geniculate nucleus
4) Retinotopy:
□ means that the spatial relationship of images falling on the retina are preserved
□ is observed in the LGN
□ is not perfect since the visual periphery is magnified compared to central vision
□ is a retinal d1sease
5) Sound localization:
□ is impossible with only one ear
□ can be computed from inter-aural time differences
□ is not possible under water
□ is computed within the cochlea
6) Timbre:
□ is the perceptual correlate of sound intensity
□ can differ between two sounds having the same pitch
□ depends on a sound’s frequency content
□ can be heard with only one ear
7) Primary auditory cortex:
□ is somatotopically organized
□ contains cells with a characteristic frequency
□ receives inputs from the medial geniculate nucleus
□ receives inputs from the contralateral ear only
8) Inner hair cells:
□ are located within the scala media
□ have cilia fixed in the basilar membrane
□ have a body size proportional to their characteristic frequency
□ do not fire action potentials
9) A pure tone:
□ contains a single frequency component
□ has no perceptual pitch
□ induces periodic vibrations of the tympanic membrane
□ induces maximal vibrations in a specific region of the basilar membrane
10) The volley principle:
□ explains loudness perception
□ occurs in outer hair cells
□ is particularly to code high frequencies
□ is strongest in tennis players
11) Hair cell cilias:
□ influence the hair cells membrane potential by bending
□ can produce depolarization or hyperpolarization
□ contain Potassium channels
□ are found only in inner hair cells
12) The ossicles:
□ are important for impedance matching
□ are surrounded by lymph
□ are attached to the round window
□ can be controlled by muscles.