What To Bring to the Hospital

What to bring to the hospital?
You might find it helpful to have the items for labor in a tote bag which you can bring in when
admitted in labor. You can pack the other items in a suitcase which can be left in your car until
after the baby is born.
Items for Hospital Staff
 Health plan insurance card
 Health information & list of any medications or over-the-counter meds you are currently
 The name of your baby’s doctor and the contact information.
 Any preferences you have for labor (birth plan, etc.) should be discussed prior to labor with
your doctor and discussed with your labor nurse when you are admitted.
Items for Labor
 Relaxation tools and a focal point (stuffed animal, photo, baby item, etc.)
 CD player, tape player, or iPod and a variety of music tapes or CDs
 Aromatherapy lotions, pillow sprays, powder, etc. (no candles allowed)
 Extra pillow from home (please use a colored pillowcase so it will be easily distinguished from
hospital linens)
 Small battery operated fan or hand fan
 Massage tools
 Mom’s toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, breath spray, lip balm,
eyeglasses/contact lense solution, deodorant, lotions)
 Hair clips or bands or “scrunchies”, hairbrush & comb
 Robe & slippers (you will be given a hospital gown to wear during labor)
 Colored socks x 2 (Yes, you do get cold feet in labor!)
Items for Labor Coach
 Stopwatch or watch with a second hand for timing contractions
 Camera & extra batteries
 Phone list of contacts to announce birth to friends and family; cell phone or calling card.
 Snacks and drinks for the coach
 Any medication needed for coach (Tylenol, etc.)
 Sweatshirt or jacket for coach (the room temp will be adjusted for mom’s comfort—and she’ll
like it COOL!)
 If mom plans to get in the shower during labor, coach might want a change of clothes in case
he gets wet too.
Items for Mom (for after delivery)
 Nightgown, slippers, robe
 Bra/ nursing bra
 Breast pads
 Socks (several pair)
 Underwear (several pair)
 Comfortable and loose fitting clothing to wear home
Items for Baby
 Going home outfit for baby (heavier outfit or extra blanket + hat and socks if in cold weather)
 Receiving blanket
 Baby car seat. A car seat is required by law and should be properly installed in your car
before you go to the hospital. (Check with local police or fire stations for a car seat safety
check to be sure you are installing your car seat properly.)