Ecology in unity with economy - Pol-Eco

Poland vs. global dimension of ecology – an invitation to a debate
with experts: “Ecology in unity with economy”
“Ecology in unity with economy – the global dimension” is the debate inaugurating
the POL-ECO-SYSTEM trade fair, which will be held on 27.10.2015. The aim of the
debate is to present the importance of worldwide ecological and economic context for
problems which we deal with in Poland.
The debate on “ECOLOGY IN UNITY WITH ECONOMY” constitutes a very important
position among the events included in the programme of International Trade Fair of
Environmental Protection in PoznaƄ. This year’s discussion meeting will focus on the global
dimension. Although the awareness of economic dimension of environmental protection is
increasing, we too rarely realise how strong the global context of these relationships is.
Climatic changes, lack of common access to good quality water, exploitation of natural
resources at a pace exceeding their renewal - these are the examples of global ecological
problems of greater importance for the worldwide economic system. Globalisation is not only
about the economy and markets as the worldwide range of ecological issues becomes more
and more visible. Worldwide organisations formulate directionss of strategic actions and take
up trials to set obligatory objectives for decreasing the pressure of a human being on
ecosystem of the Earth.
In 2012 the Earth Summit “Rio+20” adopted a document entitled “The Future We Want”
which formulates the directions of global actions in a political perspective. Annual
Conferences of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change undertake inefficient until
now trials of inducing countries to limit emissions of greenhouse gases. From the point of
view of global ethics the problems are diagnosed by papal Encyclical ‘Laudato Si’ dedicated
to concern for the Earth as Our Home. The Pope presents worldwide ecological problems in
context of deterioration of quality of life and prevailing injustice in e.g. access to basic needs
The debate is to show the meaning of worldwide ecological and economic context for
problems which we deal with in Poland. On the other hand it is important to find the way in
which Poland may join in and solve global problems.