Parent Letter

Church of Saint Patrick
7900 Bee Ridge Road. Sarasota, Florida 34241
June 2015
Dear Parent/Guardian:
We’re so glad you signed your child/children up for Vacation Bible School from June 2226, in our Parish Center. Our program has been created to give your child a wonderful
experience of our parish community as well as learning about God’s creation.
It is important for you to know:
Children are assigned to “teams” lead by adults or teenagers who love
working with children and helping them grow in their faith. Children are
grouped by the last grade they completed this June 2015 school year. Our 5th
graders have been moved up to Grade 6 where they will shadow other teens
in preparation of being a “tween helper” the following next summer.
The week will be filled with activities, Scripture, crafts, songs, snacks
designed around a theme .
We start signing in children around 8:45-9AM. Teachers will have a few
minutes to meet and greet your child as they do morning attendance. The
day ends at Noon. Please try to bring your child ten minutes early so you can
meet the staff and sign your child in to the building. You MUST accompany
your child into the parish center where attendance will be taken. At the end of
the day you are also required to come into the building to sign your child out.
On Friday, June 26 , our last day, we would like to invite all our parents/guardians
to be a part of a prayer service in our church at 10:30AM where children will sing
their songs to Jesus followed by lunch provided for everyone courtesy of our
Knights of Columbus in the Parish Center.
Our children always enjoy our summer program! After all the hard work of preparing, it
ends all too soon for them! We thank you for your support and we look forward to
meeting you on Monday, June 22. Kindly call me if you have any questions or concerns.
Monica Kole, Director of Religious Education
378-1703 X309