CHEM 100 GEPS - Winona State University

Department ___________CHEMISTRY_____________________________
__CHEM 100 ____
Course No.
Date __February 18, 2012_______________
__________Chemistry Appreciation_______________________
Course Name
GEP Goal Area(s):*
_____Goal 1: Communication
__X__Goal 3: Natural Science (Already approved)
_____Goal 4: Mathematics/Logical Reasoning
_____Goal 5: History and the Social and Behavioral
_____Goal 6: The Humanities and Fine Arts
_____Goal 7: Human Diversity
__X__Goal 8: Global Perspective
_____Goal 9: Ethical and Civic Responsibility
_____Goal 10: People and the Environment
* Courses may be submitted for up to two Goal Areas.
Additional Requirement Categories:
_____ 1. Writing
_____ 2. Oral Communication
_____ 3. a. Mathematics/Statistics
_____ b. Critical Analysis
_____ Physical Development and Wellness
Provide information as specified in the previous directions.
Attach a General Education Program Approval Form.
Department Contact Person for this Proposal:
___Rill Reuter_____________________________________ __X 5874____________ _rreuter@winona.edu____________
Name (please print)
e-mail address
This application for CHEM 100 (Chemistry Appreciation) to be allowed to satisfy Goal Area 8:
Global Perspective.
Note: This course is already approved to satisfy Goal Area 3: Natural Sciences
2. The general goal for area 8 is to increase students' understanding of the growing interdependence
of nations and peoples and develop their ability to apply a comparative perspective to crosscultural social, economic and political experiences.
3. This course addresses all four (100%) of the student competencies for goal area 8. A few selected
examples addressing each competency are included below.
Student Competencies:
Students will be able
Learning Opportunity
Assessment and
a. Describe and analyze
political, economic, and
cultural elements which
influence relations of states
and societies in their
historical and contemporary
1.The historical development of chemistry as a science is
treated from an historical perspective. This includes
discussion of similarities of an early “Practical Arts and
Crafts” stage among developing cultures, such as
Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, American Indian, and other
societies. During discussion of the period of Alchemy, the
state of science in medieval Europe is contrasted with the
vibrant developments in medicine in the Arab world
following the expansion of Islam. The goals of the alchemists
are linked to Ponce de Leon’s search for the Fountain of
Youth and to mention of the philosopher’s stone in an Irish
drinking song.
2.The historical development of atomic theory during the last
150 years focuses brought about revolutionary changes in
thinking about the atom. The discovery of nuclear fission, the
Manhattan project, and the development and use of the atomic
bomb are examined in terms of their effects on different parts
of the world. The viewpoints taken by different countries
(such as Japan, North Korea, Iran, the U. S. and France) on
the isolation, use and recycling or storage of spent nuclear
fuel rods are compared.
3.The relationship between the rise of Hitler and the migration
of European scientists during the 1930’s and its effect on the
development of the atomic bomb by the U.S. is considered.
Many of those immigrants were instrumental in the
development of nuclear fission in the U.S.
4.The issue of DDT is examined in depth. Students are asked
not only to discuss the scientific aspects of using this
compound to control malaria (including the negative
environmental effects), but they are also required to consider
its use from the point of view of citizens from varying
backgrounds, such as a resident of a European city, the parent
of a small child in an area where malaria is endemic, the
resident of a third world country who lives on an extremely
low income, etc.
Students will be asked to
consider these types of
questions in small groups and
then whole class discussions.
Summaries will be collected.
1.Throughout the course, the roots of chemical terms are
explored. For example, a handout on the names and atomic
symbols of the elements includes the derivation of the
element’s name. The symbol might be from a Latin word,
such as Na for sodium (from natrium, sodium), from a
geographical location, such as Po for polonium (named by
discoverer Marie Curie for her native country), from an
Some of these topics are
addressed in test or quiz
b. Demonstrate knowledge
of cultural, social, religious
and linguistic differences
Test questions covering these
types of issues as well as
questions addressing specific
chemical problems will be
Students will be asked to write
short papers on such topics as
DDT and whether (and where)
it should be used.
Other activities will be part of
in class activities, and students
will complete activity sheets,
c. Analyze specific
international problems,
illustrating the cultural,
economic, and political
differences that affect their
solution; and
d. Understand the role of a
world citizen and the
responsibility world citizens
share for their common
global future.
individual’s name, such as Fm for fermium (named for Enrico
Fermi) or from some other source, such as Th for thorium
(named for Thor from Scandinavian mythology).
2.The topic of acids lends itself beautifully to this
competency. If you look at the word for “acid” in different
languages, the similarities among some languages (such as the
Romance languages) are very striking, as are the differences
among those from different linguistic families. A quick
exercise is to examine and group the words for acid in
different languages.
3.Another exercise is to ask students where the terms “acid”
or “acidic” occur in the English language. In addition to the
usual names of specific chemicals, terms such as acid rain,
acid indigestion, acid reflux, and acid tongue can be
examined. (Many of these terms carry a negative
connotation.) The chemistry of the acid test and its ability to
distinguish between real gold and fool’s gold dovetails with
the discussion.
1.The topics of nuclear weapons, isolation and purification of
nuclear material, and how to dispose of spent nuclear fuel
rods and atomic weapons lend themselves to this discussion.
There are major differences in how nations view these topics.
A nation that believes that possessing nuclear weapons
guarantees it power and respect on the world stage frequently
is considered to be a rogue nation by another state. This is
sometimes addressed in discussion and sometimes as a written
assignment. Clearly, these topics will not be resolved, but
students can become familiar with the issue, identify the
various factors involved and try to develop solutions.
2.The issue of biological weapons as well as weapons of mass
destruction, limiting their use and destroying current
stockpiles will be examined.
3.The whole issue of adequate amounts of clean water is a
political powder keg. In this country, some areas already are
experiencing water shortages. Western states are arguing over
who has the best claim to water from various rivers. The
process of using frac sand to extract oil or gas uses large
amounts of water, and it may irrevocably damage the aquifers
on which we rely. On the international level, many countries
are at odds over water rights. For example, Turkey has built
dam on the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, so the water that Iraq
and Syria depended on is no longer so available to those
countries. Lack of water in Africa is increasing the area
covered by desert and causing severe food shortages. China
is rapidly approaching the point when it will no longer have
enough water for its population.
which will be collected and
1.How can we balance our growing need for energy with the
need to control emissions of greenhouse gases?
2.What sorts of alternative and renewable energy sources are
available? How feasible are they to implement?
3.How can we provide adequate fresh water to support a
growing population? This question can cover a wide range of
issues from monitoring levels of various contaminants to
minimizing the initial contamination. Different approaches
are seen in various parts of the world, with a focus on
expanding industry in developing nations to a focus on
maintaining water purity in highly developed nations.
4.How can we avoid contaminating the earth and thus limit
people’s exposure to toxic materials? An excellent example
for this is the itai-itai (ouch-ouch) disease that afflicted people
These topics are addressed
during in class discussion.
Test questions that address
these issues will be included.
Short research assignments or
short papers addressing some
aspects of these issues may
also be assigned.
Small group and larger
classroom discussion will be
utilized. Students will record
individual ideas on these
issues and then modify them
as needed as the discussion
Short papers on selected topics
may also be assigned.
Essay test questions as well as
specific content questions will
be used for these sorts of
Essay questions and papers
will be evaluated partly upon
evidence that the student has
in Japan. In this case, cadmium tailings from mining
contaminated the area, and cadmium was incorporated into
bones (instead of calcium), with the result that people’s bones
were not as strong and they experienced severe pain.
5.The Rhein River in Europe was highly contaminated with
heavy metals. There has been a concerted effort to limit the
contamination in recent decades, and the river is recovering.
6.How can we safeguard our ports and against terrorist attack?
What would be the ramifications to the home country and to
other parts of the world if a large port were shut down?
7.Large segments of the world’s population live under very
poor conditions and on very little money. How can we
balance the needs of large pharmaceutical companies in
economically well-heeled countries with the need to provide
people with drugs that will save many lives? (This also
dovetails with discussions of DDT and its alternatives to
prevent malaria as well as anti-HIV cocktails.)
8.How do we balance the patent rights of companies with the
need for technology in developing countries?
done some research and has
marshaled his or her
arguments in a logical manner.
The course proposal must include a course outline: This listing is from MnSCU’s online
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum listing.
1. Introduction
a. Science and Scientific Method
b. History of Chemistry
c. Branches of Chemistry
d. Risk-Benefit Analysis
e. Measurements and Observations
i. Metric and English Units
ii. Unit Conversions
iii. Accuracy and Precision
iv. Uncertainty and Errors
2. Matter and Structure
a. Elements
b. Compounds
c. Atomic Symbols and Formulas
d. Mixtures
i. Homogeneous
ii. Heterogeneous
e. Physical and Chemical Properties and Changes
f. Density
g. Chemical Separations
3. Atoms and Molecules
a. Atomic Structure
i. Rutherford's Experiment
ii. Subatomic Particles
iii. Absorption and Emission Spectra
iv. Energy Levels
b. Elements and the Periodic Table
i. Atomic Mass
ii. Isotopes
iii. Main Group Elements
iv. Periodic Trends
c. Molecules and Compounds
i. Covalent and Ionic Bonds and Compounds
ii. Electronegativity
iii. Polarity
v. Molecular Geometry
vi. Nomenclature
d. States of Matter
i. Solids
ii. Liquids
iii. Gases
e. Intermolecular forces
4. Chemical Reactions and Stoichiometry
a. Chemical Reactions
b. Balancing Equations
c. Mole Concept
i. Avagadro's Number
ii. Molar Mass
d. Stoichiometry
i. Mass-Mole Conversions
ii. Mass-Mole Calculations for Reactants and Products
iii. Limiting Reactant
e. Rates of Reactions
f. Equilibrium
5. Solutions
a. Solubility
b. Factors Affecting Solubility
c. Concentration
d. Concentration Units
i. Molarity
ii. Percentages
iii. ppm and ppb
6. Energy and Color
a. Heat and Temperature
b. Units
c. Specific Heat
d. Endothermic and Exothermic Processes
e. Electronmagnetic Spectrum
i. Wavelength
ii. Frequency
iii. Wavelength Energy
iv. Absorption and Emission Spectra
v. Visible Spectrum and Colors
7. Organic Chemistry
a. Structure, Properties, Uses and Nomenclature of Organic Compounds
i. Hydrocarbons
a. Alkanes
b. Alkenes and Alkynes
c. Aromatic Compounds
ii. Alcohols
iii. Ethers
iv. Amines
v. Aldehydes and Ketones
vi. Carboxylic Acids
vii. Esters
viii. Amides
ix. Petroleum
b. Polymers
i. Naturally Occurring Polymers
ii. Synthetic Polymers
8. Acids and Bases
a. Definitions
b. Properties
c. pH Concept
d. Buffers
e. Indicators
f. Uses
g. Antacids
h. Acid Rain
9. Nuclear Chemistry
a. Types of Radioactivity
i. Alpha
ii. Beta
iii. Gamma
iv. Positron
v. Penetrating Power
vi. Ionizing Power
b. Nuclear Equations
c. Half Life Calculations
d. Radioactive Decay Series
e. Units
f. Detection
g. Applications
i. Medical
ii. Manhattan Project and Atomic Bomb
iii. Nuclear Power Plants
10. Political, Social, Economic, Environmental and Legal Issues
a. Air Quality and Pollution
b. CFCs and Ozone Layer
c. Nuclear Energy
d. Fossil Fuels
e. Alternative Energy Sources
f. Halide Hydrocarbons
i. DDT
ii. Refrigerants
g. Greenhouse Effect
h. Global Warming
i. Waste Disposal
j. Water Quality and Pollution
k. Household Chemicals
l. Drugs
m. Regulatory Agencies
i. Food and Drug Administration
ii. Environmental Protection Agency
iii. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
n. Chemistry and the Economy
D. LEARNING OUTCOMES (General) (Goal Area 8—Global Perspective)
1. Understand and use basic chemical terminology and concepts.
2. Use and convert between metric and English units, which are used in different parts of the world.
3. Analyze the political and economic implications of chemical advances or issues and how they affect different areas of the
4. Analyze the various ways in which people from different countries and from cultural or religious backgrounds may view
chemical advances or issues.
5. Identify chemically relevant U.S. or international regulatory agencies and examine their roles in society.
6. Analyze environmental and societal issues from a chemical perspective.
E. LEARNING OUTCOMES (MN Transfer Curriculum) (Goal Area 8—Global Perspective)
1. Describe and analyze political, economic, and cultural elements which influence relations of states and societies in their
historical and contemporary dimensions.
2. Demonstrate knowledge of cultural, social, religious and linguistic differences.
3. Analyze specific international problems, illustrating the cultural, economic, and political differences that affect their
4. Understand the role of a world citizen and the responsibility world citizens share for their common global future.
Chemistry 100 - Chemistry Appreciation
Spring Semester, 2012
Instructor: R. A. Reuter
Office: PA 330 (Office hours posted)
Phone: 457-5874
Web: (D2L site) (some items)
Catalog Description: Selected chemistry concepts presented as lecture-demonstrations for students who wish to gain an
appreciation of the chemical world. Meets the Natural Science requirement of the Arts and Sciences Core of the University
Studies program and Goal Area 3 of the General Education Program. Not intended as preparation for other chemistry courses.
Does not preclude taking any other chemistry courses for credit. No laboratory. No prerequisite. Not open to students with
credit in higher numbered chemistry courses. Offered each semester.
Sect 02
T, R
11:00 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.
PA 329
CHEM In Your World, 1st Edition, Melvin Joesten and John Hogg, Brooks/Cole-Cengage Publishing
Company, 2011 (This is printed by their 4LTR Press division.)
1. Demonstration Sheets for Chemistry 100 (available from web site)
2. Periodic Table
3. A three-ring binder or other suitable folder for completed demonstration report or
activity sheets and other course materials
4. Simple calculator (NOT a CELL PHONE calculator)
Major Topics Include:
1, PPTs
Scientific method, history of chemistry, branches of chemistry, risks and benefits of chemistry, measurements
and observations
Matter, elements, atomic symbols, compounds, formulas, mixtures, pure substances, chemical separations,
physical and chemical changes and properties, equations, units and unit conversions
Atomic structure, isotopes, atomic mass, atomic weight, electromagnetic spectrum, periodic table, periodic
trends, main group elements
Gases, air, air pollution, examples of specific gases
Carbon dioxide, greenhouse effect, global warming, CFCs, ozone hole (selected topics)
Electronegativity, molecules and compounds, covalent and ionic bonding, shapes of molecules,
intermolecular forces, states of matter, solutions
Chemical reactions, balancing equations, mole concept, molar mass, masses of reactants and products, rates
of reaction, factors affecting reaction rates, equilibrium
Acids and bases, pH, buffers, indicators
Nuclear chemistry, radioactivity, nuclear reactions, uses, power plants
Organic chemistry and polymers
10-12 & 15-19
Chemistry in everyday life (selected topics)
Current selected issues in chemistry
Student Learning Outcomes:
Student learning outcomes will be posted by chapter and unit on the course web site.
Course Details and Requirements:
Student Numbers: Each student will be assigned a student number to facilitate collection and return of student work. Please
write your name and student number on both the front and back of ALL papers, tests and quizzes.
NOTE: No papers with “ragged” edges will be accepted.
Students are expected to read chapters and assignments prior to class, attend and participate in the lecturedemonstration periods, complete the demonstration report sheets, read the assigned chapters, complete,
submit and present all assignments and homework, and pass the quizzes, tests and final exam. Successful
completion of studies of the lecture topics outlined above will satisfy the Natural Sciences requirement for the
Arts and Sciences Core of the University Studies program. Specific outcomes for each class component are
identified below. A full list of outcomes for University Studies Natural Science courses is also given below.
Classes: There will be two lecture-demonstration periods during the week. The demonstrations and explanations of chemical
phenomena presented during class and text assignments provide the body of the course. Theories will be
introduced as needed to help explain the phenomena. Therefore it is expected that the student will attend
every class period. [Outcomes a, b, c, d, f and g]
Written or oral assignments on special topics [Outcomes d, e, and f] and small group, homework and reading
assignments [Outcomes a, b, c, f and g] will be given during the course of the semester. Supplementary
handouts and reading materials may also be distributed during the semester. Guidelines for special topics
papers will be provided when these assignments are given.
A three-ring binder or other suitable folder should be used to contain all demonstration report sheets, whether
graded or not, tests, quizzes, assignments, class and reading notes, homework, and other course materials.
These may be collected and graded for completeness by the instructor during the semester.
Demonstration and Activity Report Sheets:
Demonstration report sheets may be downloaded from the course web site. Activity sheets will either be
available on the web or distributed in class. (It is recommended that you always have several blank demo
sheets available in your notebook.) Each student will complete a demonstration/activity sheet for each
demonstration or in-class special group activity [Outcomes a, b, c, d, e, f, and g]. However, not all
demonstration/ activity sheets will be collected and graded. At the end of each lecture period the instructor
will determine whether the sheets for that day will be collected and graded. Each day’s sheet(s) will earn a
maximum of 20 points, no matter how many demonstrations were performed on that day. The lowest
demonstration/activity sheet score will be dropped. Demonstration and activity sheets will be graded
according to the following criteria:
Are all sections filled out?
In the “brief description of the demonstration”, have the main points been described?
Have questions been noted, and if answers were given in class, have they been noted? If the answers
were not given in class, are the student’s answers correct?
Has the student stated what he or she learned in the demonstration or activity?
Is the student’s understanding of basic chemical ideas increasing as the course progresses?
Does the student correctly use terms and symbols that have been defined or otherwise explained in
the course?
Do the student’s questions indicate a serious inquisitiveness or are they routine and perfunctory?
Does the student use diagrams in the description where appropriate?
Does the student use complete sentences and express herself or himself clearly?
Has the student made a thorough review of the topic and provided a detailed summary or response to
the specific questions posed?
Specific homework assignments may be given during the semester. Homework assignments may be
collected and graded, and answers will be posted. If a homework assignment is collected, it will count the
same amount as an in class assignment. It is suggested that you work the end-of-chapter problems, especially
assigned problems, as they will help to prepare you for quizzes and tests. [Outcomes a, b, c, d] NOTE: No
homework with “ragged” edges will be accepted.
There will be several quizzes during the semester. Quizzes may be announced or unannounced, but will
generally be given every third class day between tests. Some quizzes may be web quizzes. In-class quizzes
will generally be approximately 5-10 minutes in length and may be given either at the beginning or at the end
of the lecture period. There will be NO make-up quizzes during the semester. Make-up quizzes for those
students who demonstrate to the satisfaction of the instructor a legitimate reason for having missed a quiz will
given at the end of the semester. The lowest quiz score will be dropped. [Outcomes a, b, c, d, f and g] (See
attendance policy below.)
There will be two tests during the semester plus a comprehensive final exam. Tentative test dates are
Thursday, February 16 and Thursday, March 29. Exact test dates and the material covered will be
announced at least one week in advance. [Outcomes a, b, c, d, f and g] If you must be absent during a test
period, you MUST notify the instructor as soon as possible. Students able to document to the satisfaction of
the instructor a legitimate reason for having missed a test will either be allowed make up the exam prior to the
next class period or will have the final exam weighted more heavily to make up for the missing test points.
The specific option used in any situation will be at the discretion of the instructor. (See attendance policy
Final Exam:
The final exam for the course will be comprehensive. However, more emphasis will be placed on material
covered after the second test. The time for the final exam is:
Sect 02 Thursday
May 3
1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Should you have questions about the material or experience any difficulty in the course, please see me as
soon as possible so that we can clear up your questions or deal with problems.
It is expected that the student will attend every class. Attendance will be taken. If you are absent, you will
still be responsible for the material covered in class even if you registered late or were “excused”.
A written statement or a health service card should be submitted to the instructor as soon as possible after the
illness. The statement should give your name, the date and time of the class you missed and which test or
“demonstration” day you missed. Except for an illness documented by the Health Service or other medical
practitioner, it will be necessary to give a specific reason for your absence.
The lowest demonstration/activity score AND the lowest quiz score will be dropped. Students able to
document to the satisfaction of the instructor a legitimate reason for having missed more than one quiz or
demonstration score will be given an opportunity to make up the missing points. Students who need to make
up a demonstration will be given an alternative assignment which can be substituted for the missing
demonstration report. It is recommended that such assignments be completed as soon as possible. See the
instructor for the assignment. Quizzes will be made up only at the end of the semester.
If you must be absent during a test period, you MUST notify the instructor as soon as possible. Students able
to document to the satisfaction of the instructor a legitimate reason for having missed a test will either be
allowed make up the exam prior to the next class period or will have the final exam weighted more heavily to
make up for the missing test points. The specific option used in any situation will be at the discretion of the
Classroom and Laptop Etiquette:
You may certainly use your computer for academic purposes during class. Use of a computer for
nonacademic purposes or conducting conversations not related to the class material is not only unprofessional
but can also be highly distracting to other students. Please respect your fellow students and refrain from
inappropriate activity during class. The instructor reserves the right to prohibit the use of computers during
class if the above guidelines are not followed.
Academic Integrity Policy:
Winona State University has detailed various aspects of its academic integrity policy on the university
website ( and in the university catalog. Violations of the
academic integrity policy include cheating, plagiarism, deception or misrepresentation, enabling academic
dishonesty, fabrication, and multiple submission of the same work. It includes the following description of
plagiarism: “Using the words or ideas of another writer without proper acknowledgement so that they may
seem as if they are your own. Plagiarism includes behavior such as copying someone else’s work word for
word, rewriting someone else’s work with only minor word changes, and/or summarizing someone else’s
work without acknowledging the source.” Please note that you must acknowledge other people’s work.
Inclusive Excellence Statement:
WSU recognizes that our individual differences can deepen our understanding of one another and the world
around us rather than divide us. In this class, people of all backgrounds are strongly encouraged to share their
rich array of perspectives and experiences. If you require specific accommodations or if you have other
concerns, please speak with the instructor early in the semester. Many campus resources are available to
support you. A list of campus resources will be posted on D2L.
Marking Distribution:
Demonstration Sheets/Activities/Special Topics
Tentative distribution
---Each paper or special topic ---Each demonstration/activity or
homework assignment—actual % for
each will depend on number collected
Final Exam
45% total
5 to 15% ea
(12.5% each)
(Date given above.)
Course Grades: Final grades for the course will be assigned according to the following scale:
90 %
< 55%
University Studies Natural Science Outcomes
Completion of this course will include requirements and learning activities that promote your ability to achieve the
following Outcomes:
to understand how scientists approach and solve problems in the natural sciences;
to apply those methods to solve problems that arise in the natural sciences;
to use inductive reasoning, mathematics, or statistics to solve problems in natural science;
to engage in independent and collaborative learning;
to identify, find, and use the tools of information science as it relates to natural science;
to critically evaluate both source and content of scientific information; and
to recognize and correct scientific misconceptions.
General Education Natural Science (Goal Area 3) Outcomes
Completion of this course will include requirements and learning activities that promote your ability to achieve the
following Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
Demonstrate understanding of scientific theories.
Formulate and test hypotheses by performing laboratory, simulation, or field experiments in at least two of the natural
science disciplines. One of these experimental components should develop, in greater depth, students' laboratory
experience in the collection of data, its statistical and graphical analysis, and an appreciation of its sources of error and
Communicate their experimental findings, analyses, and interpretations both orally and in writing.
Evaluate societal issues from a natural science perspective, ask questions about the evidence presented, and make
informed judgments about science-related topics and policies.
1. Understand and use basic chemical terminology and concepts.
2. Use and convert between metric and English units.
3. Use the periodic table to determine the subatomic structure of atoms and to explain periodic trends.
4. Use the structure of ionic and covalent compounds to explain the physical and chemical properties of
5. Correlate structures of different types of matter with their physical and chemical properties.
6. Write balanced chemical equations and calculate stoichiometric quantities.
7. Identify acids and bases and describe their properties.
8. Identify families of organic compounds and give their properties and uses.
9. Identify the different types of radioactivity and describe the properties of radioactive isotopes.
10. Analyze environmental and societal issues from a chemical perspective.
E. LEARNING OUTCOMES (MN Transfer Curriculum)
Goal 03 - Natural Science
1. Demonstrate understanding of scientific theories.
2. Formulate and test hypotheses by performing laboratory, simulation, or field experiments in at least
two of the natural science disciplines. One of these experimental components should develop, in
greater depth, students' laboratory experience in the collection of data, its statistical and graphical
analysis, and an appreciation of its sources of error and uncertainty.
3. Communicate their experimental findings, analyses, and interpretations both orally and in writing.
4. Evaluate societal issues from a natural science perspective, ask questions about the evidence
presented, and make informed judgments about science-related topics and policies.