Topic: COMPUTER IN EDUCATION Speaker: Jan Angelo G. Morata Summary: Role of computers in Education 1. Storage of information - computers are brilliant aid in teaching. Education is no longer limited to classrooms. 2. Quick data processing – computers have given impetus to distance education. the internet helps teachers set test papers, frame questions for home assignments and decide project topics. Not just academics because ideas are limitless and it connects computers all around the world. 3. Audio- video in teaching – computer software helps better presentation of information. Use to the visual aid, difficult subjects can be explained in better ways. 4. Access to the internet – computers enable access to the internet which has information on literally everything. Both teachers and students benefits from the use of computer technology. 5. Better presentation of information – computer, hard drives and storage devices are an excellent way to store data. - They are used in networking, for information access and data storage and also in the processing and presentation of information. 6. Quick communication between students, teachers, and parents Computers in education enable us to teach more effectively, reach and teach more students, make the world our classroom as students with internet access can directly tap or resources in their communities or venture beyond the neighborhoods and participate in real time communications across the people. During this pandemic, Technologies, particularly in remote areas, are not widely available. So, hopefully, we'll be able to recover quickly once the pandemic is over. - Computers should be introduced to our students as early as possible. - New Technologies – interactive whiteboard, netbooks, tablets, smartphones, and real – life uses of computers in education. Negative effects- good teaching requires a personal connection. The less fortunate students soon discover technology’s unwelcome. Computers are a health risk, that’s why we should always use anti- radiation glass. Chyryl L. Sacatropez