Basic Fire Safety and Hospital Codes PowerPoint

Safety in the Hospital FIRES NEED 3 THINGS TO START •  Oxygen (Air) •  Fuel (any material that will burn) •  Heat (sparks, matches, flames) Major Causes of Fires •  Carelessness with smoking and matches •  Misuse of electricity (overloading a circuit or overuse of extension cords) •  Improper rubbish disposal •  Improper storage of flammables (such as gasoline) •  Arson EQUIPMENT ü Clean lint and grease from laundry and cooking equipment, venQlator hoods, filters, and ducts on a regular basis. ü Check for and report any cracked or split cords or plugs on the equipment used. ü Faulty equipment and the improper use of equipment are major causes of fire in health care faciliQes EXTENSION CORDS •  Avoid using extension cords whenever possible •  Do not exceed specified amperage •  Do not run extension cords across doorways or anywhere they can be stepped on •  DO not plug one extension cord into another and never plug more than one extension cord into an outlet GENERAL FIRE SAFETY ! Keep combusQbles away from heat producing devices. ! Prevent sparks in paQent areas where oxygen is used. ! Cap and store combusQble liquids properly. GENERAL FIRE SAFETY ! Keep maintenance and storage areas clean and free of trash, sawdust, oily rags, etc. ! Keep halls and stairways clear. ! Be sure that EXIT signs are always lighted and that emergency lighQng is in working order. GENERAL FIRE SAFETY ! Never prop open emergency doors. Fire doors not only let people out, they keep fire from spreading. In the event of a fire, stay calm and RACE… •  R-­‐rescue any paQent in immediate danger •  A-­‐pull the alarm and noQfy other employees of the locaQon and type of fire •  C-­‐contain the fire by closing doors and windows •  E-­‐exQnguish the fire or evacuate the area Types of Fire ExQnguishers •  Main classes: A, B, C, and D •  Class A: for combusQbles such as paper, cloth, plasQc, or wood •  Class B: for flammable or combusQble liquids which include gasoline, paint, grease, or cooking fat •  Class C: for electrical fires such as fuse boxes, appliances, wiring, and electrical outlets (the C stands for non-­‐conducQve) •  Class D: for burning or specific combusQble metals COMPONENTS OF FIRE EXTINGUISHERS •  Pressurized water exQnguishers (Class A fires only) •  Dry Chemical exQnguishers (ABC or BC) •  Carbon dioxide exQnguishers (Class B and C) •  Class D exQnguishers-­‐ must match the type of metal that is burning Using a portable fire exQnguisher: PASS •  Keep your back to the exit and stand 10-­‐20 feet away from the fire •  P-­‐Pull the pin •  A-­‐Aim low •  S-­‐Squeeze from •  S—Sweep side to side Codes at North Hills Hospital Orange-­‐-­‐-­‐ radia9on threat Silver– weapons-­‐hostage Blue – cardiac arrest Red – fire Pink-­‐ missing infant/child Gray/black – severe weather/tornado Yellow-­‐ disaster plan White-­‐ chemical spill Brown-­‐ bomb threat Purple-­‐ psychiatric/violent pa9ent AcQvity •  Create a foldable for your notes using the 10 safety codes at NHH •  Create a second foldable for your notes using the PASS and RACE acronym •  BE CREATIVE!! Fire Video •  Fire Video Part 1 •  Fire Video Part 2 •  Christmas Tree Fire Bell Ringer •  Diversified Health OccupaQon Textbook – Read pages-­‐ 343-­‐349 -­‐-­‐
Observing Fire Safety – P. 349 Answer # 6, 7, 9 The Josie King Story •  The Josie King Story 