Implementation Minutes Student Team BANNER Student Discovery

Implementation Minutes
Student Team
BANNER Student Discovery
Date: October 8-10, 2008
Meeting Information
Sandra Beaulac
Note Taker
Renee Roach
Renee Roach, Jamie Glover, Cindy Meadows, Aubree Helvey, Debbie
Crossland, Zoe DuRant, Terri Gentry, Julie Duncan, Brenda Dally, Laquita
Shaw, Chris Crandon, Kelly Simon, Kelli Peterson, Linda Phillips, Stacie Bain,
Dawne Massey, Frank Myers, Jennifer Castricone, Julie Kendall, Hillary Ashton,
Marcella Gustafson, Kurt Jn Marie, Jennifer Holland, Gayle King, Casey Case,
Susan Camp, Janie Harrell, Velton Flowers, Lorinda Rogers, Amanda Husak,
Vicki Henson.
GAPs Identified:
Recruiting Prospects – Data Entry and understanding
Cameron University currently utilizes a “prospect ranking” to determine
the likelihood of a prospect attending as a student. There is currently
not a place in BANNER to house “prospect ranking” points.
Will Cameron University allow functional users to access “views” in
SHOWLETT (letter tracking system in legacy) will not be converted
without additional expense. How will we convert the data that indicates
all letter sequences (communication) that has been sent to students?
Decisions Made:
Decisions Required:
Other Issues and
Action Items / Assignments
Provide 3 CHAR coding for Admissions Counselors
Counselors need to enter curriculum in BANNER – this field
drives everything.
Counselors have to distinguish between contacts, sources
and “how did I learn”. Contact is the event, source is the
college or high school where the event is held and “how did
I learn” is the recruiting effort (newspaper, flyers, etc.)
Admissions counselors need to provide Sandra a list of
recruiting efforts.
Recruits who will be admitted Fall 2010 will be converted.
Prospects will be entered into BANNER from Spring 2010
forward (those who are being recruited for the Fall 2010
term and beyond).
Frank Myers
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Deliverable does not include high school codes/addresses
(we need to purchase this from College Board).
SANDRA DO – determine if recruiting comments are being
converted, if not how will that data be saved for reviewing?
Official SAT scores are converted into ACT equivalency
score in legacy system. Oklahoma State Board of Regents
provided a conversion table that is used to make this
determination manually. Need to locate a test course field
that will differentiate if SAT scores have been converted to
ACT scores manually. Start tracking this from this point
Data is not currently collected on whether a prospect has
previously attended a college. Would like to start tracking
this for the future.
Letter tracking will not be converted in BANNER. We need
to be able to access this information.
Sandra needs a list of recruiting letters. Only 10 letters are
created as part of the deliverable. 10 total letters will be
established (to be shared between admissions &
A formal sequence for communication plans may be
developed in BANNER.
We currently participate in the OK College Start program in
which students may enter Applications via a web site
created through the Xap Corporation (OK State Regents
GAPs Identified:
Decisions Made:
Decisions Required:
Other Issues and
Action Items / Assignments
Cameron University does not use CEU’s.
Class rank is used in the legacy system and needs to be
converted into BANNER.
BANNER has the capability to use selective admissions – a
way to make an automated decision. Workbooks are on
the share drive in BANNER documentation to help teach
ourselves to use this function.
There are different admit codes (student type) that must be
kept for Oklahoma State Board of Regents reporting. We
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must be able to include this in the converted data.
A student cannot register if they have an inactive general
student record.
One year of inactivity requires readmission regardless of
whether the student is Graduate or Undergraduate.
Currently, we do not create a record for each transcript we
receive (high school, etc). This could be used as a
recruiting tool.
EDI is not part of the BANNER deliverable. If we need EDI,
we would have to present it as a “Modification” to Sherry.
Physical location of person entering admissions application
is determined by the USER ID of whom entered it into the
legacy system.
In legacy, we use “location code” to prevent students from
enrolling in courses at other CU – locations and to allow
those at particular locations exclusive opportunities of
Probation/Suspension hold will not be a part of the
deliverable, but needs to be added to current list of holds.
SANDRA DO – Sandra needs to send a screen capture of
STVHLDD to Linda.
We need to start building equivalency catalogs. Feeder
schools also need to be entered.
In BANNER, transfer courses are listed as actual Cameron
University courses on the transcript.
Maintaining Catalog and Schedule
GAPs Identified:
Ask Dwayne about including notation on course to designate whether
the course meets the Liberal Arts & Sciences requirement for
Decisions Made:
Decisions Required:
Other Issues and
Action Items / Assignments
Course catalog will be configured by SunGard.
Need current discipline to configure catalog (from the go
live term forward).
Sandra needs most current information for the course
catalog right away (early November). Data extractions are
due in December 2008.
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We need a way to notate whether a course satisfies the
Liberal Arts & Sciences graduation requirement (+ on
Transcript in legacy system).
BANNER must know grade modes. Linda & Sandra are
building SHAGRDE table. Need to know what grades fall
within a mode and provide to the IT staff.
Must provide registration restrictions and pre-requisites/corequisites in course detail that is provided to Sandra.
Banner can restrict by college, major, class, level, degree,
program or campus on pre-requisites.
Discipline codes are associated with departments in legacy
Pre-requisites and co-requisites must be provided in a
spreadsheet format to Sandra.
Buildings will need to be coded – we can use the current
TMA system that Physical Facilities is utilizing to retrieve
this data.
Grade modes must be determined from legacy system
based upon a particular course – such as A-F, S/U, P/F.
SSASECT – will need to know whether a class is a lecture
or lab at the time the section is built.
Need to distinguish whether courses are standard courses
or fall within a “part of term”. Linda will provide this
information to IT & Sandra.
Can roll schedule from one semester to the next without
rebuilding each individual section.
BANNER will provide detailed information on room conflicts
when building the schedule. It will specifically state what
course is in a particular room as opposed to in legacy,
simply stating that a conflict exists.
SLARDEF for rooms – distinguish by gender, classroom,
residence hall, capacity. There must be an indicator such
as residence life or classroom.
Attributes may be associated with a classroom such as
handicapped accessible, male/female, smoking, etc.
Casey Case will provide room attributes and housing
attributes and provide to Sandra.
Registering Students and maintaining Academic Records
GAPs Identified:
Must have ability to report matriculation term to Oklahoma State Board
of Regents.
Need methodology to continue Early Alert notification system from
legacy to BANNER.
Need ability to assign CARE REQUESTS in BANNER. A faculty/staff
member may post a care request on a students account in legacy
MyCU to alert others of suspicious behavior or demeanor.
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Must have Retention GPA line on transcript.
VA certifies students based on parts of term. These must be identified
for correct awarding policies.
Remedial courses are currently graded as A, B, C, D, F. We may have
to change remedial grading to Pass/Fall or possibly use RA, RB, RC,
etc. We will need to attempt a prototype with Dwayne and determine
how the grades will be affected within the GPA.
In legacy, institutional and transfer totals are affected by the
retention/forgiveness policy. The overall GPA is not affected by these
BANNER does not use RANK to calculate any type of honors.
Decisions Made:
Decisions Required:
Other Issues and
Action Items / Assignments
Must have ability in BANNER to report matriculation term.
In legacy, this is determined by admitting codes.
Will need to differentiate between Undergraduate and
Graduate students.
Both students and faculty/staff will be able to register in
BANNER. BANNER uses a methodology to determine who
can enroll and at what time.
We will need to determine if faculty/staff will need access to
self service BANNER for override and look-u capability.
There are many items that are not included in Internet
Native BANNER that advisors/faculty will need access to.
We need to have a location in which we can monitor
whether a student has attended an orientation.
We need to check with peer Oklahoma institution that have
converted to BANNER and see if they will “share” their
articulation catalog.
Enrollment in BANNER is curriculum related according to
the students major. 4 CHAR coding will need to be set up
to distinguish majors. This 4 CHAR code will not be visible
to the students; they will only see the name of the major,
ex: Business Administration (BADM).
All faculty (including adjuncts) must have an active general
person record to be able to register students.
Student will provide advisor with PIN number to access
student’s records. We do not currently have faculty
assignments in the legacy system.
Currently, past institutional (Cameron University)
coursework is entered in the transfer summary in legacy
system. We need to ask Dwayne if this will be a problem
for data mapping.
We currently utilize an early alert system to notify students
of any academic issues they may be facing. It is currently
maintained in MyCU. Miriam Hernandez maintains an
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access database with this information included to mail
letters to the students who qualify for early alert.
Care requests are currently utilized in legacy system. We
have identified this as a GAP; we will need this capability in
Retention GPA needs to be included in GPA lines on
transcript. We have previously identified this as a GAP.
We are required by the Oklahoma State Board of Regents
to report this GPA.
We must have the option of reporting remediation to
Oklahoma State Board of Regents. This will be a
modification or we will need to visit with UCO to determine
if they will share the modification they purchased from
Grade reports are visible in BANNER immediately after the
grade has been entered.
Veteran’s certification requires additional information that
what BANNER currently provides. Student received
payment according to number of hours enrolled. VA must
certify by parts of term. This is considered a GAP.
Major codes that are obsolete must be converted for those
who received a degree in the past under a previous degree
Interdisciplinary Studies Degree is not on degree validation
table. We may have to create a one-to-many relationship
to encompass the concentrations that are required in the
IDS degree.
Cameron University GPA includes all work completed at
CU excluding those courses that have been forgiven.
Retention GPA is the GPA that includes all CU & transfer
work excluding any forgiveness/reprieved courses. Overall
GPA includes all work (including courses that have been
Banner includes a delivered report that will note all students
who have a “sought” record (seeking to graduate). The
report has the capability to change the outcome status from
seeking to “awarded” at the end of the semester. We must
manually change the code if the student does not finish the
degree requirements.
Honors may be institutional, departmental or be listed as
comments. BANNER does not use rank to calculate any
type of honors.
In order to assign a faculty member to a section, they must
be created in SIAINST in BANNER to be enabled as a
faculty member.
For faculty load information, there are category, staff and
workload rules. Linda will provide a comprehensive list to
Sandra of the different types of ranks.
Workload rules may be based upon staff type and can be
broken down by department.
We need to determine which faculty will be designated as
advisors. Sandra will need to know this information.
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