February 7 2016 - The Parish of St Charles Borromeo, Hampton

Hampton-on-the-Hill CV35 8QR
This Parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham:
registered charity number 234216
Parish Priest: Canon E.M.Stewart (01926 492263)
Notices for the Week beginning the Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time February 7 2016.
Fifth Sunday of Ordinary
Time Year of Luke
9.30 a.m.
11 a.m.
Ash Wednesday
after Ash Wednesday
after Ash Wednesday
after Ash Wednesday
10 a.m.
7.30 a.m.
12 noon
7 p.m.
12 noon
10 a.m.
10 a.m.
First Sunday of Lent
Isaiah 6:1-8
The Psalm
1 Corinthians
Luke 5:1-11
9.30 a.m.
11 a.m.
10.30 - 11 a.m.
Isaiah’s call follows the regular pattern of a sense of unworthiness,
the forgiveness of sin and the consequent sense of confidence.
A song of praise and thanks for divine help and a promise to
broadcast the goodness of God.
This version of the creed (the saving Death of Christ, his burial and
the saving Resurrection, followed by the appearances of the Risen
Christ) is probably the oldest.
Peter (and his companions) are overcome with awe at this miracle
and experience a sense of their unworthiness. But Jesus reassures
them of their divine call to be part of his work of salvation for all.
BAPTISM PREPARATION A new series of meetings will be taking place soon, so would parents and
expectant contact Fr Stewart to fix suitable dates.
RETIRING COLLECTIONS Today - February 7, - Pro-life charities;
March 6 - Cathedral Maintenance -
February 21 - Family Fast Day -
Ash Wednesday
is a day of fasting and abstinence
“LIFE” is unique among prolife organizations in that it combines prolife campaigning and education work
with a comprehensive care service (counselling, housing and support of all kinds during and after
pregnancy).It does not simply say that abortion, IVF etc. are wrong, it provides positive alternatives to them.
YEAR OF MERCY PILGRIMAGE A deanery pilgrimage to St Chad’s’ or one of the other designated
places is planned. But each parish has been invited to make its own parish pilgrimage to St
Peter’s in Leamington. Please indicate your interest to Fr Stewart. Assuming a Sunday afternoon is
chosen, the outline service would be: a penitential service with Holy Hour and confessions and tea in the
hall or garden. What about Sunday, March 5, at 2.30 p.m.?????
WHERE IS THE CONSULTATION? In almost every discussion, whether from a priest who is celebrating 5
weekend Masses and wishes to drop one, to the legitimate calculation of the number of Masses that are
needed rather than desired, it is the case that the Lay Faithful ask this question. The first answer is the
Diocesan Consultation document and Pastoral letter beginning the most recent series of consultations
which is still available on the Future Planning section of the Diocesan Website
(https://intranet.birminghamdiocese.org.uk. In that document, of Easter 2012, the laity were asked to
gather with their priest (and deacon) and consider questions like
i. What is your knowledge and experience of the parishes of your Deanery?
ii. How do we respond to the reality of fewer priests?
iii. How does our Sunday Mass attendance fit into our weekend?
iv. What priorities should the Diocese take into account when considering Sunday Mass
Yet so many parishioners seem to be unaware of the consultation, or feel that they were never
made aware of it.
UNIVERSITY STUDENTS AND THOSE IN HIGHER EDUCATION. As we are asked to focus on different
groups during this Jubilee Year of Mercy, our attention turns this weekend to this group. There will be a
service of prayer for all those involved in Higher Education, and to which everybody is invited, at St Chad’s
Cathedral, Birmingham, on the evening of Saturday 5th March from 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. with a chance to
enter the Holy Door of Mercy, Confession, a Service of the Word with Music. This has been organised by
the University Chaplains in our Diocese together with the University Catholic Societies.
For further information please contact Fr Ray Corbett: r.corbett@aston.ac.uk
“HOLY DOOR of MERCY” The Holy Door at St Peter’s in Leamington has been “opened”. Symbolically,
passing through the “holy door” stands for passing over the threshold into God’s mercy. To obtain the
Jubilee Indulgence: make a pilgrimage through the door of mercy; celebrate the Sacrament of mercy
(confession) and receive Holy Communion (this does not have to be at the same time as passing through
the door) and recite the creed and say a prayer for the pope’s intentions. Put simply, an indulgence is
making good the damage caused by our sins, even when the sin has been forgiven. We know that, when
we say sorry after an argument, we still have to work hard to heal the hurt and repair the friendship.
BIBLE STUDY Meeting on Monday at 7.15 p.m.
SACRAMENTAL PREPARATIONS 1ST Holy Communion class on Monday at 4 p.m.. Confirmation class
on Monday at 5.45 p.m.
FR STEWART’S DIARY Tuesday: Deanery meeting at Princethorpe.
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES AT Princethorpe Foundation – invigilators and development manager.
See www.princethorpe.co.uk/employment-opportunities.
“RICH IN MERCY” EPHESIANS 2:4 The Society of Saint Gregory is holding a day of talks, workshops
and prayer. All are welcome, particularly anyone involved in parish ministry, or wishing to reflect on what
the Jubilee Year means for parishes. Saturday, 20 February 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at St Nicholas, Boldmere,
Sutton Coldfield B73 5US. Speaker: Fr Allen Morris Keynote talk, group discussion, reflection and prayer
(Stations of the Cross) and in the afternoon - Workshops for readers, musicians and singers (focusing on
preparing for Holy Week), and First Sacraments – for parish catechists. Evening Prayer. The cost is £10
pp including lunch. Email Mary Rouse at bookings@ssg.org.uk or telephone Mary (07540 532785)
ECUMENICAL LENT COURSE Wednesdays February 17 & 24th, March 2, 9 & 23 at St. Nicholas Church
Warwick. Coffee available from 7 p.m. start time 7.30 p.m.
Hampton-on-the-Hill CV35 8QR
This Parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham:
registered charity number 234216
Parish Priest: Canon E.M.Stewart (01926 492263)
RICH IN MERCY Ephesians 2:4 . A day of talks, reflections and workshops on Saturday, February 27,
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at St Nicholas, Boldmere. Cost: £10.00, incl. lunch. Bookings: bookings@ssg.org.uk
See poster.
KENELM YOUTH TRUST See poster for youth events 2016 calendar.
ANNUAL DIOCESAN MASS to commemorate the anniversary of the Assassination of Archbishop Oscar
Romero Tuesday, March 8, at 1pm at St Chad's Cathedral. See poster on notice board. For more
information email: cafod@birmingham.ora.uk
DEEPER :Snatching Victory from the Jaws of Defeat Studies from Jude: talks by Stephen Gaukroger.
Monday, March 14 – Wednesday, March 16, 7.30 p.m. www.warwickbaptists.org.uk/deeper See poster.
CAFOD Join our Team taking Global Justice into Schools! Could you spare some time to volunteer with
CAFOD? CAFOD Birmingham is looking for volunteers in your area to work with children and young people
in Catholic schools to help them learn about the world, and to inspire them to take action on poverty and
injustice with CAFOD. Full training and resources will be supplied and travel expenses covered. For further
information, please contact CAFOD Birmingham on 01922 722 944 or at birmingham@cafod.org.uk .
THE DIOCESAN INTRANET The following letters can be accessed: World Day for Migrants and Refugees
(17 January 2016); the Papal Message for the World Day of Prayer for the Sick (11 February 2016) and the
Papal Message for Lent 2016. https://intranet.birminghamdiocese.org.uk You will also be able to find
letters from the archbishop on the parish website (www.stcharles-borromeo.org.uk as well as the
diocesan website.
COMECE the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Community, has a new website,
launched at the end of October. (www.comece.eu).
ASCENT MOVEMENT Life Ascending, formerly Ascent Movement, seeks to bring together men and
women who are looking to enrich their later years and, through the bond of friendship and prayer, they are
encouraged to reach out to others. The work of Life Ascending is endorsed by Cardinal Nichols. The
movement has produced free leaflets which are available from their National Secretary, Mrs Ryde, on 020
8202 4930 and further information can be found at www.ascendmovement.org.uk.
WORKS OF MERCY Corporal Works: feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, shelter
the homeless, visit the sick, visit the imprisoned, and bury the dead. Spiritual Works: admonish the sinner,
instruct the ignorant, counsel the doubtful, comfort the sorrowful, bear wrongs patiently, forgive all injuries,
and pray the living and the dead
JUBILEE YEAR INDULGENCE Conditions for the Jubilee indulgence: a brief pilgrimage to the “Holy Door”
as a sign of a deep desire for true conversion; Confession and Holy Communion with a reflection on mercy;
plus prayers (traditionally an Our Father, Hail Mary and Apostles’ Creed) for the Pope and his intentions for
the good of the Church and of the entire world. Finally, significance is placed on the importance of the
spiritual and corporal works of mercy, adding that “each time one of the faithful personally performs one or
other of these actions, he or she shall surely obtain the Jubilee Indulgence” (from a letter of Pope Francis).
INDULGENCES What are they? When we sin, there are two effects. Firstly, we offend God and secondly
we inflict damage on ourselves in some way. In Confession we obtain God’s forgiveness but the
consequences of sin remain. That is what is meant when we speak of the temporal punishment due to sin.
If we do not “pay this penalty”, by extra good works and prayers in this life, Purgatory will do the rest.
Indulgences are a way of wiping out these consequences. A plenary indulgence frees one from all temporal
punishment due to sin. This gift can also be gained for other people, living or dead.
INDULGENCES - THE CHURCH’S SPIRITUAL TREASURY. Indulgences will be a big part of this Year of
Jubilee and so it will be well to rehearse the teaching of the Church on this matter. Since the Church is the
Body of Christ with each of us its members, whatever one does affects the others. So every good action,
especially those of the saints, builds up a sort of spiritual treasury into which we are privileged to dip. The
Church specifies the means of access. In the early centuries the penitential system was mainly concerned
with serious sins (murder, apostasy, adultery etc.) and the penances were rather severe and could have
included things that could take time, such as a pilgrimage. This would have taken x number of days. So
when prayers began to be substituted for such penances, the idea arose that they would be the equivalent
of the number of days the pilgrimage, for example, would have taken. That is why the old prayer books
used to indicate the number of days that the indulgence was worth
JOHN PAUL II AWARD This award is specifically for young people who have completed their GCSE’s and
who are ready to commit time to help in the Parish. This could involve reading at Mass, cleaning, helping at
the children’s liturgy etc. etc. They would also record hours of service in some sort of social action, which
could be anything from being a volunteer coach for a sports team, fund-raising or even being a handmaid
(or the male equivalent) at Lourdes. This award is a great way to recognize the achievement of committed
young people and also to encourage and support young people on the fringes to engage more deeply in
parish life and as a disciple of Jesus. http:/www.bcys.co.uk
COLLEGIUM MUSICUM Do you sing? Have you tried? Would you like to? Come along to a rehearsal,
which take place every Monday, 7.45 p.m., at the Collegiate Church of St Mary. See poster.
LAUDATO SI ANIMATION Watch CAFOD’S animation for young people on Pope Francis' encyclical.
news@cafod.net also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3Lz7dmn1eM for everyone and
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOgF2Kgel6k for children.
CATHOLICISM a Journey in Faith- a Faith-exploration programme at St Joseph’s Whitnash (a DVD ten
week course) on Tuesdays, at 7.30 p.m. See notice board. All are welcome.
temporarily unobtainable. Please refer to individual parish websites.
THE SYNOD “The consensus (2/3 majority for every paragraph) achieved at the end of the Synod on the
Family was hard fought and hard won, following bitter disputes. But the biggest triumph was the process
itself and the space it gives Pope Francis to take action” (The Tablet). Cardinal Nichols felt that the
atmosphere at the end resonated with the same kind of excitement and amazement that he recalled, as a
young seminarian, from the Second Vatican Council.
catholicfamily.org.uk (a rich resource for all church
documents on the subject) homeisaholyplace.org.uk familias-ew.org.uk cedar.uk.net marriagecare.org.uk
PARISH SAFEGUARDING REPRESENTATIVE Mrs Suzie Vogiaridis is our Parish representative. Her
responsibility is to ensure the safety on Parish premises of children and vulnerable adults. It is also her duty
to ensure that all who have any significant regular contact with children or vulnerable adults go through the
proper application process. Her name and ‘contact details will appear on the notice-board.
GALLOWS HILL DEVELOPMENT Traditionally this was the site of the martyrdom of the Warwick Martyrs
in 1595 (Blessed William Freeman) and 1604 (Blessed John Sugar and Blessed Robert Grissold). Fr
Stewart met with the developers last week and they have indicated that, if the development goes through,
they are prepared to “dedicate” a green area and are open to erecting some suitable “monument”, subject,
of course, to cost, design and the need to avoid giving offence to anybody.
FIVE PRECEPTS OF THE CHURCH What are they "? (1) You shall attend Mass on Sunday and holy
days of obligation and abstain from work or activities that offend against the character of the day. (2) You
shall receive the sacrament of Penance at least once a year. (3) You shall receive the Eucharist at least
during the Easter season. (4) You shall observe the prescribed seasons of fasting and days of abstinence
(Ash Wednesday and Good Friday). (5) You shall contribute to the material support of the Church. What
is the purpose of the precepts of the Church, and how binding are they? The "Five Precepts of the
Church" with their minimum requirements are supposed to remind us that one cannot be a Christian without
Hampton-on-the-Hill CV35 8QR
This Parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham:
registered charity number 234216
Parish Priest: Canon E.M.Stewart (01926 492263)
making a moral effort, without participating personally in the sacramental life of the Church, and without
union with her in solidarity. They are obligatory for every Catholic Christian. (YOUCAT questions 345-346).
MISERICORDIAE VULTUS THE FACE OF MERCY From the beginning of his Pontificate, Pope Francis
has made it his priority to carry God's mercy to the whole world. In this new document, the Holy Father calls
us to reflect upon the mystery of mercy, especially the spiritual and corporal works of mercy, and place a
renewed emphasis on the Sacrament of Reconciliation so that the witness of believers might grow ever
stronger. www.ctsbooks.org 0207 640 0042 orders@ctsbooks.org
TRINITY CATHOLIC SCHOOL is seeking the views of the parishioners of the Warwick Deanery. For the
questionnaire, see www.trinity-school.org.uk and follow the link https:www.surveymonkey.com/s/BL6VKXQ
or access it via Twitter@catholictrinity. Trinity is YOUR local Catholic school and your views are very
important. Trinity School regularly talks to students, parents/guardians (current and prospective) and the
wider public to ensure that it is doing the best it can for the people it serves. We want to be sure that our
work and our vision are aligned with our community’s needs.
EVANGELII GAUDIUM/THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL In this “exhortation” (a response to the deliberations
of the synod of bishops on the New Evangelization) Pope Francis says: 1. The joy of the gospel fills the
hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus. Those who accept his offer of salvation are set free from sin,
sorrow, inner emptiness and loneliness. With Christ joy is constantly born anew. In this Exhortation I wish to
encourage the Christian faithful to embark upon a new chapter of evangelization marked by this joy, while
pointing out new paths for the Church’s journey in years to come. see www.vatican.va
ASSISTED SUICIDE (www.catholicnews.org.uk/assisted-suicide). Another excellent resource for
information: www.bioethics.org.uk (the website of the Anscombe Bioethics centre).
THANKS to donations of wool from here and elsewhere. 1000 hats for seamen have been knitted by the
St Peter’s group and distributed at all UK ports over the last 2 years. Donations of wool are always
welcome in the box at back of church. See article in “Catholic Today”
CATHOLIC PARTNERSHIP SUPPLY SERVICE is recruiting teachers and support staff to work within
Catholic Schools. E: info@cpss.org.uk or www.cpss.org.uk
NEW HANDBOOK FOR THE MINISTRY OF READING Visit www.ctsbooks.org For a short while the full
text will be available on their website. This introduction to the Liturgical Ministry of Reader answers the
most important questions for those who proclaim the Word of God to the faithful. There is also a similar
handbook for the Extraordinary Ministers of Communion.
LITTLE ANGELS PRE SCHOOL (rated Good by Ofsted) at St Mary Immaculate Primary School.
There are places available. See leaflets at the back of church.
SENIOR LEADERSHIP VACANCIES in Catholic Schools across the Archdiocese are now advertised on
the Diocesan Education Service website at: www.bdes.org.uk
KINGDOM REVELATOR – a new catholic magazine for teenagers. For free download of previous issues
see www.sehion.net/home/magazine.
CATHOLIC SINGLES is an organisation which helps single adult Catholics of all ages meet, either one to
one or through social events. Please tel. 0161 941 3498, visit the website www.catholicsingles.org.uk or
email info@catholicsingles.org.uk for more information.
WHAT ARE CREEDS? Creeds are brief formulas of faith that make it possible for all believers to make a
common profession. Brief formulas of this kind can be found already in the letters of St. Paul. The early
Christian Apostles' Creed has a special dignity, because it is thought to be a summary of the faith of the
apostles. The Nicene Creed is highly esteemed because it resulted from the great councils of the Church
when Christendom was still undivided (Nicaea, 325; Constantinople, 381) and is to this day the common
basis for the Christian in the East and the West. (YOUCAT question 26).
How did the creeds come about? The creeds go back to Jesus, who commanded his disciples to
baptize. In doing so, they were to require of the people seeking Baptism the profession of a definite faith,
namely, faith in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Trinity). The original cell from which all later creeds
grew is the profession of faith in Jesus the Lord and in his missionary mandate. He told his apostles, "Go
therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of
the Holy Spirit" (Mt 28:19). All the creeds of the Church are elaborations of the faith in this Triune God.
Each of them begins with a profession of faith in the Father, the Creator and preserver of the world, then
refers to the Son, through whom the world and we ourselves have found redemption, and concludes with a
profession of faith in the Holy Spirit, who is the presence of God in the Church and in the world. (YOUCAT
question 27)
VOLUNTEER GUIDES WANTED by St Mary’s Collegiate Church in Warwick to inform visitors about the
church and its history. If you are interested and could spare a couple of hours a week, please contact the
Parish Office on 01926 403940.
CATHOLICS IN HEALTHCARE WEBSITE catholicsinhealthcareblog@gmail.com
An Interesting and useful website/email
address for updates on the situation with videos and arguments in favour of the traditional definition of
marriage and suggestions about what can still be done.
HEALING ON THE STREETS (HOTS) OF WARWICK On second Saturdays a group of church people
under the auspices of Churches Together in Warwick has been setting up “shop” in the Market Place and
asking passers-by if they would like to be “prayed over” for their own problems or on behalf of others.
ST CHAD’S SANCTUARY See www.stchad’ssanctuary.com for what they are doing for the destitute
and especially for refugees from Iran, Sudan, Eritrea and now Syria.
S.V.P. VISITS AT WARWICK HOSPITAL. Members of the St Vincent de Paul Society at St Mary
Immaculate visit the sick in Warwick Hospital every week. If you have a relative or friend or know of anyone
who is in hospital and might appreciate a visit, please contact the SVP on 01926-493549. Of course, Fr
Bob Devaney, the Chaplain, visits regularly. Fr Stewart, of course, likes to visit parishioners in hospital.
Most Sundays 6.30 p.m. during term-time.
Maryvale offers a comprehensive range of courses, providing gradual
levels of formal achievement, with programmes, Certificates and Diplomas in Scripture, the Catholic Faith,
Catechist Formation, Marriage and Family, Evangelisation and Ministry, and many other topics central to
the life and mission of the Church. See leaflets at back of church.
CTS RACK A selection of pamphlets from the Catholic Truth Society are available at the back of church.
The CTS provides a wide variety of literature on religious subjects.
PARISH CEMETERY John Yarnold is responsible for the management of the cemetery and queries about
purchase of plots etc. should be addressed to him. His number is on the notice-board outside church.
CATENIAN BURSARY FUND is to help young Catholics, aged 16-25, undertaking community-based
projects in UK or abroad, including assisting pilgrims in Lourdes. Projects should involve Christian
principles and benefit others but there is no preferred voluntary activity. Grants towards travel and living
costs but not intended to cover all costs fully. See notice board or contact Alex Mellon, (01926 843000).
Hampton-on-the-Hill CV35 8QR
This Parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham:
registered charity number 234216
Parish Priest: Canon E.M.Stewart (01926 492263)
VERBUM DOMINI – the Word of God in the life and mission of the church. An exhortation from the .Holy
Father, an excellent resource for deepening our understanding of Scripture. Copies are on sale at £2.00.
CARDINAL NEWMAN EXHIBITION See notice-board for details of the exhibition at the Birmingham
Oratory, week-ends 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. or join a Day Pilgrimage with guided tour.
GAP YEAR ??? Alton Castle offers 18+ young people or under-24 graduates a rewarding year working
with children, studying for a Degree in Youth Ministry, Higher Diploma in Youth Ministry or Registered
Practitioner Qualification in Outdoor Activities. See poster and leaflets at back of church.