The Unit Organizer 4 BIGGER PICTURE NAME DATE Basic Geographic Ideas LAST UNIT/Experience 2 “ization” words, Currency, Trade 8 CRITICAL INFORMATION Multiple Choice- GDP, GDP/capita** population density**, population distribution Urban, rural , standard of living, 5 1 3 CURRENT CURRENT UNIT UNIT Population /Standard of Living NEXT UNIT/Experience Religion & Early Civilization UNIT MAP Basic terms of population & standard of living Starts with how aspects of these ideas (like pop density, life expectancy, and literacy rate) determine the type of country Developed & Developing Countries type of country harmful spillover, helpful spillover ** = be able to figure Matching- Seeing how those aspects are effected by life expectancy, literacy rate Birth rate, death rate, rate of natural increase Demography, rural, urban, GNP, GDP Using knowledge Of those terms to look at Rural vs Urban Countries around the world Fill-in – population, migration 3. 4. 5. Other Important Ideas 2. Identify current trends and patterns of *rural and urban population distribution in selected countries of Africa, Asia and the Southwest Pacific and analyze the causes for these patterns. (7.3.8) EX: life expectancy, income, literacy, education, natural resources Compare and contrast the standard of living (developed and developing) of various countries in Africa, Asia, and South west Pacific using *Gross Domestic Product (GDP), GDP/Capita, literacy rate, and life expectancy as a indicators; hypothesize how factors including urbanization, industrialization, and globalization could affect the differences in standards of living statistics (7.4.4) Analyze different methods that countries in Africa, Asia, and Southwest Pacific have used to increase their citizens’ individual human capital (7.4.5) Identify ways that societies deal with helpful and harmful externalities (spillovers) in Africa, Asia, or the Southwest Pacific. (7.4.6) How does population and standard of living relate to your life? **The BOLDED questions above are the short answer questions. The numbers in the parenthesis behind the statement correlates to the Indiana State Standard. 6 UNIT 7 1. OtherRELATIONSHIPS Important Ideas UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS Human capital , GDP/capita