Programme and booking form

Economic History Society
(Charity Nos. 228494; SCO38304)
Women’s Committee 24th Annual Workshop
Single people and the world of goods
Saturday, 9 November 2013
University of Wolverhampton
The Women’s Committee workshop in 2013 seeks to examine how singleness was experienced and
expressed through material culture. The central focus of the workshop will be on consumption,
economic independence, and material culture relating to spinsters, bachelors and the widowed
between the 17th and 19th centuries. Participants will include:
Amy Louise Erickson (University of Cambridge)
Capital acquisition by apprentices in the London clothing trades c.1700
Jane Hamlett (Royal Holloway University of London)
‘None of that rotten effeminate stuff here’? Domesticity and material culture in English public
schools, 1840-1918
Judith Spicksley (University of York)
Ribbons, curls and a coach: the importance of appearance for the gentle spinster in seventeenthcentury Hereford
Diana Russell (Bath Spa University)
‘Location and relocation’: Bath’s female run businesses c1800-1851
Derek Janes (University of Exeter)
John Nisbet of Gunsgreen House and his housekeeper Janet Ferguson
Britt Denis (University of Antwerp)
Singled out (in) the ideal of domesticity? Ninetenth-century homemakers in Antwerp and Ghent
William Redmore Bigg, 1793, A Cottage Interior: An Old Woman Preparing Tea ©V&A
The workshop will be held at the University of Wolverhampton’s main campus a few
minutes’ walk from the train station.
Workshop fees, inclusive of all refreshments: £25 non-members; £20 members of the
Economic History Society; £15 unwaged. Ten free places are available for students on a
first-come first-served basis; please provide evidence of status with your booking form.
To book, please complete and return the slip below.
For further information please contact Margaret Ponsonby and
David Hussey
Booking form for the 24th Annual Women’s Committee Workshop
Postal Address:
Post code:
Email Address:
Dietary or other requirements:
Cheque (made payable to the ‘Economic History Society’) enclosed for:
Please return to Dr Margaret Ponsonby, LSSC, University of Wolverhampton, Wulfruna
Street, Wolverhampton, WV1 1LY, by Monday 28/10/13