One of a Kind Commercial Second Semester

One of a Kind Commercial
Use the Design Cycle to create a one of a kind commercial!
You will produce your own commercial using
presuasive and production techniques.
You will decide who you want to target as your
audience in your commercial.
You will analyze the content of commercials to gain an understanding of the
marketing techniques that are used to sell goods to consumers. You will identify
target audiences, selling techniques, and messages used in ads. You will learn
how to record quality video.
Product and Purpose
You will form production teams and work together to film a commercial. You will
select a product to advertise. Your group will determine the target audience,
selling technique/s, and messages you would like to convey to the viewer to
convince them to purchase the item.
Standards and Criteria for Success
Your commercial must include the following:
o a pre-existing product or one you have invented
o an obvious target audience
o easy to identify selling technique/s
o messages you would like to convey to the viewer to get them to want to
purchase your product
o production techniques that capture and hold the attention of the target
These writing skills are taught in elementary school and are expected of 8th grade
The first letter of the sentence should be capitalized.
The sentence should end with punctuation.
Names and places should be capitalized.
“I” should be capitalized.
Names and places should be spelled correctly if there is a resource available
where it is spelled.
Inquiring and Analyzing
 does not
reach a
described by
any of the
 states the
need for a
solution to a
 outlines the need for a
solution to a problem
 outlines one existing product
that inspires a solution to the
 explains the need for a
solution to a problem
 describes a group of similar
products that inspire a solution to
the problem
 explains and justifies the
need for a solution to a problem
 analyses a group of similar
products that inspire a solution to
the problem
☐ explain what you will be
creating in this unit and the
purpose of creating it in at least 3
complete sentences
☐ watch the Hair, Phone,
Investment and Johnson
commercials and answer
questions 2-5
☐ non-negotiables
1. Explain the problem. (What is the assignment asking you to do?) Why is it important
to solve this problem? (What is the purpose?)
2. Analyze the Hair Commercial in the Commercial folder in the P drive Yakish folder
and answer the following questions:
a) What product is the commercial selling? (1 point)
b) Who is the target audience? (include gender, approximate age, and interest) (3
c) How do you know that the commercial is targeting that audience? (Look back
at the Target Audience Video one my website for how companies aim for a
Target Audience and choose two that you think fit this commercial) (2 points)
3. Analyze the Phone Commercial in the Commercial folder in the P drive Yakish folder.
What 2 selling techniques are used in this commercial? (You may use the purple
handout on Selling Techniques to help you.) (2 points)
4. Analyze the Investment Commercial in the Commercial folder in the P drive Yakish
folder. What is the obvious message and what is the hidden message? (2 points)
- The obvious message is
- The hidden message is “Use the product if
5. What is the slogan for the “Johnson” commercial? (1 point)
Developing Ideas
 does not
reach a
by any of
 lists a few
basic success
criteria for the
design of a
 presents one
design idea,
which can be
interpreted by
 creates
 constructs a list of the success
criteria for the design of a solution
 presents a few feasible design
ideas, using an appropriate
medium(s) or explains key
features, which can be interpreted
by others
 outlines the main reasons for
choosing the design with
reference to the design
 creates planning
drawings/diagrams or lists
requirements for the chosen
 develops design specifications,
which identify the success criteria
for the design of a solution
 presents a range of feasible
design ideas, using an appropriate
medium(s) and explains key
features, which can be interpreted
by others
 presents the chosen design
and outlines the main reasons for
its selection with reference to the
design specification
 develops accurate planning
drawings/diagrams and lists
requirements for the creation of
the chosen solution
 develops a design specification
which outlines the success
criteria for the design of a solution
based on the data collected
 presents a range of feasible
design ideas, using an appropriate
medium(s) and annotation, which
can be correctly interpreted by
 presents the chosen design
and outlines the reasons for its
selection with reference to the
design specification
 develops accurate planning
drawings/diagrams and outlines
requirements for the creation of
the chosen solution
☐ write the Standards and
Criteria for success in complete
☐ make a list of four possible
products that your group could
advertise in a commercial
☐ pick one product and explain in
at least two sentences why your
group decided to advertise it
☐ list requirements for the creation
of your commercial by answering
questions 9-14 and develop
accurate planning on your
commercial storyboard
☐ non-negotiables
6. List criteria for a successful commercial.
7. Brainstorm some products your group could advertise in a commercial? (We will
probably film outside, so make sure it is something you could sell in an outdoor
8. What product did your group decide on and why?
9. What is the name of your product?
10. Who is the target audience?
11. What selling techniques will you use? (You can use the purple sheets to come up with
three techniques you plan to use in your commercial.)
12. What obvious message do you want to send viewers?
13. In what ways will you communicate the obvious message?
14. What will your “hidden message” be?
15. As a group, work on your Commercial Storyboard. (Each member of the group needs
to be responsible for recording the information for at least one shot.)
Creating the Solution
 does
not reach
a standard
by any of
 demonstrates
minimal technical
skills when making
the solution
 creates the
solution, which
functions poorly
and is presented
in an incomplete
 outlines each step in a plan that
contains some details, resulting in
peers having difficulty following the
plan to create the solution
 demonstrates satisfactory
technical skills when making the
 creates the solution, which
partially functions and is
adequately presented
 outlines changes made to the
chosen design or plan when making
the solution
 constructs a plan, which
considers time and
resources, sufficient for peers
to be able to follow to create
the solution
 demonstrates competent
technical skills when making
the solution
 creates the solution, which
functions as intended and is
presented appropriately
 outlines changes made to
the chosen design and plan
when making the solution
☐ construct a plan for your
commercial using a storyboard
 constructs a logical plan, which
outlines the efficient use of time and
resources, sufficient for peers to be
able to follow to create the solution
 demonstrates excellent technical
skills when making the solution
 follows the plan to create the
solution, which functions as intended
and is presented appropriately
 explains changes made to the
chosen design and plan when making
the solution
☐ demonstrate competent
technical skills using the
camera video tool on the iPad
and Movie Maker
☐ creates and presents a
commercial which clearly
includes all of the standards
and criteria for success
☐ summarize the changes
you made to your design
(Developing Ideas) and your
plan (Storyboard) as you
created your commercial. (If
you did not make any changes
to your design or plan you
need to state that and tell why
you stuck to your plan.)
☐ non-negotiables
16. Did you change anything that you had put in your design (Developing Skills document
and Storyboard drawing) and plan (Storyboard description and resources) as you
created your commercial? If so, what did you change and why.
 does not
reach a
by any of
 states the
success of the
 outlines the success of the
solution against the design
specification based on relevant
product testing
 lists the ways in which the
solution could be improved
 outlines the impact of the
solution on the client/target
 describes the success of the
solution against the design
specification based on relevant
product testing
 outlines how the solution
could be improved
 describes the impact of the
solution on the client/target
audience, with guidance
 explains the success of the
solution against the design
specification based on authentic
product testing
 describes how the solution
could be improved
 describes the impact of the
solution on the client/target
☐ describe the success of your
commercial in regards to each
separate design specification
after reviewing student surveys
☐ outline how you could improve
your commercial for design
specifications (standards and
criteria for success) that were not
clear to your classmates
☐ write at least two complete
sentences about what you think
your target audience will do after
watching your commercial
☐ non-negotiables
17. Classmates watched your commercial and answered questions about the design
specifications (product, product name, target audience, selling techniques, obvious
message, and hidden message) for your commercial. After looking over the results of
this test how would you describe the success of your commercial to meet the
18. How could you have improved your commercial so that the design specifications were
19. Describe the impact of your commercial on the target audience that you identified.