Chapter 16 Biology Notes

1. Ch16 Darwin’s Theory
of Evolution
2. Lesson1:Darwin’s
Voyage of Discovery
3. Darwin’s Epic Journey
5. Change over time
5. Darwin developed a scientific theory of biological
evolution that explains how modern organisms
evolved over long periods of time through descent
from common ancestors.
5. Born in England 2/12/1809
5. 5 year voyage on the HMS Beagle
3. Observations Aboard the Beagle
Patterns of Biodiversity
5. (1) species vary globally, (2) species vary locally,
(3) species vary over time
4. Species vary Globally
 Darwin noticed the different, yet ecologically similar,
animal species inhabited separated, but ecologically similar,
habitats around the globe.
5. Flightless birds: Australia (emu), South America
(rhea), and Africa (ostrich)
5. Why? Kangaroos, rabbits
4. Species vary Locally
5. Darwin noticed that different, yet related animal
species often occupied different habitats within a
local area.
5. Examples includes the tortoises on the Galapagos
Islands. They differed on each island as well as the
4. Species Vary Over Time
5. Preserved remains or traces of ancient organisms
5. Darwin notice that some fossils of extinct animals
were similar to living species
5. Glyptodont (possible ancestor of the armadillo)
4. Putting the Pieces of the Puzzle Together
5. Evidence suggests that organisms are not fixed and
that they may change due to a natural process
2. Lesson2: Ideas that Shaped
Darwin’s Thinking
3. An Ancient, Changing Earth
Principles of Geology
5. Hutton and Lyell concluded that Earth is extremely
old and the processes that changed Earth in the past
are the same processes that operate in the present
5. Hutton Published his work in 1830
4. Hutton and Geological Change
5. Idea that processes that shaped the Earth took much
longer than the original proposed time of a few
thousand years…deep time
4. Lyell’s Principles of Geology
5. Added on to Hutton’s original idea, yet suggests that
those same processes that had once shaped Earth are
still occurring at the present time
5. Once Darwin witnessed one of the geological
processes (an earthquake) he was able to agree with
Hutton and Lyell’s insight of Earth’s true age.
5. Once accepting the idea that processes act on Earth
over long periods of time, he would later be able to
use the same application to describe the evolution of
living things
3. Lamarck’s Evolutionary Hypothesis