Year 4 - Eastborough J, I & N School

Eastborough J I & N School - Curriculum
Year 4
Autumn 1
Stories with a historical settings. Linked to Ancient
Egypt Topic.
Autumn 2
Stories from other cultures
In this unit children will read several short stories set in the
past and a longer story with a historical setting as a serial to
run throughout the unit. They will identify the details in the
text that describe characters and setting. Children will write a
character sketch using evidence from the text. They will map
the stages in stories and read and discuss the passing of
time. Children will identify events in the story and find
evidence within text that relates the story to an historical
setting. They will describe the setting using their senses.
Children will watch small clips to help them describe the
setting in the video. Children will plan their story and tell a
story to the class. They will write their own short stories set in
the past, using their oral stories to structure the written
versions. They will add descriptive detail to make the setting
more vivid for the reader.
In this unit children will read short stories from other cultures.
They will identify expressive and descriptive language to
describe settings. They will look at the organisation of the
story and research background information, eg. about the
country where the story is set. They will discuss characters
and compare customs, beliefs, etc. with their own. Children
will record responses to story in a journal.
Children will read another story from China, for example from
a different culture but with a similar theme. They will pause at
a key point in the story and discuss their predictions about
how the main characters will act.
Children will make notes of what has happened so far in the
story. They will finish reading the story and compare
predictions. They will create questions to ask characters in
the story. Children will highlight the characters feelings,
cultures and emotions within the story.
Persuasive writing
In this unit children will read, compare and contrast a range
of paper-based and DVD-based persuasive texts. Discuss
and record common features of the text types. Express views
about the persuasive nature of different texts. They will
identify elements of a DVD text that would persuade a reader
to see a film. Plan a trailer to promote a film using key
moments from the film. They will work in a group to create a
script for a radio advert. They will persuade different
audiences to visit local theme parks. They will demonstrate
how to combine words, music and images to convince the
Children will read and analyse explanatory texts to identify
key features. They will distinguish between explanatory texts,
reports and recounts while recognising that an information
book might contain examples of all these forms of text.
Children will summarise processes carried out in the
classroom and on screen in flow charts or cyclical diagrams
as appropriate. They will scribe an explanation as they
contribute to, and model the use of paragraphs, connectives
Eastborough J I & N School - Curriculum
reader. Children will create their own jingles, slogans and
design their own adverts.
and the other key language and structural features
appropriate to explanatory writing.
Spelling, grammar and punctuation.
 Children will learn to spell the words from the year 3/4
spellings list.
 Children will be taught how to add suffixes to root words.
 Children will be reminded of some common conjunctions
and will be taught to use when, if, because and although.
 They will learn to spell a variety of homophones.
 They will learn how to punctuate speech correctly.
Children will learn to write explanatory texts from a flow chart
or other diagrammatic plan, using the conventions modelled
in shared writing.
 Children will be taught to develop their comprehension
skills through reading a range of texts including poetry.
Spelling, grammar and punctuation.
 Children will learn to spell the words from the year 3/4
spellings list.
 Children will use conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions
to talk about time and cause. They will learn how to
improve their sentences using fronted adverbials.
 They will learn how to show possession using an
 Children will be taught to develop their comprehension
skills by reading books with different structures and books
that were written for a range of purposes.
 They will practise using a dictionary to check the
meanings of words that they have read.
Year 4
Autumn 1
In this unit children will be taught to:
 recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication
tables up to 12 × 12.
 count in multiples of 6, 7, 9, 25 and 1000.
 recognise the place value of each digit in a four-digit
Autumn 2
In this unit children will be taught to:
 order and compare numbers beyond 1000
 count backwards through zero to include negative
 round any number to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000
Eastborough J I & N School - Curriculum
add and subtract numbers with up to 4 digits using the
efficient written methods of columnar addition and
subtraction where appropriate.
solve addition and subtraction two-step problems in
contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use
and why.
multiply two-digit and three-digit numbers by a one-digit
number using formal written layout.
recognise and use factor pairs and commutativity in
mental calculations.
read Roman numerals to 100 (I to C) and understand how,
over time, the numeral system changed to include the
concept of zero and place value.
revisit the written method for addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division.
add and subtract numbers with up to 4 digits using the
efficient written methods of columnar addition and
subtraction where appropriate.
solve addition and subtraction two-step problems
incontexts, deciding which operations and methods to use
and why.
multiply two-digit and three-digit numbers by a one-digit
number using formal written layout.
recognise and use factor pairs and commutativity in
 Children will look at bar charts and interpret the data.
 They will create their own bar charts using their own
collected data.
Geometry – properties of shape.
 Children will recap on the names and properties of 2D
 They will identify right angles in shapes and order angles
up to 180⁰
Place value
 Children will convert between different units of measure.
 Children will learn to measure the perimeter of shapes.
Children will recap on the importance of place value.
They will also learn roman numerals.
Geometry – position and direction.
Children will be taught to describe positions on a grid in
the first quadrant.
They will learn to describe the movements between
positions as up/down and left/right.
They will be taught to plot specified points and draw sides
to complete a polygon.
 Children will look at bar charts and interpret the data.
 They will create their own bar charts using data.
Eastborough J I & N School - Curriculum
Year 4
Autumn 1
Living things and their habitats.
 Children will be taught that living things can be grouped
in a variety of ways.
 They will use classification keys to help them group living
 They will learn that environments change and that this
can affect living things.
 They will be encouraged to develop their investigation
Art & Design
Children will investigate skills in: drawing, painting,
collage, textiles, sculpture and photography
Communicate ideas, using: colour, pattern, texture, line
& tone, shape & form
Experiment with different materials and techniques to
find the best ones for the purpose of the work
Describe and explain art from other cultures, and know
how artefacts came to be in museums
Keep notes in an art sketch book using labels, captions
Children will identify how sound is made and link this to
something vibrating.
They will learn that vibrations from sounds travels through
a medium to the ear.
They will find patterns between the volume of a sound and
the strength of the vibration producing it.
Finally they will recognise that sounds get fainter as the
distance from the source increases.
Children will investigate skills in: drawing, painting,
collage, textiles, sculpture and photography
 Communicate ideas, using: colour, pattern, texture, line &
tone, shape & form
 Experiment with different materials and techniques to find
the best ones for the purpose of the work
 Describe and explain art from other cultures, and know
how artefacts came to be in museums
 Keep notes in an art sketch book using labels and
 Use the properties of shapes to explore patterns
(eg tessellation, Islamic Art etc.)
 Keep notes in an art sketch book
 Experiment with different materials and techniques to find
the best ones for the purpose of the work
Eastborough J I & N School - Curriculum
Design &
In ICT the children will learn to:
 Navigate chosen websites
 Develop key words
 Use different search engines
 Use different features of search engines e.g. Images
In ICT the children will learn to:
 Navigate chosen websites
 Develop key words
 Use different search engines
 Use different features of search engines e.g. Images
We are software developers
We are toy designers
Children will use a program to design a computer game that
they will make for younger children. They will write and
debug programs that accomplish specific goals, including
controlling or simulating physical systems; solve problems
by decomposing them into smaller parts. Children will learn
to use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs; work
with variables and various forms of input and output. They
will use logical reasoning to explain how some simple
algorithms work and to detect and correct errors in
algorithms and programs.
Children will use a program to design a toy that they will make
using a coding programme. They will write and debug
programs that accomplish specific goals, including controlling
or simulating physical systems; solve problems by
decomposing them into smaller parts. Children will learn to
use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs; work with
variables and various forms of input and output. They will use
logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work
and to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs.
In this unit children will design a cartouche using Egyptian
hieroglyphics. They will use clay to make the cartouche or
stone with their name engraved. Children will plan how they
will make the cartouche and evaluate the process. They will
paint and decorate the cartouche or stone in line with the
Egyptian artefacts. Children will build a pyramid using sugar
cubes. They will also build pyramids by using pyramid nets.
Children will design their own Egyptian headdress.
In this unit children will look at food for festivals in different
countries. They will plan to cook items for a festival. Children
will cook and prepare food within time. They will create
animated slide shows to ‘advertise’ the benefits of personal
products or design ideas. They will evaluate product or design
constantly to see what could be improved. Children will carry
out tests before making improvements
Eastborough J I & N School - Curriculum
Year 4
(Key Stage 2)
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Children will look in depth at Ancient Egyptians. They will
name and locate places and cities in Egypt. They will be
able to identify the main rivers. They will learn about the
location of Egypt. Children will use a world map and locate
Egypt on the map. They will highlight the surroundings by
using the key on the map. They will record famous places on
the map.
Children will locate the world’s countries, using maps to
focus on Europe (including the location of Russia) and North
and South America, concentrating on their environmental
regions, key physical and human characteristics, countries,
and major cities. They will describe and understand key
aspects of physical geography, including: climate zones,
biomes and vegetation belts, rivers, mountains, volcanoes
and earthquakes, and the water cycle. They will look at
stories about these countries in Literacy.
Children will explore artefacts and learn about life in Ancient
Egypt. As well as listen to stories from Egypt children will
have the first had experience of seeing artefacts at Bagshaw
Museum. They will learn the processes Ancient Egyptians
took to preserve bodies for the afterlife. Children will act out
the mummification process. They will know what life was like
in Egypt by researching the laws that were set in Egypt.
They will learn how the Pyramids were made and the history
of how slaves were treated by the kings and Pharaohs.
Children will learn about different gods and traditions that
Egyptians followed and believed in. They will learn about the
different Gods and Goddesses.
In this unit children will look at how children celebrate
festivals around the world. They will look at how celebrations
have changed over time.
Children will be taught numbers from 0-20 in French.
Children will be taught to write the numbers in French and
create word sums. They will look at the colours in the
rainbow and learn the colours in French. Children will learn
to sing the ‘Head, shoulders, knees and toes’. They will be
taught the names of body parts and use them in French
dialogue. Children will be able to greet each other and write
In French children will be taught the names of zoo animals.
They will practise the vowels and the verbs. They will use
the adjectives grand, petit, gentil, rigolo, feroce and the
expressions ‘Oh la la, j’aime ca’
Eastborough J I & N School - Curriculum
simple greetings in French. They will learn simple classroom
instructions in French.
Year 4
Children will be taught to:
 Sing and play a range of singing games
 Sing songs from memory with accurate pitch, either in a
group or alone
 Show that they have a good memory for sounds and
songs, and show control in their voices
 Make up singing games with words, actions and a sense
of pulse, and teach them to other children.
 Use sound to create more abstract images.
 Recognise and create repeated patterns
 Listen to several layers of sound and talk about the
combined effect.
Children will be taught to:
 Combine sounds with movement and narrative
 Perform with control, and have an awareness of what
others are playing
 Sing in tune
 recognise how musical elements can be used together to
compose descriptive music
 carefully choose order, combine and control sounds with
awareness of their combined effect
 compose and perform simple melodies and songs
 describe music using appropriate vocabulary
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Net and Wall Games
In PE children will learn to play Net and Wall games.
Children will learn to throw, catch and bounce a ball. They
will enhance their skills by catching and throwing correctly
and using one arm. Children will learn to play with a partner
and play with a group. They will learn why warming up
before playing any physical activity is important. They will
practise their racquet skills.
In this unit children will further develop their ability to
throw/jump for distance, using a range of objects and over
increasing heights. They will accurately replicate athletic
challenges and competitions that require thought, speed and
stamina. In all athletic activity, children will engage in
performing skills, measuring and recording their own
performance. They are also expected to be able to follow
safety procedures and handle specific equipment.
Eastborough J I & N School - Curriculum
 Children will swim each week and will learn water safety
and how to swim.
 Children will swim each week and will learn water safety
and how to swim.
Which faiths make up our community?
 Children will consider what a community is.
 They will think about the communities that they are part
 They will learn about some of the faith groups in the
community that they live in.
How do festivals use light as a symbol?
 Children will look at festivals around the world. They will
look closely at Eid ul Adha, Diwali, Hanukah, Christmas
and Chinese New Year.
 They will explore how light is used as a symbol in all the
 They will compare how festivals are celebrated around
the world. Children will identify the similarities and
New Beginnings
Children will create class rules and set targets for
themselves to achieve throughout the year. Children to
reflect on what they achieved last year and will set targets in
their books.
Getting on falling out
Children will share what they have achieved with others
during class assembly. They will learn how to express
concerns to adults about falling out with friends.
They will be supported to ensure that they are sorting out
problems with friends first, before getting an adult involved.
Time travellers – Ancient Egyptians
Wonderful World- Festivals around the world