Hazard Communication Standard

Hazard Communication
(Employee Right-to-Know)
AEE Safety Training Program
Employee Right-to-Know
OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) is
based on a simple concept—that employees have
both a need and a right to know the hazards and
identities of the chemicals they are exposed to
when working. They also need to know what
protective measures are available to prevent
adverse effects from occurring. OSHA designed
the HCS to provide employees with the information
they need to know.
The HCS standard’s common name is “Employee
Purpose & Scope
In order to ensure chemical safety in the workplace,
information must be available about the identities and
hazards of the chemicals. OSHA's Hazard Communication
Standard (HCS) requires the development and dissemination
of such information:
Chemical manufacturers and importers are required to evaluate
the hazards of the chemicals they produce or import, and
Prepare labels and material safety data sheets (MSDSs) to
convey the hazard information to their downstream customers.
All employers with hazardous chemicals in their workplaces must
have labels and MSDSs for their exposed workers, and train
them to handle the chemicals appropriately.
Four Major Elements of the Program
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
and Inventory of Chemicals
 Labels
 Written Program
 Training
Office Locations:
Implementation of this program is the
responsibility of the local management
(Unit Manager, Laboratory Manager,
Office Manager)
Field Activities:
Implementation of this program is the
responsibility of the Project Manager.
Hazardous Material Inventory
Maintain a hazardous material inventory
that lists all of the hazardous materials
used at each workplace (i.e.,
office/lab/field location). Use chemical
names consistent with the applicable
2. File a copy of the chemical inventory with
the Project Safety Plan or with the Health
and Safety Coordinator.
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS's)
Obtain a MSDS for each chemical before it is used.
Review each MSDS when it is received to evaluate whether
the information is complete and to determine if existing
protective measures are adequate.
Maintain a collection of all applicable and relevant MSDS's
where they are accessible at all times.
Replace MSDS sheets when updated sheets are received (or
at least every 3 years).
Communicate any significant changes to those who work with
the chemical.
MSDS's are required for all hazardous materials used on
site by project personnel.
Unless each container has
appropriate labeling, label all
chemical containers with:
Identity of the hazardous chemical(s),
Appropriate hazard warnings, and
Name and address of the chemical
manufacturer, importer, or other
responsible party.
Hazardous Non-routine Tasks
Periodically, employees are required to perform
hazardous non-routine tasks. Prior to starting work
on such projects, provide each employee with
information about hazards to which they may be
exposed during such an activity.
This information will include:
Specific chemical hazards.
Protective/safety measures which must be utilized.
Measures that have been taken to lessen the hazards
including ventilation, respirators, presence of another
employee and emergency procedures.
Informing Contractors/Subcontractors
Provide contractors/subcontractors the
following information on chemicals used by
or provided to AEE personnel:
Names of hazardous chemicals to which they
may be exposed while on the jobsite.
Precautions the employees may take to lessen
the possibility of exposure by usage of
appropriate protective measures.
Location of MSDS’s and written chemical
HAZCOM Training
Conduct training of all employees
potentially exposed to hazardous
materials on the following schedule:
Before new employees begin their jobs.
 Whenever new chemicals are introduced
into the workplace, or
 Annually thereafter.
 Document both online and site-specific
Content of This Online Training
HAZCOM program
 Compliance checklist
 Applicable regulatory requirements
 Labeling
 Chemical inventory
 How to read an MSDS
Content of Site-Specific Training
Names of those responsible for
implementing this program.
Unit manager
Lab Manger
Project Manager
SHE Coordinator
Location of the program, chemical inventory
and MSDS's.
 Chemicals used locally, their hazards
(chemical & physical).
 Safe work practices using chemicals.
Checklist for Compliance
Obtained a copy of the OSHA Standard.
Read and understood the requirements.
3. Assigned responsibility for tasks.
4. Prepared an inventory of chemicals.
5. Ensured containers are labeled.
6. Obtained MSDS for each chemical.
7. Prepared written program.
8. Made MSDSs available to all workers.
9. Conducted training of workers.
10. Established procedures to maintain current
11. Established procedures to evaluate effectiveness.
Checklist for Compliance – 1 & 2
Obtain a copy of the standard.
Safety Coordinators, Unit, Laboratory and Office Managers should
print and review a copy of OSHA Hazard Communication Standard 29
CFR 1910.1200
1910.1200, Hazard communication
Appendix A, Health hazard definitions (Mandatory)
Appendix B, Hazard determination (Mandatory)
Appendix C, Information sources (Advisory)
Appendix D, Definition of "trade secret" (Mandatory)
Appendix E, Guidelines for employer compliance (Advisory)
OSHA Document 3111 (2000) Hazard Communication
Guidelines for Compliance
Read and understand the requirements.
Checklist for Compliance - 3
Assign responsibility for tasks at the local level.
Local management (unit manager, office manager,
laboratory manager) are responsible for the overall
implementation of the hazard communication program
Corporate Safety Department provides coordination,
company-wide policy, generic company-wide training, and
monitors compliance with the program
Qualified Local Safety Coordinators or designated H&S
professionals are responsible for local implementation of
the program and site-specific training
Designated employees are responsible for particular
program elements such as chemical inventory
development and labeling (should be appointed by the
local management)
Checklist for Compliance - 4
Prepare an inventory
of chemicals
name/product name
Is it labeled?
Do you have MSDS?
Prepare an inventory of chemicals
Any hazardous material in any quantity on
AEE property or sites will be identified on a
list by the SHE Coordinator (for office
locations), SHSC (for sites), supervisor (for
work areas), or designee. The information on
the list includes the substance name (as
referenced on the MSDS), storage location,
and quantity. The inventory may be compiled
for the workplace as a whole or for
individual work areas.
 The inventory will be updated quarterly, or
more frequently, as necessary.
Checklist for Compliance - 5
Ensure containers are labeled
"... the employer shall ensure that each
container of hazardous chemicals in the work
place is labeled, tagged or marked with... (i)
Identity of the hazardous chemicals...and (ii)
Appropriate hazard warnings, or alternatively,
words, pictures, symbols or combination
thereof,...to...provide the employees with the
specific information regarding the physical and
health hazards of the hazardous chemicals."
Example of acceptable label
(2 - Propanol)
ABC Chemical Co.
123 Main St.
City, State Zip
Ensure containers are labeled
Employees and contractors will be informed
that they should check all incoming
hazardous material container labels for the
following information:
identity of product appropriate hazard warning
name and address of chemical manufacturer,
importer, or other responsible party
Labels must be legible and prominently
displayed. No existing label will be removed
or defaced on containers of hazardous
NFPA 704 Hazard Identification System
The National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA), in section 704
of the National Fire Code, specifies a system for identifying
the hazards associated with materials. Although the system
was developed primarily with the needs of fire protection
agencies in mind, it is of value to anyone who needs to handle
potentially hazardous material.
The hazard identification signal is a color-coded array of four
numbers or letters arranged in a diamond shape. You will see
hazard diamonds like this on trucks, storage tanks, bottles of
chemicals, and in various other places. The blue, red, and
yellow fields (health, flammability, and reactivity) all use a
numbering scale ranging from 0 to 4. A value of zero means
that the material poses essentially no hazard; a rating of four
indicates extreme danger. The fourth value (associated with
white) tends to be more variable, both in meaning and in what
letters or numbers are written there.
NFPA Diamond
HMIG -- Hazardous Material Identification Guide
HMIS -- Hazardous Material Information System
The OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) requires all chemicals in the workplace to be
labeled in a manner that warns of any hazards the chemical may present. The actual format and
method of labeling is not specified, so there are several different formats in use. The NFPA
hazard diamond is one such method. Two other HCS compliance systems that are very similar to
one another are described here.
The Hazardous Material Identification Guide (HMIG) is a labeling system developed and sold
through Lab Safety Supply Inc. The Hazardous Material Information System (HMIS) is a
labeling system developed by the National Paint and Coatings Association (NPCA) and sold
through Labelmaster Inc. Both systems use a label with four color bars and a space at the top
where the name of the chemical should be written (see figure this page). The blue, red, and
yellow colored bars indicate, respectively, the health, flammability, and reactivity hazard
associated with the material. These three bars use a numbering scale ranging from 0 to 4. A
value of zero means that the material poses essentially no hazard; a rating of four indicates
extreme danger. Although the details of how numbers are assigned may vary somewhat between
systems, this is essentially the same overall scheme as is used in the NFPA system. (But see also
the note on differences between NFPA and HMIG.) The fourth, white bar is marked "protective
equipment" in the HMIG system, and "personal protection" in the HMIS system. Both systems
(HMIG and HMIS) place a letter in this bar to indicate the kind(s) of personal protective
equipment (PPE) that should be used in order to handle the material safely. The letters used are
A - K and X. Meanings of the letters are the same in both systems, and both systems augment
the letter code with icons or pictograms showing the kinds of PPE to be used.
A significant difference between the HMIG and HMIS systems is that the 1995 revised HMIS
system includes a second box on the blue (health hazard) bar. If this second box holds an
asterisk (*), then the health hazard associated with the material is a chronic (long-term) effect.
HMIG Labels
HMIG Label
Similarities and Differences between
Both the NFPA Hazard Identification System and the Hazardous Material
Identification Guide (HMIG or HMIS) may be used to comply with the
labeling requirement of the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (HCS).
These systems, although similar, differ in some important respects.
Both systems have three color-coded fields to indicate the flammability (red),
health (blue), and reactivity (yellow) hazards associated with the material.
Both use a system of five numbers, ranging from 0 to 4, to indicate the severity of
hazard, with 0 being the least and 4 being the most hazardous.
They differ in layout -- NFPA uses four diamonds, HMIG uses vertically stacked
The differ in interpretation of the fourth, white field (special handling in the NFPA
system; protective equipment in the HMIG system).
Possibly the most significant difference, however, has to do with the intended
audience for each of the systems. The HMIG (or HMIS) was devised as an HCS
compliance tool, and has employees who must handle hazardous chemicals in the
workplace as the intended audience. The NFPA system was designed to alert fire
fighters arriving on the scene of a fire to the hazards associated with materials
present at that location. Therefore, the numbers assigned in the NFPA system
assume that a fire is present. No such assumption holds in the HMIG/HMIS
system. For this reason, the numbers that are assigned to the flammability, health,
and reactivity hazards may differ between the NFPA and HMIG systems, even for
the exact same chemical.
NFPA and HMIG Labels
NFPA and HMIG labels can be obtained, for
example, from
http://www.labsafety.com/store/Signs__Labels_-_Tapes/Labels/RTK__Chemical_Labels/60373/ or
or generated internally
Write On HMIG Labels Can be Obtained
from Labsafety.com
Use HMIG Write-On Labels to identify hazard ratings quickly and
easily on containers in your workplace.
Two sizes of self-adhesive paper Labels help you warn workers about
dangers. Small Labels have room for you to write in the chemical
name, manufacturer, date and rating. Large Labels allow you to add all
the same information as the Small Labels plus room for the common
name. Roll of 1000.
Checklist for Compliance - 6
Obtain MSDS for each chemical
Manufacturers/suppliers are required by
law to provide a copy of MSDS for every
 You probably can find your MSDS on the
 All MSDSs in your inventory should be less
then three years old
 A separate section of this training is
dedicated to reading and understanding
Checklist for Compliance – 7, 8
Prepare written HSC program.
Made MSDSs available to all workers.
At AEE written HSC program is included in SHE Volume VI,
SOP H-8 Hazard Communication Written Program (this link is
to the intranet site and will not work outside of restricted
AEE network)
Please note that this program needs to be locally
customized at every location to include NAMES of local
responsible parties
Written program and MSDS should be placed in Right-to-Know
Center easily accessible by all employees; various options for
RTK Centers are listed here
Field HASPs should include a section on HSC and all MSDS for
all chemicals to be used in the field
Checklist for Compliance – 9, 10, 11
Conduct training of workers.
Establish procedures to maintain current
Establish procedures to evaluate effectiveness
The following portion of this training is dedicated to
reading and understanding MSDS
Please make sure that our HSC program is active,
employees are trained, chemicals are labeled, MSDS are
current and available to all employees and
The Corporate Safety Department will continue auditing
our programs and making sure they are effective
Understanding MSDS
for OSHA Hazard Communication and WHMIS Training
AEE Training Program
Understanding MSDS
The information provided in this presentation supplements
Canadian WHMIS and the US Hazard Communication training
Typical MSDS is reviewed using acetone as an example
This detailed approach should be used when providing
chemical-specific part of the training. Each MSDS for ALL
products used by every employee should be reviewed and
discussed in details
Emergency response planning for incidental exposure,
including availability of FA/CPR trained personnel, first aid
stations, eye wash stations, emergency showers, and proper
storage and use requirements should be included as well as
spill response planning
OSHA Recommended Format for
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs)
In 1985, US Occupational Safety & health Administration
(OSHA) established a voluntary format for MSDSs (OSHA
Form 174) to assist manufacturers and importers who desired
guidance on organizing MSDS information.
When completed correctly, an MSDS prepared using Form
174 contains all of the information required by OSHA Hazard
Communication Standard (29CFR1910.1200).
However, Form 174 does not use the more organized and
comprehensive 16-section format.
…more from http://www.osha.gov/dsg/hazcom/msdsformat.html
Minimum MSDS Content – Form 174
Hazardous Ingredients
Physical/Chemical Characteristics
Fire and Explosion Hazard Data
Reactivity Data
Health Hazard Data
Precautions for Safe Handling and Use
Control Measures
OSHA Form 174 – Sections 1, 2
OSHA Form 174 – Section 3, 4, 5
OSHA Form 174 – Section 6
OSHA Form 174 – Section 7, 8
ANSI 16-section MSDS Format
OSHA believes that use of a consistent format will
improve the effectiveness of MSDSs by making
information easier for the reader to find,
regardless of the supplier of the MSDS.
Because the 16-section format is accepted by
consensus as the most appropriate format, OSHA
no longer endorses that Form 174 be used for the
preparation of MSDSs.
Use of Form 174, however, is still acceptable under
the HCS if it is completed correctly.
ANSI 16-section MSDS Format
In order to promote consistent presentation of information,
OSHA now recommends that MSDSs follow the 16-section
format established by the American National Standards
Institute (ANSI) standard for preparation of MSDSs
By following this recommended format, the information of
greatest concern to workers is featured at the beginning of
the data sheet, including information on chemical composition
and first aid measures.
More technical information that addresses topics such as the
physical and chemical properties of the material and
toxicological data appears later in the document.
While some of this information (such as ecological
information) is not required by the OSHA Hazard
Communication Standard (HCS), the 16-section MSDS is
becoming the international norm.
ANSI 16-section MSDS Format
Manufacturer and supplier identification, Contact information
Hazard(s) identification
Composition/information on ingredients
First-aid measures
Fire-fighting measures
Accidental release measures
Handling and storage
Exposure controls/personal protection
Physical and chemical properties
Stability and reactivity
Toxicological information
Ecological information
Disposal considerations
Transport information
Regulatory information
Other information
Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification
This section links the chemical name on
the label to the MSDS. The MSDS also
lists the name, address and the phone
number of the company, manufacturer
or distributor who provides the
Example: Acetone
Product Identification
Synonyms: Dimethylketone; 2-propanone; dimethylketal
CAS No.: 67-64-1
Molecular Weight: 58.08
Chemical Formula: (CH3)2CO
Product Codes:
J.T. Baker: 5008, 5018, 5356, 5580, 5965, 5975, 9001, 9002, 9003, 9004, 9005,
9006, 9007, 9008, 9009, 9010, 9015, 9024, 9036, 9125, 9254, 9271, A134, V655
Mallinckrodt: 0018, 2432, 2435, 2437, 2438, 2440, 2443, 2850, H451, H580, H981
Section 2: Composition/Information on Ingredients
This section must identify all the hazardous ingredients of
the material. For example,
Ingredient - Acetone
CAS 67-64-1
Percent 99 - 100%
Hazardous – Yes
Section 2: Composition/Information on Ingredients
MSDS should list the chemical components as
follows (1910.1200(g)(2)(i)(C)(1)):
The chemical and common name(s) of all ingredients
which have been determined to be health hazards,
and which comprise 1% or greater of the
composition, except that chemicals identified as
carcinogens shall be listed if the concentrations are
0.1% or greater
Section 3: Hazards Identification
This section discusses the health and safety
hazards of the product. The section may include
safety ratings of the material, safe storage
guidelines, PPE recommended to handle the
material, and potential health effects by the route
of entry
Section 3: Hazards Identification
Emergency Overview
NFPA Ratings
Health Rating: 2 – Moderate
Flammability Rating: 3 - Severe (Flammable)
Reactivity Rating: 0 - None
Contact Rating: 3 - Severe
Lab Protective Equip: GOGGLES & SHIELD; LAB COAT &
Storage Color Code: Red (Flammable)
Section 3: Hazards Identification
Potential Health Effects
Inhalation of vapors irritates the respiratory tract. May cause coughing,
dizziness, dullness, and headache. Higher concentrations can produce central
nervous system depression, narcosis, and unconsciousness.
Swallowing small amounts is not likely to produce harmful effects. Ingestion
of larger amounts may produce abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.
Aspiration into lungs can produce severe lung damage and is a medical
emergency. Other symptoms are expected to parallel inhalation.
Skin Contact:
Irritating due to defatting action on skin. Causes redness, pain, drying and
cracking of the skin.
Eye Contact:
Vapors are irritating to the eyes. Splashes may cause severe irritation, with
stinging, tearing, redness and pain.
Chronic Exposure:
Prolonged or repeated skin contact may produce severe irritation or
Aggravation of Pre-existing Conditions:
Use of alcoholic beverages enhances toxic effects. Exposure may increase
the toxic potential of chlorinated hydrocarbons, such as chloroform,
Section 4: First Aid Measures
This section lists very basic first aid procedures for all routes of
entry such as:
Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If
breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical attention.
Aspiration hazard. If swallowed, vomiting may occur spontaneously,
but DO NOT INDUCE. If vomiting occurs, keep head below hips to
prevent aspiration into lungs. Never give anything by mouth to an
unconscious person. Call a physician immediately.
Skin Contact:
Immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes.
Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical attention.
Wash clothing before reuse. Thoroughly clean shoes before reuse.
Eye Contact:
Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes,
lifting upper and lower eyelids occasionally. Get medical attention.
Section 5: Fire Fighting Measures
Flash point: -20C (-4F) CC
Autoignition temperature: 465C (869F)
Flammable limits in air % by volume: LEL: 2.5; UEL: 12.8
Extremely Flammable Liquid and Vapor! Vapor may cause flash fire.
Above flash point, vapor-air mixtures are explosive within flammable limits
noted above. Vapors can flow along surfaces to distant ignition source and
flash back. Contact with strong oxidizers may cause fire. Sealed containers
may rupture when heated. This material may produce a floating fire hazard.
Sensitive to static discharge.
Fire Extinguishing Media:
Dry chemical, alcohol foam or carbon dioxide. Water may be ineffective.
Water spray may be used to keep fire exposed containers cool, dilute spills to
nonflammable mixtures, protect personnel attempting to stop leak and
disperse vapors.
Special Information:
In the event of a fire, wear full protective clothing and NIOSH-approved
self-contained breathing apparatus with full facepiece operated in the
pressure demand or other positive pressure mode.
Section 6: Accidental Release Measures
Ventilate area of leak or spill. Remove all sources of ignition. Wear
appropriate personal protective equipment as specified in Section 8.
Isolate hazard area. Keep unnecessary and unprotected personnel
from entering. Contain and recover liquid when possible. Use nonsparking tools and equipment. Collect liquid in an appropriate
container or absorb with an inert material (e. g., vermiculite, dry
sand, earth), and place in a chemical waste container. Do not use
combustible materials, such as saw dust. Do not flush to sewer! If a
leak or spill has not ignited, use water spray to disperse the vapors,
to protect personnel attempting to stop leak, and to flush spills away
from exposures. US Regulations (CERCLA) require reporting spills
and releases to soil, water and air in excess of reportable quantities.
The toll free number for the US Coast Guard National Response
Center is (800) 424-8802.
J. T. Baker SOLUSORB® solvent adsorbent is recommended for
spills of this product.
Section 7: Handling and Storage
Protect against physical damage. Store in a cool, dry wellventilated location, away from any area where the fire hazard
may be acute. Outside or detached storage is preferred.
Separate from incompatibles. Containers should be bonded
and grounded for transfers to avoid static sparks. Storage
and use areas should be No Smoking areas. Use non-sparking
type tools and equipment, including explosion proof
ventilation. Containers of this material may be hazardous
when empty since they retain product residues (vapors,
liquid); observe all warnings and precautions listed for the
Section 8: Exposure Control and Personal Protection
Airborne Exposure Limits:
OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL): 1000 ppm (TWA)
ACGIH Threshold Limit Value (TLV): 500 ppm (TWA), 750 ppm (STEL) A4 - not classifiable as a
human carcinogen
Ventilation System:
A system of local and/or general exhaust is recommended to keep employee exposures below
the Airborne Exposure Limits. Local exhaust ventilation is generally preferred because it can
control the emissions of the contaminant at its source, preventing dispersion of it into the
general work area. Please refer to the ACGIH document, Industrial Ventilation, A Manual of
Recommended Practices, most recent edition, for details.
Personal Respirators (NIOSH Approved):
If the exposure limit is exceeded and engineering controls are not feasible, a half-face organic
vapor respirator may be worn for up to ten times the exposure limit, or the maximum use
concentration specified by the appropriate regulatory agency or respirator supplier, whichever
is lowest. A full-face piece organic vapor respirator may be worn up to 50 times the exposure
limit, or the maximum use concentration specified by the appropriate regulatory agency or
respirator supplier, whichever is lowest. For emergencies or instances where the exposure
levels are not known, use a full-face piece positive-pressure, air-supplied respirator.
WARNING: Air-purifying respirators do not protect workers in oxygen-deficient atmospheres.
Skin Protection:
Wear impervious protective clothing, including boots, gloves, lab coat, apron or coveralls, as
appropriate, to prevent skin contact.
Eye Protection:
Use chemical safety goggles and/or a full face shield where splashing is possible. Maintain eye
wash fountain and quick-drench facilities in work area.
Section 8: Understanding Airborne Exposure Limits
Airborne Exposure Limits:
OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL): 1,000 ppm (TWA)
ACGIH Threshold Limit Value (TLV): 500 ppm (TWA), 750 ppm (STEL) A4 - not
classifiable as a human carcinogen
What is permissible exposure limit (PEL) and threshold limit value (TLV)?
OSHA PELs are based on the numbers developed by the American Conference of
Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) at the time when the OSHA standard
1910.1000 was finalized. These numbers are rarely updated. They are represent
mandatory value to comply with in the US.
Current ACGIH TLV numbers (updated annually) represent the best management
practice and standard of care. Accepted as a standard in some jurisdictions in the
US, Canada and around the Globe.
Three categories of TLV are specified by the ACGIH:
Threshold Limit Value – Time Weighted Average (TLV – TWA)
Threshold Limit Value – Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL)
Threshold Limit Value – Ceiling (C)
Section 8: Understanding Airborne Exposure Limits
Threshold Limit Value – Time Weighted Average (TLV – TWA)
Threshold Limit Value – Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL)
A STEL is defined as a 15-minute TWA exposure which should not be
exceeded at any time during a workday. Exposures to STEL should be no
longer than 15-minutes and no more than 4 times a day.
Threshold Limit Value – Ceiling (C)
The time weighted concentration for a normal 8-hour workday and a 40hour workweek, to which nearly all workers may be repeatedly exposed,
day after day, without adverse effect
The concentration that should not be exceeded during any part of
working exposure
OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit utilizes similar but slightly
different conditions
Section 8: Understanding Airborne Exposure Limits
TLVs for gases and vapors are usually established in term of parts
per million of substance in air by volume (ppm)
 They also, sometimes, listed in term of milligrams of substance per
cubic meter of air (mg/m3)
 The conversion is based on 760 torr barometric pressure at 25oC
(77oF, and where 24.45 = molar volume in liters, giving a conversion
equation of:
TLV, mg/m3 = TLV, ppm * (gram molecular weight of
 TLV, ppm = TLV, mg/m3 * 24.45/ (gram molecular weight of
Section 8: Understanding Airborne Exposure Limits
A1 – confirmed human carcinogen
A2 – suspected human carcinogen
A3 – animal carcinogen
A4 – not classifiable as human carcinogen
A5 – not suspected as human carcinogen
Section 8: Understanding Airborne Exposure Limits
When reviewing your MSDSs, please note TLV or
PELs and carcinogenicity notations
Please talk to your regional or corporate SHE
representative if you are working with a chemical
with TLV < 25 ppm or with a chemical defined as
Section 8: Understanding Airborne Exposure Limits
OSHA PELs are listed in the tables Z1-Z3 of OSHA Standard 29CFR1910.1000 –
Air Contaminants
- Air contaminants.
TABLE Z-1 - TABLE Z-1 Limits for Air Contaminants.
TABLE Z-3 - TABLE Z-3 Mineral Dusts
Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties
Appearance: Clear, colorless, volatile liquid.
Odor: Fragrant, mint-like
 Solubility: Miscible in all proportions in water.
 Specific Gravity: 0.79 @ 20C/4C
 pH: No information found.
 % Volatiles by volume @ 21C (70F): 100
 Boiling Point: 56.5C (133F) @ 760 mm Hg
 Melting Point: -95C (-139F)
 Vapor Density (Air=1): 2.0
 Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): 400 @ 39.5C (104F)
 Evaporation Rate (BuAc=1): ca. 7.7
Section 10: Stability and Reactivity
Stable under ordinary conditions of use and storage.
Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide may form when
heated to decomposition.
Hazardous Decomposition Products:
Hazardous Polymerization:
Will not occur.
Concentrated nitric and sulfuric acid mixtures, oxidizing
materials, chloroform, alkalis, chlorine compounds, acids,
potassium t-butoxide.
Conditions to Avoid:
Heat, flames, ignition sources and incompatibles.
Section 11: Toxicological Information
Oral rat LD50: 5,800 mg/kg
Inhalation rat LC50: 42 ppm
NTP Carcinogen
Ingredient Acetone (67-64-1)
Known – No
Anticipated – No
IARC Category - None
Section 11: Reading Toxicological Information
Oral rat LD50: 5,800 mg/kg – what does this mean?
LD50 – a median lethal dose
a chemical that has a median lethal dose LD50 = 50 mg/kg
when administered orally to rats is highly toxic
a chemical with oral rat LD50 = 5,800 mg/kg is not
considered very toxic
Inhalation rat LC50: 42ppm - what does this mean?
a chemical that has a median lethal concentration LC50 in
air of 200 ppm or less of gas or vapor when administered
by continuous inhalation for one hour to rats is highly toxic
a chemical with inhalation rat LD50 = 42 ppm is
considered very toxic
Section 11: Reading Toxicological Information
Hepatotoxins: Chemicals which produce liver damage
Nephrotoxins: Chemicals which produce kidney damage
Signs & Symptoms: Edema; proteinuria.
Chemicals: Halogenated hydrocarbons; uranium
Neurotoxins: Chemicals which produce their primary toxic
effects on the nervous system
Signs & Symptoms: Jaundice; liver enlargement
Chemicals: Carbon tetrachloride; nitrosamines
Signs & Symptoms: Narcosis; behavioral changes; decrease in
motor functions
Chemicals: Mercury; carbon disulfide
Agents which act on the blood: Decrease hemoglobin
function; deprive the body tissues of oxygen
Signs & Symptoms: Cyanosis; loss of consciousness
Chemicals: Carbon monoxide; cyanides
Section 11: Reading Toxicological Information
Agents which damage the lung: Chemicals which irritate or damage
pulmonary tissue
Reproductive toxins: Chemicals which affect the reproductive
capabilities including chromosomal damage (mutations) and effects
on fetuses (teratogenesis)
Signs & Symptoms: Birth defects; sterility
Chemicals: Lead; DBCP
Cutaneous hazards: Chemicals which affect the dermal layer of the
Signs & Symptoms: Cough; tightness in chest; shortness of breath
Chemicals: Silica; asbestos
Signs & Symptoms: Defatting of the skin; rashes; irritation
Chemicals: Ketones; chlorinated compounds
Eye hazards: Chemicals which affect the eye or visual capacity
Signs & Symptoms: Conjunctivitis; corneal damage
Chemicals: Organic solvents; acids
Section 12: Ecological Information
Environmental Fate:
When released into the soil, this material is expected to readily
biodegrade. When released into the soil, this material is expected to
leach into groundwater. When released into the soil, this material is
expected to quickly evaporate. When released into water, this
material is expected to readily biodegrade. When released to water,
this material is expected to quickly evaporate. This material has a
log octanol-water partition coefficient of less than 3.0. This material
is not expected to significantly bioaccumulate. When released into
the air, this material may be moderately degraded by reaction with
photochemically produced hydroxyl radicals. When released into the
air, this material may be moderately degraded by photolysis. When
released into the air, this material is expected to be readily removed
from the atmosphere by wet deposition.
 Environmental Toxicity:
This material is not expected to be toxic to aquatic life. The
LC50/96-hour values for fish are over 100 mg/l.
Section 13: Disposal Considerations
Whatever cannot be saved for recovery or
recycling should be handled as hazardous waste and
sent to a RCRA approved incinerator or disposed in
a RCRA approved waste facility. Processing, use or
contamination of this product may change the
waste management options. State and local disposal
regulations may differ from federal disposal
regulations. Dispose of container and unused
contents in accordance with federal, state and local
Section 14: Transport Information
Domestic (Land, D.O.T.)
Proper Shipping Name: ACETONE
Hazard Class: 3
UN/NA: UN1090
Packing Group: II
Information reported for product/size: 188L
International (Water, I.M.O.)
Proper Shipping Name: ACETONE
Hazard Class: 3
UN/NA: UN1090
Packing Group: II
Information reported for product/size: 188L
Section 15: Regulatory Information
Chemical Inventory Status
Federal, State & International Regulations
TSCA – yes
Canada DSL – yes
Canada NDSL – yes
SARA 302 RQ - no
SARA 302 TRQ - no
SARA 313 List – yes
CERCLA – 5,000 lbs
RCRA 261.33 – U002
TSCA 8(d) – no
This MSDS has been prepared according to the hazard criteria
of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS
contains all of the information required by the CPR.
Section 15: Reading Regulatory Information
TSCA Inventory (US)
EPA classifies chemical substances as either "existing" chemicals or "new"
chemicals. The only way to determine if the substance you are working with is a new
chemical is by consulting EPA's Toxic Substances Control Act Chemical Substance
Inventory (commonly referred to as the TSCA Inventory or just the Inventory).
Any substance that is not on the Inventory is classified as a new chemical. If a
substance is "new", it can be manufactured for a commercial purpose only if it is
subject to an exemption from PMN reporting or a TSCA reporting exclusion (for
example, a Low Volume Exemption, or exclusion as a naturally-occurring material).
For substances which are "existing", the Inventory can be used to determine if
there are restrictions on manufacture or use under the Toxic Substances Control
Act (TSCA) .There are approximately 75,000 chemical substances, as defined in
Section 3 of the TSCA, on the Inventory at this time.
Canada DSL/NDSL Inventory
Canada's environmental inventory, the Domestic / Non-Domestic Substances List
contains over 70,000 chemicals
Section 15: Reading Regulatory Information
Any release of one or more of the roughly 800 CERCLA or
360 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act
(EPCRA or SARA Title III) hazardous substances that
equals or exceeds a reportable quantity (RQ) must be
reported to the EPA National Response Center (NRC) in
the US.
RQs are adjusted to one of five levels: 1, 10, 100, 1,000, or
5,000 pounds. EPA bases adjustments to the RQs on the
intrinsic characteristics of each hazardous substance,
such as the aquatic toxicity, acute and chronic toxicity,
ignitability, reactivity, and potential carcinogenicity. An
RQ value is established for each of these characteristics
of a hazardous substance, with the most stringent RQ
value (i.e., the lowest quantity) becoming the final RQ or
reporting trigger reporting for that hazardous substance
spill or release.
Section 15: Reading Regulatory Information
What “RCRA 261.33 – U002” means? Acetone waste is classified as RCRA listed
hazardous waste.
By definition, EPA determined that some specific wastes are hazardous. These wastes
are incorporated into lists published by the Agency. These lists are organized into three
The F-list (non-specific source wastes). This list identifies wastes from common
manufacturing and industrial processes, such as solvents that have been used in cleaning
or degreasing operations. Because the processes producing these wastes can occur in
different sectors of industry, the F-listed wastes are known as wastes from nonspecific sources. Wastes included on the F-list can be found in the regulations at 40 CFR
The K-list (source-specific wastes). This list includes certain wastes from specific
industries, such as petroleum refining or pesticide manufacturing. Certain sludges and
wastewaters from treatment and production processes in these industries are examples
of source-specific wastes. Wastes included on the K-list can be found in the regulations
at 40 CFR §261.32.
The P-list and the U-list (discarded commercial chemical products). These lists include
specific commercial chemical products in an unused form. Some pesticides and some
pharmaceutical products become hazardous waste when discarded. Wastes included on
the P- and U-lists can be found in the regulations at 40 CFR §261.33.
Hazardous Waste Listings - A User-Friendly Reference Document, Draft, March 2008
(PDF) (118 pp, 612K)
Section 15: Reading Regulatory Information
“This MSDS has been prepared according to the hazard
criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and
the MSDS contains all of the information required by the
Canadian authorities require a statement above be entered
in the "Regulatory Information" section of every MSDS to
be approved for use in Canada.
Section 16: Other Information
NFPA Ratings: Health: 1 Flammability: 3 Reactivity: 0
Label Precautions:
Keep away from heat, sparks and flame.
Keep container closed.
Use only with adequate ventilation.
Wash thoroughly after handling.
Avoid breathing vapor.
Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing.
Label First Aid: Aspiration hazard. If swallowed, vomiting may occur
spontaneously, but DO NOT INDUCE. If vomiting occurs, keep head below
hips to prevent aspiration into lungs. Never give anything by mouth to an
unconscious person. Call a physician immediately. If inhaled, remove to fresh
air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give
oxygen. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes or skin with plenty of
water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash
clothing before reuse. In all cases, get medical attention.
Product Use: Laboratory Reagent.
Revision Information: No Changes.
Section 16: Other Information – NFPA Diamond
Additional Information
NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards
International Chemical Safety Cards
Quiz Password
The password for the online hazard
communication quiz is