Education 2.0: Use of Web 2.0 in Education

Education 2.0: Use of Web
2.0 in Education
Farhad Javidi
Education 2.0
 Web 2.0 technologies are empowering us in ways we could only have
imagined a few years ago. We're able to build more, connect more, share
more, better educate and have more fun. However, as the pace of innovation
accelerates, the task of separating signal from noise, useful from annoying
and genuine from fluff becomes increasingly challenging. What tools and
applications are right for any given project? How can we provide a more
meaningful experience for our students? How can we create more valuable
courses? How can we facilitate conversation and collaboration? In this
exciting session, participants will learn about some of the exciting Web 2.0
technologies and how they can be used to improve student engagement and
Farhad Javidi
Chair, Simulation & Game Development program
Chair, Simulation, Modeling and Visualization Center
Chair, eLearning Course Quality Committee
Chair, Spirit Committee
Central Piedmont Community College
Charlotte, North Carolina
The Internet contains several trillion links on several billion Web pages
There are over 1.5 billion people connected to the Web
50 million pages being created daily
There were only a handful of people blogging in 1999
There are over 200 million blogs today
and over 1000 new ones created every minute
They expect things to work properly
and work fast.
They get bored if not challenged properly,
but when challenged, they excel in creative
and innovative ways.
They learn by doing, not by reading the
instruction manual or listening to lectures.
Karen Stephenson states:
“Experience has long been considered the best teacher of
knowledge. Since we cannot experience everything, other
people’s experiences, and hence other people become the
surrogate for knowledge. ‘I store my knowledge in my
friends’ is an axiom for collecting knowledge through
collecting people.”
Chaos is a new reality for knowledge workers.
The list of top 50 Web sites in Dec 2009
Bing captures 10.7 percent of U.S
What is Web 2.0?
Collective Intelligence
Peer-to-Peer Networking
RSS Podcasts Wikis
Web Services
Social Networking
Ajax Flash Silverlight
Web 2.0
 Web 2.0 is the second generation of Web development. It facilitates
communication, secure information sharing, interoperability, and
collaboration. Web 2.0 concepts have led to the evolution of Webbased communities, hosted services, and applications such as
socialnetworking sites, video-sharing sites, wikis, blogs, and
folksonomies. Web 2.0 enables users to run applications entirely in a
Web browser. Users own the data on a Web 2.0 site and exercise
control over that data. Web 2.0 sites, with their architecture of
participation, encourage users to add value to the applications they
use. This differs from traditional Web sites, which are solely for
information retrieval and modifiable only by their owners.
Web 2.0
 The term Web 2.0 was coined by Darcy DiNucci in 1999. In her article
"Fragmented Future," she writes: "The Web we know now, which
loads into a browser window in essentially static screenfuls, is only an
embryo of the Web to come. The first glimmerings of Web 2.0 are
beginning to appear, and we are just starting to see how that embryo
might develop. ... The Web will be understood not as screenfuls of
text and graphics but as a transport mechanism, the ether through
which interactivity happens. It will . . . appear on your computer
screen, . . . on your TV set, . . . your car dashboard, . . . your cell
phone, . . . hand-held game machines . . . and maybe even your
What is Web 2.0?
According to Tim O'Reilly:
"Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry
caused by the move to the Internet as platform, and an attempt
to understand the rules for success on that new platform.“
According to John Chambers, CEO, Cisco Systems:
Next wave of corporate productivity gains should be paced by
Web 2.0 driven collaboration tools that use the network as the
platform to enable users to connect ‘any device to any content
over any combination of networks’
Web 2.0 in a Nutshell
Internet is the platform
Content available on any device
Users add data
Delivery Devices
Key Technologies of Web 2.0
RIA – Rich Internet Application
Buzzwords: Ajax Flash/Flex Silverlight
How to bring the experience from the desktop to the browser
from both graphical and user interface views
SOA – Service Oriented Architecture
Buzzwords: Feeds RSS Web Services Mash-ups
To leverage the functionality among applications
Social Web – End-user is Participant
Buzzwords: Wiki Blog Podcast Social Networking
End-user is integral part of the data of the application
Web 2.0 at CPCC
Pylon  Syllabi System
YouTube /GoogleVideo
Gmail/Google Docs
Google Sites/iGoogle
Google Maps
Google search Appliances
And more …
Fun Facts about Web 2.0
 Google servers process one petabyte (1015 bytes) of data every 72 hours.
 YouTube is gaining 20 hours of new video content per minute. As of
December 31, 2008, it contained 530 terabytes (1012 bytes) of video. Today,
YouTube stores up to 21 terabytes of data per day or 7.7 petabytes per year.
 The English Wikipedia is 25 times larger than the next largest Englishlanguage encyclopedia.
 74% of CIOs say the advent of Web 2.0 applications will significantly increase
their security risk over the next three years.
 12% of U.S. online consumers use RSS.
 12 million households regularly subscribe to podcasts.
 67,000 new blog entries are posted each hour.
 More than 50% of the members of all major age groups are actively engaged
with at least one Web 2.0 application.
Document Sharing
 According to Pew Research, 44% of U.S. online adults are content
creators. They enjoy creating and sharing documents online. The best
content results from collaboration and collaboration is best achieved
through document-sharing. Email remains the most popular
document-sharing tool. While it works well for the distribution of
small text files and image attachments, email is not a collaboration
tool. Document sharing services take advantage of Web 2.0
technologies to enable users to post, create, view and share
documents on their servers. They provide users with the necessary
tools to edit their documents online while enabling them to
collaborate with other users in real-time.
Document Sharing Tools
 Google Docs
 Microsoft Office Live
 Zoho
 Scribd
 Dropbox
Feeds enable the delivery of new content
to users’ devices as soon as it is published.
Content distributors syndicate a feed to
allow users to subscribe to it. The process
of making a collection of feeds accessible in
one spot is known as aggregation and is
performed by an aggregator.
 RSS, an XML-based content delivery vehicle for Web
feeds, stands for Really Simple Syndication. A partial feed
 A headline
 A short summary of the content
 A link to the place on a website where specific content resides
 RSS feeds are created in XML using tags that are enclosed
in brackets < > similar to HTML. Creating RSS feeds can be
a complex process. There are numerous free desktop and
online applications for creating RSS feeds.
 Also known as feed reader or news reader, aggregator is
client software or Web application that aggregates syndicated
Web content such as:
News headlines
Video logs
 The aggregation process is as follows:
 A content provider publishes a feed link on his site
 End users register with an aggregator program by dragging the link from the
Web browser to the aggregator
 The aggregator continuously searches for new content
 When content is updated, the aggregator displays the updated content
RSS Tools
Google Reader
Microsoft Outlook RSS Reader
Microsoft XML Notepad
 Folksonomy (a portmanteau of folk + taxonomy) refers to the practice
of collaboratively creating and managing tags to annotate and
categorize content. Also known as social classification, social indexing,
social tagging and tagging, folksonomy has taken full advantage of
Web 2.0 technologies in recent years. Folksonomy describes the
bottom-up classification systems that emerge from social tagging.
Metadata is generated not only by experts but also by creators and
consumers of content. This differs from traditional subject indexing.
With folksonomy, freely chosen keywords are typically used instead
of a controlled vocabulary.
Social Bookmarking
 Social bookmarking enables users to store, organize,
search and manage bookmarks of their favorite Web
pages with the help of metadata, typically in the form of
tags that collectively and/or collaboratively become a
folksonomy. Usually public, bookmarks can be saved
privately, shared only with specified people or groups,
shared only inside certain networks or another
combination of public and private domains.
Social Bookmarking Tools
 Google Bookmarks
Social Networks
 Social networks are based on the theory of “six degrees of
separation.” First proposed in 1929 by the Hungarian writer, Frigyes
Karinthy, the theory states that any two people on the planet can
make contact through a chain of no more than five intermediaries. In
1967, American sociologist, Stanley Milgram, devised "the smallworld problem" to test the theory. In 2001, Duncan Watts, a
professor at Columbia University, recreated Milgram's experiment on
the Internet. Watts' research and the advent of the computer age
have opened new areas of inquiry related to six degrees of separation
in diverse areas of network theory, including power grid analysis,
disease transmission, graph theory, corporate communication and
computer circuitry.
Social Networks
Google Wave/Buzz/Voice
- Use of Droid, OpenSocial and Google Web Toolkit (GWT)
Social News
 Also referred to as social recommendations, social news
refers to websites where users submit and vote on news
stories or other links. Social news sites:
 Provide users with quick access to a variety of news, along with the
opinions of other users.
 Enable users to share content relevant to their interests and participate
in discussions with engaged members.
 Have spawned a number of news aggregator sites, which collect and
group articles based on growing Web interest, thereby presenting users
with a reflexive news feed.
 Employ human editors to determine the visibility of each news item.
Certain stories are removed from websites while others, deemed highly
relevant or newsworthy, are given a ‘featured‘ position.
Social News Sites
iPhone Apps
Windows Phone 7
Zune/Xbox 360
PSP/PS3 Home
Nintendo DS/Wii
Web 2.0 Companies
Simple business plan
Low capital requirements
Potential high return but more difficult proof of concept
Short time from development to revenue
Successful Web 2.0 start-ups have committed investors or are acquired
Security risks
Unique name
Customers are expensive
Scalability challenges
Launch ASAP
Word of mouth marketing
Simplicity of the application
Getting users hooked on free
Freedom to use and leave
Web 3.0
Web 3.0 is a term used to describe the future of the World
Wide Web. Following the introduction of the phrase "Web 2.0"
as a description of the recent evolution of the Web, many
technologists, journalists, and industry leaders have used the
term "Web 3.0" to hypothesize about a future wave of Internet
Web 3.0
“ People keep asking what Web 3.0 is. I think maybe when
you've got an overlay of scalable vector graphics - everything
rippling and folding and looking misty - on Web 2.0 and
access to a semantic Web integrated across a huge space of
data, you'll have access to an unbelievable data resource. ”
—Tim Berners-Lee, A 'more revolutionary' Web
Web 3.0
An evolutionary path to artificial intelligence
Transforming the Web into a database
Web-based applications and operating systems
Web 3.0 as an "Executable" Web Abstraction Layer
Evolution towards 3D
Possible convergence of Service-oriented architecture
10 megabits of bandwidth
Recommended Books
 Web 2.0 CourseNotes, 1st EditionCourse TechnologyISBN-10: 0538744901 |
ISBN-13: 9780538744904 | 6 Pages | Non-bound | © 2010 | Published
 Web 2.0: Concepts and Applications, 1st Edition Gary B. Shelly | Mark
Frydenberg ISBN-10: 1439048029 | ISBN-13: 9781439048023 | 264 Pages |
Paperbound | © 2011
 Web 2.0: Making the Web Work for You, Illustrated, 1st EditionJane HosieBounar | Barbara M. WaxerISBN-10: 0538473215 | ISBN-13: 9780538473217
| 120 Pages | Paperbound | © 2011
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