Power Point - Herbert Hoover High School

Chapter 17: The Enlightenment
Frederick the Great of Prussia examines the potato harvest
Who in his most influential work, Jerusalem (or
Religious Power and Judaism) argued for both religious
toleration and the importance of Jewish selfidentification?
Barthélemy d’Herbert
Baruch Spinoza
 Moses Mendelshon
Johann Joachim Winkelmann
Who wrote Essay on Criticism in 1709 which gave
advice to writers on the new literary styles?
Alexander Pope
Give three clichés found in Essay on Criticism?
Fools Rush in Where Angels Fear to Tread
To err is human, to forgive divine
A little learning is a dangerous thing;
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring
Crush the damned thing
Voltaire said, Ecrasez l’infame (____________________).
To whom or what was he referring?
The Prussian Court
Alexander Pope’s Essay on Criticism
 The Roman Catholic Church
The Philosophes
Immanuel Kant
The Philosophes strongly endorsed progress and
tolerance; and distrusted organized religion. But
what caused them to fade away?
The violence of the French Revolution
The Philosophes were never an organized group and
often disagreed among themselves. But what was
the name of the grand family to which they believed
they belonged and which transcended political
The Republic of Letters
High and Low Print Cultures created
increasingly literate populations. As a
result, what increasingly influential force
came into existence by the mid eighteenth
Books and Pamphlets
 Public Opinion
Enlightenment thinkers generally opposed
tradition were inspired by the scientific
revolution and believed that the same _________
that led to greater understanding in the physical
nature of the universe could also be used to
material advancement
achieve similar growth in ___________________,
moral improvement, economic growth and
conduct of _____________________.
organized government
Who was a Dutch Jew who pioneered the secularization
Judaism and who preached tolerance and benevolence?
Baruch Spinoza
Who described the origins of religion in naturalistic
terms and taught that the Hebrew Bible provided the
Jews with rules and regulations (legislation) but not
theological knowledge.
Baruch Spinoza
Who said that God is Nature and Nature is God?
Baruch Spinoza
What group of intellectuals held that a powerful god
set the universe in motion and established natural
laws to govern it but did not take a personal interest
in its development or intervene in its affairs. ?
Enlightened Despots
 Deists
What three factors are usually attributed to the rise
of the Enlightenment?
First, the intellectual achievements and ideas of Sir
John Locke
Isaac Newton and __________;
Second, the example of British toleration and
political stability;
Third, the emergence of a ___________.
Print Culture
Who is considered the Father of Liberalism?
Isaac Newton
Edward Gibbon
Francis Bacon
John Toland
 John Locke
In Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy ,
Newton proved that ancient and medieval
scientific ideas were often incorrect and needed
challenged He also built the first practical
to be __________.
telescope and was knighted by
Queen Anne in 1705. The bottom line was that his
concrete experience became a key
emphasis on __________________
feature of Enlightenment thought.
What was the pen name of François-Marie Arouet
who was a famous (perhaps the most famous) of the
Isaac Newton
Edward Gibbon
Francis Bacon
John Toland
 Voltaire
What is the basis of John Locke’s Social Contract?
The basis of the Social Contract is the relationship
between individuals and government
Newton and Locke were natural philosophers.
What is a natural philosopher?
A natural philosopher is one who studies nature
and the universe
Define Behaviorism.
Human behavior can only be understood in what
can be scientifically observed and described
Who in his Essay Concerning Human Understanding
argued that the human mind at birth was a blank
slate (tabula rasa – Latin for blank slate) which is
filled (written on) during life through experience.
Edward Gibbon
Francis Bacon
John Toland
 John Locke
Isaac Newton
What vision did Great Britain’s political stability and
widespread toleration produce?
A society that appeared to benefit most of its people
What is the basic premise of the Doctrine of
Original Sin?
That all people are flawed
What result did Great Britain’s example of political
stability and general toleration produce?
An enduring (stable) order in society, which
produced economic prosperity, political stability
and loyal citizens
The result of Gutenberg's printing press was that books
ubiquitous (common place),
and pamphlets became __________
literacy rates began to climb and new ideas began to
spread: humanistic, secular and personal. Without the
printing press, the fruits of the Renaissance would have
been stunted; the Protestant Reformation might have
much more conservative direction the
taken a _____________________________,
Counter Reformation ___________and
the Scientific
Revolution delayed by centuries.
As a result of the emergence of Print Culture
and the replacement of Oral and ________
Cultures, what popular literary genre gained
 The Novel
The Classics
Religious Tracts
With the emergence of Print Culture both aristocrats and
the ____________were
expected to be knowledgeable
middle class
with popular books and secular ideas. Which two men
published The Spectator whose purpose was to foster
the value of polite conversation and encourage the
reading of books?
Richard Steele
Alexander Pope
Immanuel Kant
Joseph Addison
During the Enlightenment, which two of the
following became popular places where ideas and
social values were discussed and debated ?
Masonic Lodges
Law Courts
What were successful authors of the Enlightenment
wrote for monarchs, the nobility, the upper middle
classes and professional groups called?
High Culture authors
What were authors who were not able to write for
upper society but who made a marginal living
writing for whatever newspapers or journals that
would pay for their efforts called?
Low Culture authors
High and Low Print Cultures created
increasingly literate populations. As a
result, what increasingly influential force
came into existence by the mid eighteenth
Books and Pamphlets
 Public Opinion
What did David Hume believe was the greatest
miracle in religion?
…that anyone believed in miracles at all
Who wrote Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire and
argued that Christianity came into being and evolved
not because of piety and the influence of miracles but
because of natural causes and human achievements?
Edward Gibbon
Who wrote a 1793 treatise that
summed up the radical attack on
religion, Religion within the
Limits of Reason Alone?
The word philosophe comes from the French
philosopher In fact however how
word for ____________.
can most Philosophes be correctly classified?
What Latin phrase did the German philosopher
Immanuel Kant use to describe the Enlightenment?
Sapere aude; dare to think
What did Kant mean by the expression sapere aude,
dare to think?
Kant meant that the Philosophes should dare to
have the courage to use their reasoning ability
Who was a leading figure of the Enlightenment and
known as the Jewish (or German) Socrates?
Barthélemy d’Herbert
Baruch Spinoza
Cesare Beccaria
Johann Joachim Winkelmann
 Moses Mendelsohn
For what purpose did Voltaire write Letters on the
English (Lettres philosophiques sur les Anglais)?
Voltaire wanted to explain the climate of intellectual
and ________tolerance
he found in England along
with the _____________________
scientific achievements and economic
political freedom he
prosperity; but most of all, the _________
had not known in France.
How did the Parlement of Paris react to this book?
And Voltaire?
The Parlement of Paris had the book condemned
and burned. Voltaire was harassed and fled to
Cirey, a town near the still independent Lorraine.
Who wrote Turkish Embassy Letters which noted
many of the good points about Ottoman society such
as the wide use of vaccination against smallpox?
Barthélemy d’Herbert
George Sale
Mary Wortley
John Toland
What term is used for the incorporation of all forms of
printed texts and printed visuals such as woodcuts?
A Print Culture
What is genre?
A category or type of art or literature
What replaced (or is trying to replace) the printed
word in the our current age?
The Electronic Revolution
In 1755, a terrible earthquake struck Lisbon, killing 60,000
people. Voltaire wrote a dark poem, (Poème sur le
désastre de Lisbonne), for which he was criticized for his
pessimism What was his response?
Ecrasez l’infame
 Candide
Letter Concerning Toleration
Essay on Criticism
What term is used for most Philosophes who, like
Voltaire, agreed with Newton that, since nature was
rational, God must also be rational ?
Newton believed in God but most Deists believed in:
What is the difference between God and god?
God implies a knowable (real, rational), personal
God but god implies a real but impersonal god.
What is an alternate name for the Age of the
The Age of Reason
What group of people drove the Enlightenment?
The higher clergy
 Intellectuals
The Bourgeoisie
What was the favorite simile of the Deists?
A watchmaker
Who wrote Christianity not Mysterious?
John Toland
What was Toland’s point?
that divine revelation found in the Bible
contained no real mysteries because they could
be understood by the examination of nature and
the use of _______.
Who associated Islamic society with a passivity (or
political acquiescence) which he felt was the result of
political repression and despotism?
Barthélemy d’Herbert
Edward Gibbon
John Toland
Mary Wortley
Baron de Montesquieu
Some Philosophes openly attacked the Church and its
clergy with great vehemence. The leader was ________
Catholic Church In 1764, he finished
who hated of the ______________.
Philosophical Dictionary which really wasn’t a
his _____________________
dictionary, although its articles were arranged
alphabetically. In it, he used humor and sarcasm to
point out the inconsistencies in Biblical history and
immoral acts of many Biblical _______.
Who was the Scottish philosopher who wrote On
Miracles in which he claimed that there was no
empirical evidence for the miracles that were
foundational to Christianity?
Jean Calas
David Hume
Edward Gibbon
Emile de Chatlet
Immanuel Kant
Who was the Huguenot merchant who had been
viciously put to death, supposedly because he had
murdered his son for wanting to convert to Catholicism?
Jean Calas
Who took up his case in his Treatise on Tolerance and
eventually established Calas’ innocence?
Who wrote the play Nathan the Wise which was plea
for religious tolerance?
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
Who was the English poet (known for his
satire and translation of Homer), who grew
wealthy by showing other writers how to
make a living by writing?
 Alexander Pope
John Toland
Richard Steele
James Wolfe
Joseph Addison
Although Moses Mendelsohn was a practicing Orthodox
Jew, his Enlightenment values have caused many
historians to refer to him as the father of what?
Reformed Judaism
Who, in his Pensées, illustrated European thought by
stating that Islam was a false religion and that
Muhammad was both an imposter and false prophet
because he had performed no miracles.
Blaise Pascal
Both François Quesnay and Pierre DuPont de
Nemours were: Phisocrats
Who was the German Jew who was a pioneer for the
assimilation of Jews into modern European life and
was the model for Lessing’s Nathan the Wise?
Barthélemy d’Herbert
Baruch Spinoza
Cesare Beccaria
Johann Joachim Winkelmann
Moses Mendelsohn
What did Muhammedanism imply?
…that Muhammad thought he was divine
Who was the English scholar who first translated the
Quran into English? George Sale
Who wrote Oriental Library in 1697 ?
Barthélemy d’Herbert
Who wrote A History of the Saracans? Simon Ockley
Into what two groups were the Enlightenment
Philosophes divided as concerning Islam and the
Muslim World? Hostile and tolerant
What historian wrote favorably about Muhammad’s
leadership and Islam’s successes in conquering such
a vast territory in its first century?
David Hume
Edward Gibbon
Edmund Burke
Sir Isaac Newton
John Toland
What French philosopher, art critic, and writer is best
known as the as co-founder, chief editor and a
contributor to the Encyclopedia (Encyclopédie). ?
François-Marie Arouet
Denis Diderot
Francois Boucher
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Julie de Lespinasse
Who argued - long before his time - that Islam was
derived from early Christian writings and therefore
was a form of Christianity?
Barthélemy d’Herbert
George Sale
Mary Wortley
John Toland