2015 February Hike Handout

Feb 2
MON> RETREADS: Turpentine Trail
Location: McDowell Sonoran Preserve
Rated C, 5 miles, AEG - 276’, 90 miles r/t, driver’s fee $5. This trail is noted for
a knee high bush in the sunflower family that gives off a piney fragrance and the
area is home to 128 species of birds. There are views of Weaver’s Needle and Tom
Helen/Jack Schultz
Feb 2
MON> Siphon Draw and Flatiron
Location: Superstition Mountains
Trailhead - 2080’, 70 miles r/t, driver’s fee $5 + share of park
entrance fee. Siphon Draw: rated C+, 4 miles, AEG - 1185’; Flatiron: rated
B+, 5.8 miles, AEG - 2930. NOTE: Those hiking Flatiron need collapsible poles
and gloves due to significant rock scrambling. Both hikes offer scenic views
with unusual rock formations.
Brian Hill
Feb 4
WED> Dixie Mine Trail
Location; McDowell Mountain Preserve
Rated C, 6.3 miles, Trailhead – 2100’, AEG – 545’; 95 miles r/t, driver’s fee $6+
share of park entrance fee. An easy rolling trail and scenic hike to the old Dixie
mine through nice areas of cacti.
Paulette/Jerry Zuehlke
Feb 9
MON> RETREADS: Scenic Trail
Location: McDowell Mountain Regional Park
Rated C, 4.5 miles, AEG - <300’; 92 miles r/t, driver’s fee $6 + share of park
entrance fee. This hike provides spectacular views of the surrounding mountain
ranges. Deer, javelina, coyotes and a variety of birds have been spotted. Optional
lunch after the hike.
Bonnie Tasch
Feb 9
MON> Coon Creek Ruins NOTE: EARLY START!
Location: Sierra Ancha Mountains
Rated B, 8 miles, Trailhead – 2700’, AEG - 500’; 231 miles r/t, driver’s fee $14+
$2 dirt road fee. View cliff dwelling ruins, located under natural rock shelter that
has brownish red walls and overlooks a creek. NOTE: Meet up at 6:45. Carpools leave
Cottonwood parking lot at 7:00 a.m. sharp. MANDATORY R.S.V.P. to hike leaders due
to limited parking at the trailhead.
Barb Smith
Joyce Frericks
Feb 11 WED> Pass Mountain Trail
Location: Usery Mountain Park
Rated C+, 6.8 miles, Trailhead - 2030’, AEG - 1020’; 62 miles r/t, driver’s fee $4+
share of park entrance fee. This is a great loop trail but might be done as an
in and out. The views of the cliff face of the Superstitions are fantastic.
Liz Morque
Dave Friesen
Feb 13 FRI> 5th Annual South Mountain Trek NOTE: MANDATORY SIGN UP!
Dennis Harkins
Three options are offered: (1) 15.7 miles, AEG - 2493’; (2) 8 miles, AEG - 735’;
(3) 5.1 miles, AEG - 176’. Hikers will meet at 8:00 at the Cottonwood parking lot
and carpool to the Pima Canyon Trailhead. Hikers will then divide into three
groups depending on the hike selected. MANDATORY SIGN UP at the February meeting
or by contacting the leader by Feb. 6.
Feb 16 MON> RETREADS: To Be Announced
Michael Josephson
Feb 16 MON> Idaho Pass and Peak 3134
Mary/Steve Martz
Location: Goldfield Mountains
Rated B, 8.5 miles, Trailhead - 2000’, AEG - 1850’; 70 miles r/t, driver’s fee $5.
A very pretty trail with lots of wildflowers. Fantastic 360 degree view from the top.
Last ½ mile rather steep so poles are recommended.
Feb 18 WED> Mesquite Canyon and Willow Canyon Trails
Gene Smestad
Location: White Tank Mountain Regional Park
Rated C, 6.5 miles, Trailhead – 1541’, AEG – 1275’; 120 miles r/t, driver’s fee $8.+
share of park entrance fee. This in and out hike is to Willow Spring, a pool of water
enclosed on 3 sides by high, rugged cliffs. If there have been recent rains, there
might be a waterfall. From the trails can be seen far reaching views of the West
Valley and nice scenery looking down into the canyons. There are longer upward
Inclines at the beginning of the hike, then the trail levels out for an easy walk to the pool.
Feb 23 MON> RETREADS: Taliesin, Quartz and West World Trails
Location: Near McDowell Sonoran Preserve
Rated C, 6 mile loop or 5 miles in and out, Trailhead – 1620”, AEG - 500’, 67 miles r/t,
driver’s fee $4. The trail weaves through desert areas to the Taliesin Overlook, then
turns to run through upscale housing communities and finishes around a beautiful
golf course. It includes many views of the preserve and greater valley to the north.
Virginia/Al Metz
Feb 23 MON> Ballantine Trail
Location: Tonto National Forest
Rated B, 8.8 miles, Trailhead - 2258’ AEG - 1381’; 112 miles r/t, driver’s fee $7.
From Pine Creek Loop, take Ballantine Trail out through unmarred Sororan
Desert and climb up into Ballantine Canyon. Lunch will be at Rock Creek with
great views to the south before returning.
Vivienne Torgeson
Feb 25 WED> Massacre Grounds
Location: Superstition Wilderness
Rated C, 5.5 miles, Trailhead - 2263’, AEG - 1200’, 76 miles r/t, driver’s fee $5.
The Massacre Grounds trail takes you past a small knoll with some small caves
past a mini-needle and through a tunnel of lush vegetation before delivering you
to the east side of Massacre Wall and Massacre Falls. We will visit a small ramp style
ridge that offers a nice 360 degree view from the top. There’s also a sheer drop-off
and it is rumored that the Apache Indians ran Spanish miners off the top of the ridge
after they had confiscated a cache of their gold.
Greg Jewell
Bonnie Tasch
Mar 6
FRI> SLHC MONTHLY MEETING 3:45, Phoenix Room, Cottonwood
Sun Lakes Hiking Club website: meetup.com/Sun-Lakes-Hiking-Club