Chapter 34:Nation Building in East Asia and the Pacific Rim


Chapter 34:


Building in East Asia and the

Pacific Rim

By Josie Maxwell, Grace Kim, and MJ Pott

Places to Know



❏ Taiwan

❏ Hong









Japanese Recovery

• WWII left Japan in ruins

• Rapid rebuilding of economy

– Selective westernization via occupying U.S. troops

• U.S. Occupation goals:

Democratic Japan and demilitarization

• New constitution

Parliament made supreme political body

• Economic reforms

• Educational Reforms

• Changes accepted by public

Economic Surge

Government supported business cooperation

Mass export expansion o

“Japan, Incorporated” o o

More exports than China, both Koreas, Taiwan,

India, Pakistan, Australia, and Brazil combined

Mostly cars and electronics o

Quality and Quantity!

Annual economic growth=

10% after 1950

What caused the Economic Boom?

• Active government encouragement

• Education expansion

• Foreign policy

– Japan’s army is disbanded

– Extra capital goes to support economy

• Labor policy

– Labor unions

– Strong sense of group loyalty

– Low unemployment

– Employees less likely to take vacations,

Bosses less materialistic

Effects on Family Life

Women are increasingly well-educated o o decline in birthrates small feminist movement o focus on domestic duty and child rearing

Children’s education becomes extremely conformist o non-conformists are punished and humiliated

Social Effects

• Far fewer lawyers

• Far fewer lonely/alienated people

• Emphasis on individual competition

University entrance exams are more stressful

Heavy drinking & geisha houses accepted

Culture and Westernization

Fascination with baseball, golf, tennis

Children prefer western cutlery over chopsticks o

Chopstick classes instituted

Traditional Art, poetry, tea ceremonies, and flower arrangements survive

Theatres and literature thrive

Art used to attack controversial issues o

Hiraoka Kimitoke (1925-1970)

(shown right)


• Japan is converted into a democracy by the


Dominated by a single party: The Liberal Democratic


Closer to an oligarchy

Conservative stability

• Population boom= government campaign supporting abortion and birth control

Strong national tradition of state-sponsored discipline

Problems-Things Fall Apart

Pollution becomes a problem by


Intense respect for elders challenged by younger generation

1990’s collapse o

Liberal Democrats are corrupt o o

 Replaced by an unstable coalition government

Severe economic depression

High unemployment rate

Relatively swift recovery



China : Chiang Kai- shek

○ Anticommunist crusade and success during the 1930s interrupted -> Japanese invasion

○ Did not focus on invasion -> obsessed with communist and continued struggle against them

○ Forced to ally with communists against Japanese

○ Chiang’s conventional military v.s superior air, land, and sea forces of Japan

○ His retreat eroded his reputation with military allies, the rural landlords, and foreign powers

○ Arrival of Chiang’s armies meant theft, rape, and murder for

Chinese villagers

○ He did little to improve the condition of the people

● 1950s - Balance of power was shifting to Mao

● Triumphant- communist policies = support of the peasantry and others

● Good reasons to support

Mao and his revolutionary movement

○ land reform education improved health care

● Mao’s soldiers were indoctrinated w/ the need to protect the peasantry and win their support

China: Mao

Mao, cont.

● Harsh penalties were levied

● 1st priority -> Complete the social revolution in the rural areas

● Village tribunals

● Border disputes

● Late 1950s -> marked the

Mao’s rule had broken down

● Pragmatists -> Gang of


Chinese Politics:


● Communists won favor - victorious in 1949

● Victory in China drove Chiang’s regime to Taiwan

● Convinced the people that they had the leaders and the program that could improve their lives

● Intellectuals and students changed their allegiance to communists

● Strong military and political organization

Communism, cont.

● Party cadres and the

People’s Liberation Army

● Army subordinate to party

● Administered by military officials for 5 years after communists came to power

● Communist planners saw rapid industrialization -> no peasant farmers

● Stalinist style 5 year plan -> communist leaders turn away from peasantry to urban workers

China: Social and Cultural

● The Great Leap Forward

○ Further effort to revitalize the flagging revolution by restoring its mass, rural base

● Women/Social

○ Mao -> moved as a young boy, interested in women’s rights

○ Women’s issues and women’s support for the communist movement became important in Mao’s revolutionary strategy

○ Clash with nationalists and communists

● Mao’s cultural revolution

○ Convinced that the support among the students, peasants, and military was strong enough to launch what would be his last campaign


Guomindang Refuge o

Chiang Kai-shek o

China/US tensions

Shift focus from regaining China to economic growth o

State planning but also free market possibility o

Agriculture improves--reforms benefit farmers o

Education and literacy increase, Western medicine

Chiang Kai-shek dies, son Chiang Ching-kuo ascends to lead

North Korea

➢ “People’s


Republic of Korea”

➢ Led by Kim Il-Sung

➢ Communist

○ High Soviet influence


South Korea

➢ “Republic of Korea”

➢ Led by Syngman

Rhee, a Nationalist

○ Lots of American support

The Korean War

Started in 1950 by North Korea

US jumps to aid South, border gets pushed up into North Korea o

General MacArthur

Communist China sends troops, push border back down

Front stabilizes in 1952, war ended 1953

Border clashes and tensions continue, but no more outright war

Post-War Korea

➢ Tendency for leaders to be ‘Strongmen’

➢ Focus shifts to economic growth

Industrialization and mass production


➢ Population growth

Gov’t began to urge limited birthrates

Emigration and air pollution became common

Vietna m

Vietnam and France

❖ 1600’s--French Catholic Missionaries

➢ French motives became more political and economic

❖ 1770’s--Tayson Rebellion

➢ Peasants overthrew the Nguyen dynasty, then the rival Trinh dynasty

❖ French support Nguyen Anh

Last Nguyen prince

➢ With French arms and tactics he conquers Vietnam

❖ 1802--Proclaims himself Gia Long emperor of Vietnam

French get benefits

Vietnam and Confucianism

❖ Gia Long was a big fan of Confucianism

Capitol at Hue mimicked Imperial palace

Administration made up of Confucian bureaucrats

➢ French Catholic missionaries disappointed

❖ Minh Mang

➢ 2nd emperor, also very Confucian

➢ Starts persecuting Catholics--very bad move

❖ 1840-1890--French conquest of Vietnam,

Laos, and Cambodia

Nguyen princes reduced to ‘puppets’

Economic and Social problems worsen

Nationalism or


❖ Confucianism is rejected

➢ Ideological vacuum created

❖ Nationalism- “V. Quoc Dan Dong” (VNQDD)

➢ Secret society supporting the violent overthrow of the


➢ Mostly made up of the emerging middle class

➢ Failed due to French secret police

❖ Communism

Party led by Nguyen Ai Quoc (Ho Chi


French crush them, too, but the

Communist underground survives

First Indochina War


❖ Japanese invade in 1941

➢ Viet Minh gain power in N. Vietnam

➢ Gain support of the people

❖ Viet Minh control N. Vietnam by 1945

➢ General Vo Nguyen Giap--guerilla tactics

❖ French reaction

S. Vietnam is politically divided

French forces seize Saigon and come to control much of S. and central Vietnam with the help of the British

➢ French are supported by US at this point

❖ V. capture French Fort at Dien Bien Phu

➢ Decisive end to the war

Between Wars

❖ 1954 Geneva conference

➢ Recognized Vietnam as independent

➢ Called for elections within 2 years

❖ Tensions with the US

During WWII Viet Minh and US cooperated against

Japan, but US sided with France in the next war

While the Cold War US was against Communism, Ho

Chi Minh was a popular leader in Vietnam

Anti-Communist sentiment in the US led the US to believe it should protect S. Vietnam from becoming


■ Ngo Dinh Diem--US-backed Nationalist leader of

S. Vietnam

Second Indochina War (US)

❖ Diem worked against the Communists

➢ Focused on Communist cadres in S. Vietnam

❖ Communist reaction

➢ Viet Cong threatened, N. V. send guns, advisors, etc.

➢ S. V. communists form “National Liberation Front”

➢ Guerilla warfare spreads

❖ Full-out war

Diem is ineffective, US has his generals overthrow him

US and N.V. keep sending in more resources

US troops increased to almost 500,000

More explosives dropped than in WWII

Communists don’t give in, war ends 1970’s

After the Wars

❖ Vietnam was united under the Communists

➢ S. V. regime fell apart quickly without US support

❖ Communists failed to rebuild Vietnam

➢ Economy and environment shattered, no aid

➢ Leaders push harsh socialist agendas

➢ Gov’t controls economy, unsuccessful

❖ Slow recovery

Communist method clearly failing by the 1980’s

Outside nations open up economy somewhat

Vietnam still faces sweatshop conditions, social inequality, very little education

Port Cities

Hong Kong

❖ British colony until 1997

➢ Returned to China

➢ Communists promised to preserve its free market economy

❖ Bridge Nation

➢ Connected Communist

China with the rest of the world

➢ Many fled the

Communists and settled in Hong Kong

❖ Thriving Economy


British Naval base until


Became a nation in 1965

Prime Minister Lee Kuan


Very dense population

❖ High gov’t control

Huge economic success

Shipping and manufacturing

Education and health improve

Other Pacific Rim Nations

➔ “Little Tigers”-Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand

◆ Experienced Economic growth and air pollution

➔ Common Themes

Confucian influence

Strong central governments

➔ Late 20th century problems

Economic growth fails, problems arise

West sees this as a sign that free market is necessary

Some change: Indonesia--


Growth picks back up around the turn of the century
