Independent Sector The House of Representatives recently passed

Independent Sector
The House of Representatives recently passed legislation (H.R. 4719) that would make permanent
three temporary – and currently expired – provisions in the tax code that encourage charitable giving:
The IRA charitable rollover;
An enhanced tax deduction for donating food inventory; and
An enhanced tax deduction for donating land conservation easements.
The legislation would also:
Extend the deadline through April 15 for making charitable contributions; and
Streamline the excise tax on private foundation investment income.
With your help, we are really close to crossing the finish line and getting this done.
We ask you to join us in working to ensure that these provisions are permanently enshrined in the tax
code. Given the few legislative days remaining in the 113th Congress, our window of
opportunity will not remain open long.
Timing is of the essence.
Given the urgency of this matter, I invite you to join me and other sector leaders for a special sectorwide call on Tuesday, August 5 at 1:00 p.m. ET, where we will discuss a strategy for advancing
H.R. 4719 in the Senate before time runs out.
We will provide a brief legislative update, then turn to sector leaders and our Policy team for their
perspectives about how you can best utilize the August congressional recess to make progress on
these vital issues.
Thus far, confirmed speakers include:
Wes Coulam, Executive Director, National Tax at Washington Council Ernst & Young;
Russ Shay, Director of Public Policy at Land Trust Alliance;
Matt Knott, President at Feeding America; and
David Thompson, Vice President of Public Policy at National Council of Nonprofits.
We encourage you to distribute this invitation broadly within your organization and to other charitable
organizations in your networks. To participate in this event, please email for the dial-in information.