Master Course Syllabus

MGT 630: Business Ethics and Sustainability
Credit Hours:
Contact Hours:
This is a 3-credit course, offered in a 14 week format. The exact number of hours
per week that you can expect to spend on each course will vary based upon the
weekly coursework, as well as your study style and preferences. You should plan to
spend 10-12 hours per week in each course reading material, interacting on the
discussion boards, writing papers, completing projects, and doing research.
Faculty Information
CSU-GC Email:
Virtual Office Hours:
Course Description and Outcomes
This course starts out with an introduction to corporate sustainability: what it is, and why it is important. The
Corporate Sustainability Model is introduced to the learner. Additionally, the learner looks at the importance of
identifying stakeholders and understanding accountability. From there, the course moves toward the
management side of corporate ethics and sustainability, looking at the board members; and CEO’s roles in
sustainability, developing a sustainability strategy, and global perspectives of sustainability. Additional topics
discussed include government regulations, codes of conduct, information flow, philanthropy, and outsourcing as
they relate to sustainability.
Next, the course moves to the investments and risks associated with sustainability. Specifically, learners will
examine the capital investment decision process, capital budgeting, costs in the decision-making process,
costing systems, risk assessment, incentives and rewards, performance evaluation systems, and shareholder
value analysis.
From there, the course moves on to specifically focus on the social, environmental, and economic impacts of
corporate sustainability. This involves understanding the concept of value, and developing methodologies for
measuring social and environmental impacts and risks. The implementation of such a system involves mapping
actions to drive performance, develop sustainability performance metrics, engagement with stakeholders,
measurement of the corporate reputation, and the social and environmental risks and impacts.
Finally, the course moves into looking at improvement, reporting, verification, and benefits of sustainability for
corporations and society. Learners will explore topics such as organizational learning, improving sustainability
performances, identifying and recognizing appropriate societal and environmental impacts, internal and external
reporting, verifying sustainability performance, and internal and external sustainability audits. Last, the learners
will look at making sustainability work, using the Corporate Sustainability Model to improve performance,
positively influence external stakeholders, and create opportunities for innovation.
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Examine the components of corporate sustainability and ethics and the impact on society and
2. Analyze leadership’s role in creating and organizing a corporate sustainability strategy focusing on the
identified stakeholders.
3. Synthesize the relationship between the capital investment and capital budgeting processes, costing
systems, and risk assessment.
4. Explore the foundations of measuring social, environmental, and economic impacts of sustainability
5. Evaluate the benefits of implementing a social, environmental, and economic impact measurement
6. Analyze the steps taken to improve corporate processes, products, and projects for corporate
7. Examine external sustainability reporting and verification methods for the stakeholders.
8. Evaluate the benefits of sustainability and ethics for corporations and society as a whole.
Participation & Attendance
Prompt and consistent attendance in your online courses is essential for your success. If for some reason you
would like to drop a course, please contact Saudi Electronic University.
Online classes have deadlines, assignments, and participation requirements just like on-campus classes. Budget
your time carefully and keep an open line of communication with your instructor. If you are having technical
problems, problems with your assignments, or other problems that are impeding your progress, let your
instructor know as soon as possible. Any assignment not completed within 7 days of the due date will not be
graded and a score of zero (0) will be assigned.
Course Materials
Epstein, M. J. (2008). Making sustainability work: Best practices in managing and measuring corporate social,
environmental, and economic impacts. Sheffield, UK: Greenleaf Publishing. ISBN-13 9781576754863
Course Schedule
Due Dates
The Academic Week begins on Sunday and ends the following Saturday. All assignments are due by Saturday at
midnight KSA time of the week assigned. Any assignment not completed within 7 days of the due date will not
be graded and a score of zero (0) will be assigned.
Discussion Activities: Application of knowledge is an important step in the learning experience and
every course has key discussions wherein students can apply and analyze content as well as move
toward synthesis. This course has Discussion Forums that provide learners an extended opportunity to
interact with one another in an instructor-facilitated dialogue that focuses on key course themes.
Students will apply and synthesize knowledge learned to case studies simulating real-world decisionmaking.
Mastery Exercises: These exercises will assess learner knowledge in each topic area.
Critical Thinking Application Assignments: each assignment will require students to apply their
knowledge learned in the module to real-world scenarios.
Week #
Introduction & Chapter 1 in Making Sustainability Work
Morris, N. (2004, Oct/Nov). Sustainability: What is it?
Power Engineer, 18(5), 11.
Steger, U., Salzmann, O., & Ionescu-Somers, A. (2008).
Corporate responsibility: Beyond the hype. European
Business Forum, 32, 40-45.
Discussion Board (25 points)
Chapter 2 in Making Sustainability Work
Epstein, M. J., Buhovac, A. R., & Yuthas, K. (2010).
Implementing Sustainability: The Role of Leadership and
Organizational Culture. Strategic Finance, 91 (10), 41-47.
Verizonbusiness (2010, December 17) Perspectives from
the C-Suite: Leadership and Sustainability [Video file].
Retrieved from
Mastery Exercise (0 pts)
Critical Thinking (90)
Chapter 3 in Making Sustainability Work
Prattipati, S. N. (2010). Sustainability and the Role of
Information and Communications Technologies. Business
Renaissance Quarterly, 5(2), 23-40.
Chapter 4 in Making Sustainability Work
Buchanan, S. (2010). Integrating Sustainability into the
Capital Planning Process. Area Development Site and
Facility Planning. 45(5), 41-12.
YouTube Video: Dave Mowat: Sustainability: Does it Cost
Money or Make Money?
Discussion Board (25 pts)
Critical Thinking (90 pts)
Chapter 5 in Making Sustainability Work
Dutta, S. K., & Lawson, R. A. (2009). Aligning Performance
Evaluation and Reward Systems with Corporate
Sustainability Goals. Cost Management, 23(6), 15-23.
Dias-Sardinha, I., & Reijnders, L. (2001). Environmental
performance evaluation and sustainability performance
evaluation of organizations: an evolutionary framework.
Management and Auditing, 8(2), 71.
Discussion Board (25 pts)
Mastery Exercise (0 pts)
Chapter 6 in Making Sustainability Work
Prieto-Carron, M., Lund-Thomsen, P., Chan, A., Muro, A., &
Bhushan, C. (2006). Critical perspectives on CSR and
development: What we know, what we don't know, and
what we need to know. International Affairs, 82(5), 977987.
Discussion Board (25 pts)
Chapter 6 in Making Sustainability Work
Bekefi, T., & Epstein, M. J. (2008). Measuring and
Managing Social and Political Risk. Strategic Finance, 89
(8), 33-41.
Bekefi, T., Epstein, M. J. (2008). Transforming Social and
Environmental Risks into Opportunities. Strategic Finance,
89 (9), 42-47.
Youtube Video: Managing environmental risks &
strengthening stakeholder engagement
Discussion Board (25 pts)
Mastery Exercise (0 pts)
Chapter 7 in Making Sustainability Work
Weaver, A., Pope, J. Morrison-Saunders, A., & Lochner, P.
(2008). Contributing to sustainability as an environmental
impact assessment practitioner. Impact Assessment and
Project Appraisal, 26(2), 91-98.
Chapter 7 in Making Sustainability Work
Gao, S. S., & Zhang, J. J. (2006). Stakeholder engagement,
social auditing and corporate sustainability. Business
Process Management Journal, 12(6), 722.
YouTube Video: Stakeholder Engagement: Top 3
Sustainability Communications Practices
Critical Thinking (90 pts)
Discussion Board (25 pts)
Chapter 8 in Making Sustainability Work
Iarossi, J., Miller, J. K., O'Connoer, J., & Keil, M. (2001).
Addressing the Sustainability Challenges; Insights from
Institutional Theory and Organizational Learning. SSRN
Working Paper Series.
YouTube Video: Improving sustainability at UPM Shotton
paper mill
Critical Thinking (90 pts)
Chapter 8 in Making Sustainability Work
Evers, P., Harmon, W. K., & Ivancevich, S. H.(2004).
Sustainability Reporting: Implications for Internal Auditors.
Internal Auditing, 19 (2), 21-27.
Starbuck, S. , & Singer, S. (2010). Climate Change and
Sustainability: Five Highly Charged Risk Areas for Internal
Audit. Internal Auditing, 25(4), 3-9.
Discussion Board (25 pts)
Mastery Exercise (0 pts)
Chapter 9 in Making Sustainability Work
Kiernan, M. (1993). The new strategic architecture:
Learning to compete in the twenty-first century. Academy
Critical Thinking (90 pts)
of Management Executive 7 (1), 7–21.
YouTube Video: What is Auditing: Internal vs. External?
Chapter 9 in Making Sustainability Work
Ballou, B., Heitger, D. L., Landes, C. E., Adams, M. (2006).
The Future of Corporate Sustainability Reporting. Journal
of Accountancy, 202(6), 70-74.
Chapter 10 in Making Sustainability Work
Discussion Board (25 pts)
Mastery Exercise (0 pts)
Portfolio Assignment (350 pts)
Assignment Details
This course includes the following assignments/projects:
Week 2
Critical Thinking: Sustainability (90 Points)
Using Table 1.1, "The nine principles of sustainability performance," write a one- to two-page analysis of WalMart in regard to these nine principles. Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA
style guidelines, citing references as appropriate.
Portfolio Milestone: (0 Points)
Review the Portfolio Project requirements in Week 14 of this syllabus and the Portfolio Project rubric (PDF).
Select your organization to use for the Portfolio Project. Give your instructor a brief history of the organization
you chose to make sure it is acceptable for the project. Submit your proposal to your instructor through the
Assignment section.
Begin the outline of your paper, what topics you may include, and how you will structure the paper. You can
begin writing the first sections of the paper based on the first two modules of the course.
Week 4
Critical Thinking: Costing Systems (90 Points)
Chapter 4 of your textbook explains the various options of costing systems. In a one- to two-page document
compare and contrast these costing systems and identify advantages and disadvantages of each.
Type your analysis in Word and then share your answer with your small group by posting your answer in the
Communications > Groups Pages discussion board.
Collaborate with the other two students in your group to evaluate their answers and create consensus on one
group answer to the problem. Copy the group answer into your Word document and add a paragraph that
discusses your group answer, and any differences of opinion in the group as to what the answer should be.
Individually, submit your final Word document to the Assignments Dropbox. Use Saudi Electronic University
academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, citing references as appropriate.
Week 8
Critical Thinking: Dell Analysis (90 Points)
Chapter 7 of your text lists some examples of performance measures. Using Dell Computer Corporation as your
company of focus, which of these performance metrics would be relevant? Why?
Type your analysis in Word and then submit your final Word document to the Assignment Dropbox. Use Saudi
Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, citing references as appropriate.
Additionally, post your paper to the Discussion Board for this Module and reply to two other learners’ postings
adding content and research that either supports or contradicts their report. Remember to use proper etiquette
in your postings and remain professional at all times.
Week 10
Critical Thinking: Performance Metrics: Annotated Bibliography and Analysis (90 Points)
Begin by reviewing the Module 6 lecture on developing an annotated bibliography through the structure of a
research system.
For this assignment, you will develop an annotated bibliography that provides performance metrics for any of
the corporations mentioned in case studies in your textbook. The cases are listed on p. 8 of Making
Sustainability Work (Epstein, 2008).
Using the SEU Virtual Library, begin your research by locating professional peer-reviewed journals and select
current research articles published within the last five years that address performance metrics as specified
Create an annotated bibliography from your research with a minimum of eight well-written SEU APA-formatted
entries. For each entry, please also include the key word(s) that you used, as well as the database(s) in which
you found your peer-reviewed articles within the SEU Virtual Library.
Using the articles in the bibliography, as well as any other relevant information you’ve learned in the course,
develop a one-page paper that addresses the following question:
How might the implementation of a standardized assessment of a company’s performance drive growth
and productivity?
Your well-written paper must meet the following requirements:
Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, citing references as
Include the annotated bibliography following the body of the paper
400-600 words in length
Create a personal Journal of Relevant Research Studies for your academic files using these research articles. Add
to your Journal in this course and subsequent classes to develop a rich collection of academic resources. Your
Journal is not to be submitted for this assignment; it is yours to create and develop.
Week 12
Critical Thinking: External Auditing (90 Points)
Chapter 9 in the text discusses external companies conducting sustainability audits for corporations. Find an
external auditing company on the Internet. In a 1-2 page document, discuss the services that company offers,
along with any specific reports it provides. Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA
style guidelines, citing references as appropriate. Submit your final Word document to the Assignments
Portfolio Milestone: (0 Points)
Work on your formatting and proofreading of your overall project this week, and make sure that you have a SEU
APA formatted document. If you are still adding content, you will want to complete that component as soon as
possible. This is to be turned in two weeks.
Week 14
Portfolio Assignment
For this portfolio assignment, you will need to research a company of your choosing in regard to its corporate
ethics and sustainability. This can be either a company you work for or a corporation such as those mentioned in
the course materials. You will address each of the following topics as they relate to your company. Each of the
10 topics should be illuminated by sharing an example related to the organization, connected to a course
concept or other credible sustainability theories and practices, and supported by scholarly sources.
The portfolio should be in the form of a 5-6 page formatted essay. Use Saudi Electronic University academic
writing standards and APA style guidelines, citing references as appropriate. The entire portfolio project is worth
35% of your overall grade for this course. Make sure to use research from credible and scholarly sources to back
up your statements within the paper. You will need to address each of the following as they relate to your
company. See the portfolio rubric for point values of each section.
Sustainability Model
A background and organizational framework for the corporation including relevant historical
information, industry information, etc.
A detailed explanation of how the company incorporates the four components of the Corporate
Sustainability Model in their sustainability strategy.
A detailed explanation of how the organization plans for capital budgeting and risk assessment.
A detailed explanation of the social and environmental impacts of the activities and decisions of
A detailed explanation of this company’s reporting and disclosure of its sustainability measures,
including any metrics used and audits performed.
A detailed explanation of how the top leadership of the company has shown commitment to
A detailed explanation of how the corporate leaders involve the entire organization, outsourced
agencies, and non-government organizations into their sustainability strategy.
A detailed explanation of who the major stakeholders are for the company and their role as it pertains
to the company.
A detailed explanation of this company’s reputation amongst the public, the industry, and other
Your recommendations of how this company could improve upon its current sustainability strategy to
improve its overall corporate performance.
Course Policies
Course Grading
20% Discussion Participation
45% Critical Thinking Activities
35% Final Portfolio Paper
Any assignment not completed within 7 days of the due date will not be graded and a
score of zero (0) will be assigned.