YLG2201 Intensive Elementary Ancient Greek (5 MC) MODULE DESCRIPTION This intensive course, which assumes no prior knowledge of ancient Greek, offers 4 hours a week of language instruction in ancient Greek for beginners. Instruction will cover the writing systems, vocabulary, and syntax of ancient Greek texts. Students will develop linguistic and cultural knowledge in ancient Mediterranean antiquity, and achieve a basic reading level by the end of the semester. BENEFITS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES Introductory ancient language courses offer students a rigorously challenging confrontation with syntax, writing systems, linguistic inflection, and culture. Even if students do not continue into a further semester of language, a first experience can be radically transformative; students acquire an awareness of linguistic systems that they can productively transfer to other language learning. This course does not complete a full survey of the grammar. Nonetheless, ancient Greek learners do reach a basic reading level fairly quickly because little time is spent in speaking and listening. By the end of the semester, students will be familiar with the geography and diversity of the Greek world, have a basic introduction to grammar and the simple constructions of the ancient language, and a limited but active vocabulary. They will be able to read short texts, and will have acquired the familiarity to continue study in the language or to embark on independent study with appropriate texts and guidance. ASSESSMENT Class preparation/ in-class participation Tests Examination at the end of the semester 30% 40% 30% SET TEXT We will be using the following textbooks: Reading Greek: Text and Vocabulary (Joint Association of Classical Teachers; Cambridge 2007) Reading Greek: Grammar and Exercises (Joint Association of Classical Teachers; Cambridge 2007) These textbooks give us an opportunity right from the start to read (adapted) works of Greek comedy (Aristophanes), history and philosophy (Plato) among others! TIMETABLE There are 4 x 1 hour classes per week, scheduled at the following times: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 12.45 – 1.45 The venue has not yet been set, but please note that it will be at Yale-NUS in the U-Town campus. CAP The class is limited to 18 places. For more details, please contact Dr Steven Green (steven.green@yale-nus.edu.sg)