Chapter 8 Lesson 1 PPT

Bell Ringer
Unit 8 Executive Branch
Analyze the map of the 2008 election results
on page 227, and then answer the 2 critical
thinking questions. Make sure to provide
details to support your answer on question 2.
Chapter 8
Executive Branch
 Function/Job: Enforce the law
 Article II of the Constitution set up the
Executive Branch.
 Includes: President, Vice President,
and Federal Agencies
 Most presidents
 Natural born citizen
have a college
 Most were lawyers.
 Most come from
states with large
 35 years of age or
 A resident within
the United States
for 14 years.
In the Constitution, there are no qualifications
listed for the Vice President.
Term of Office
 Serve 4 year terms
 At first there was no limits on terms.
 In 1940, FDR ran for a 3rd term.
 The 22nd Amendment was passed in 1951 in
fear that a president might gain too much
power. Established 2 term limit.
Salary & Benefits
 Receives $400,000 a year.
 Receives some money for personal cost and
 Lives and works at the White House.
 Camp David – Presidential retreat.
 Special cars, helicopters, and air planes (Air
Force One)
Presidential Succession
 Constitution did not set up a line of succession.
 1947, Congress passed the Presidential Succession Act
 This gave a list of who was expected to succeed.
 VP
 Speaker of the House
 President Pro tempore
 Secretary of State
 Secretary of Treasury
 Secretary of Defense
Presidential Succession
 25th Amendment was ratified in 1967.
 VP becomes president if the president dies or resigns.
 New President picks his new VP. Senate must approve.
 VP can decide whether a president is disabled and
cannot do the job.
Harry Truman
(Succeeded FDR)
Lyndon Johnson
(Succeeded JFK)
Gerald Ford
Checks and Balances
 Check on the
Judicial Branch:
 Nominate
Judges to the
Supreme court
 Grant pardons
 Check on
 Veto/sign bills
into law.
Roles of the President
 Head of State
 Represents the
United States
 Living symbol
of U.S
 Commander in
 Final authority
over US military
Roles of the President
 Chief Executive:
 Responsibility of
executing the laws
passed by Congress.
 In charge of the entire
federal government
(appointing federal
 Power to grant pardons.
 Chief Legislator:
 Recommends
 State of the
Union address.
Roles of the President
 Chief Diplomat:
 Chief Economist:
 Interacts with world
 Proposes a budget.
 Handles foreign
policy and
 Helps to improve
economics of USA
• Party Leader:
• Works closely with his/her political party.
• Support other members of the party
Electing the President
 Elections take place every 4 years.
 Voters do not directly elect the president.
 Elected by the Electoral College.
 Each state has a certain number of electors.
 Number of electoral votes is equal to the
number of representatives and Senators
each state has.
Electing the President
 On the election day in November, voters choose an
 Most states use “winner take all” method.
 Elector with the majority votes get all the electoral
votes for that state.
 Originally, the candidate with the second most
votes became Vice President.
 12th Amendment provides that electors choose a
candidate for President and a separate one for VP.
2012 Election