Need to remove a dependant feature from a site template

Need to remove a dependant feature from a site template?
SharePoint Online; SharePoint Apps; Site Collections and Subsites
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CI Submitted
This post explains how to remove a dependant feature from a solution, most
likely a site template.
Please keep in mind these steps would have to be done by the customer and
involve drastic changes to the template itself, we cannot guarantee this will fix
the template and strongly suggest if the customer would like to try this that they
backup the template. This method and the tools used would not be supported by
our team.
1. Download and install PowerArchiver
2. Rename File Extension of afflicted template to .cab
3. Right Click on the template and select Extract To C:/*
4. Go into the new folder and navigate into “templatenameWebTemplate”
5. And then into the folder labeled the same as the templates name, not the
resources folder
6. Open the ONet.xml inside of Notepad
7. Remove the following
a. <!--WAReports Feature-->
<Feature ID="{2acf27a5-f703-4277-9f5d-24d70110b18b}"
<Property Key="GloballyAvailable" Value="true" />
<Property Key="RegisterForms" Value="*.xsn" />
b. <!--V2VPublishedLinks Feature-->
<Feature ID="{f63b7696-9afc-4e51-9dfd-3111015e9a60}"
Name="FeatureDefinition/f63b7696-9afc-4e51-9dfd-3111015e9a60" />
c. <!--WAWhatsPopularWebPart Feature-->
<Feature ID="{8e947bf0-fe40-4dff-be3d-a8b88112ade6}"
Name="FeatureDefinition/8e947bf0-fe40-4dff-be3d-a8b88112ade6" />
d. <!--WAMaster Feature-->
<Feature ID="{c04234f4-13b8-4462-9108-b4f5159beae6}"
Name="FeatureDefinition/c04234f4-13b8-4462-9108-b4f5159beae6" />
e. <!--TransMgmtLib Feature-->
<Feature ID="{29d85c25-170c-4df9-a641-12db0b9d4130}"
SourceVersion="" />
f. <!--LocalSiteDirectorySettingsLink Feature-->
<Feature ID="{e978b1a6-8de7-49d0-8600-09a250354e14}"
Name="FeatureDefinition/e978b1a6-8de7-49d0-8600-09a250354e14" />
8. Save the ONet.xml file and go back to the root
9. Highlight all of the files here, should be four folders and a manifest.xml
10. Right Click and select “Compress To” > “Compress With Options”
11. Set it to be a CAB file by ticking the radial button
12. Click Add
13. Now change the file extension on the newly created .cab file back to .wsp
14. Upload > Activate > Enjoy!
Reference to Feature Id's:
Other reference/different method:
Contact for more info