Monday, April 22, 2013

Monday, April 22, 2013
-please take graded work
-graded presentations will be passed
back tomorrow
-keep out comp book for activity today
-sit at your assigned seats
Essential Question:
What do you think the word APARTHEID means?
To separate
Legal discrimination of a minority or ethnic group
Segregation b/t blacks, whites, Asians, in S A
Gift or a blessing
Societal system of racial seg or disc
Look back at your April Challenge. Are you on
your way to accomplishing it?
What is the issue that spoke to your heart the most
What is something you want to do to be more
proactive in spreading the awareness or contributing?
How can this issue make you perceive Anchorage
Apartheid, social and political policy of racial
segregation and discrimination enforced by white
minority governments in South Africa from 1948
to 1994.
The term apartheid (from the Afrikaans word for
"apartness") was coined in the 1930s and used as a
political slogan of the National Party in the early
1940s, but the policy itself extends back to the
beginning of white settlement in South Africa in
1652. After the primarily Afrikaner Nationalists came
to power in 1948, the social custom of apartheid was
systematized under law.
 The implementation of the policy, later
referred to as "separate development," was
made possible by the Population Registration
Act of 1950, which put all South Africans into
three racial categories: Bantu (black African),
white, or Coloured (of mixed race).
 A fourth category, Asian (Indians and
Pakistanis), was added later.
 The system of apartheid was enforced by a
series of laws passed in the 1950s: the Group
Areas Act of 1950 assigned races to different
residential and business sections in urban
areas, and the Land Acts of 1954 and 1955
restricted nonwhite residence to specific
 These laws further restricted the already
limited right of black Africans to own land,
entrenching the white minority's control of
over 80 percent of South African land.
 In addition, other laws prohibited most social
contacts between the races; enforced the
segregation of public facilities and the
separation of educational standards; created
race-specific job categories; restricted the
powers of nonwhite unions; and curbed
nonwhite participation in government.
More land/greed
Natural resources: mining : gold, diamonds, salt,
The minorities do not feel like minorities
Want control
Want more power
They think they have the right to take over(egoism)
Manifest destiny
Used to certain culture/used to being in power
Comfort levels
Getting what they couldn’t have before (weren’t as
well off in the other areas)
To gain an advantage over competitors
FEAR: need to stay on top to protect themselves
Who did the apartheid effect?
How did the system work in South Africa? (examples
of changes that occurred during 1948-1994)