The Civics & American Government Banos/DeGraw Course Syllabus

Mr. Banos:
Mr. DeGraw:
Twitter @mr_degraw
Civics & American Government
Grade 7 / Room 121
Mr. Banos / Mr. DeGraw
Course Syllabus
Course Objective
This course will focus on the structure of government, politics, and the history of
both the United States and other nation’s governing bodies.
Needed Supplies/Materials (To Be Brought To Class Daily.)
1 Binder
3 Sections: CNN Student News / Class Notes / Activity Sheets
1 Folder
1 Homework Journal
1 Writing Utensil
General Assignments
Weekly CNN Student News Quizzes on Fridays
Weekly Edmodo Writing Assignments Due on Thursdays
Homework’s/Quizzes/Tests Announced Throughout The Course
In this course, you will be using the following web-sites:
Google Classroom
Homework Web-Site
For all homework assignments, please visit Mr. Banos’ and Mr. DeGraw’s
SchoolWires page.
Behavior Infractions
Any student who is disruptive in class will follow the following action plan:
First Warning: Verbal
Second Warning: Phone Call/E-mail To Parent/Guardian
Third Warning: Referral To The Main Office
Mr. Banos:
Mr. DeGraw:
Twitter @mr_degraw
Classroom Collaboration
In the course, students will collaborate with their colleagues; we expect every
student to put their best effort in class. Participation is REQUIRED in the course;
this is a life skill that everyone needs to know – we are here to help you!
Grading Policy
Please visit Mr. Banos’ and Mr. DeGraw’s SchoolWires page for the Iselin Middle
School grading policy.
Extra Help
Both Mr. Banos and Mr. DeGraw are here to make sure you have a successful
experience in this course; if you need extra help please let one of us know or have
your parent e-mail us – we are here to help you succeed!
Academic Integrity
Plagiarism of any kind will not be accepted and will result in a 0 for the
assignment. This includes all electronic assignments – we do check this.
Each student will be given a Civics textbook – please cover it ASAP and bring it
with you to class daily. If you don’t bring your textbook to class, this will result in
a low class participation grade.
Course Agreement
By signing this syllabus, both the student and parent/guardian are in FULL
agreement to this courses’ expectation and policies.
Student’s Printed Name:___________________________________
Student’s Signature:_______________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Printed Name:_____________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Signature:_________________________________
We are looking forward to a successful and educational semester!