Mrs.Law's Procedures 2015-2016

Where I’m
My Education....
My Family
My Expectations
• Be kind to one another
• Be prepared (mentally & physically)
• Produce quality work
• Stay focused on learning
• Smile as often as possible 
Your Expectations
• 1.
• 2.
• 3.
• 4.
School- wide Procedures
What do when I arrive at school?
How will I know when a staff member needs my attention?
What do I do during school dismissal?
What do I do when I need to take a focus?
How do I request to see a principal or counselor?
What do I do if I want to stay after school for an activity?
What do I do during an emergency?
– Severe weather
– Fire
– Lock down
School Arrival
• Enter the front door immediately after getting
off the bus or out of your car.
• If you arrive early, wait in the lobby until the
cafeteria opens.
• If you are getting a school breakfast, enter the
cafeteria through door A.
• If you are not getting a school breakfast, enter
the cafeteria through door B.
Morning Cafeteria
If purchasing a meal, enter through door A and stay in line.
Students that cut line must go to the end of the line. No exceptions.
If not purchasing a meal, enter through doors B/C and get a table/seat.
As you go through the line, follow directions of Ms. York and enter lunch #.
After eating, throw away your trash and clean your area.
Students are to sign up for afterschool events while in the cafeteria.
Students will see administrators and counselors during this time to
request conference time with them for that day.
• When speaker’s hand is raised to signal announcements, stop talking, put
electronics away, and turn towards speaker.
• Students will be dismissed from cafeteria in an organized manner.
Students cannot leave until dismissed.
Attending Skills
• Staff member raises hand and asks
for attending skills
• Stop what you are doing
• Face staff member, giving
appropriate eye contact
• Give your attending skills
• Remain quiet and respectful
• Ask questions to clarify and validate
School Dismissal
• When your teacher releases you, leave through the
appropriate door.
• DT - Roberts Wing door
• HS - Front door
• MS - MS hall door
• Go directly to and enter your bus or car.
• If you are staying for an after school activity, go
straight to that activity unless you are staying for ESS
or Night School. ESS waits in the cafeteria, Night
School waits in the lobby.
Student use of Phone
• Personal phone calls are to be made before
school and during lunch using student’s cell
• Students may use the phone during passing
• In situations other than sickness, students may
request a note to the office for phone use.
• Staff will conference with student to determine
the nature/seriousness of the situation.
Staying after school for an
• During breakfast, the student who wishes to stay after school will find the
adult in the Cafeteria with the After School Activity Binder.
• The student will tell the adult:
• Name
• Which group they are staying after school to attend (ESS, Boys/Girls group,
Archery, etc.)
• Whether or not they need a ride
• Address to where the ride is needed
• Phone number of parent/guardian
• The adult will put the student’s name on the roster for that activity.
• Student will report to that activity location when school is dismissed.
Beginning Class
• Gather materials
– Pencil
– Binder
– Any other material listed on the board
• Copy learning goal for your class
• Begin responding to journal on the board (10
Room Ambassador
• Greet guests who enter the room
• Answer telephone when Mrs. Law is
• Place make up work into a folder for
anyone who is absent
Mrs. Law needs your attending
• Mrs. Law raises hand and asks for
attending skills
• Stop what you are doing
• Face Mrs. Law, giving appropriate
eye contact
• Give your attending skills
• Remain quiet and respectful
• Ask questions to clarify and validate
Going to the Restroom
• Politely ask a teaching partner to go
to the restroom. If one isn’t in the
room, please wait if Mrs. Law is in
front of the class.
• Get process point sheet signed with
time and destination
• Return to class promptly
Sharpening Pencil during class
• During Instruction
– Request permission to sharpen pencil
– Quietly walk to sharpener
– Sharpen pencil quickly and promptly
return to your seat
• During individual work time
– Sharpen pencil when needed
Absent/ Tardy
• Absent:
– Check Make-Up Folder
– Complete work promptly
• Tardy:
– If the door is shut, you are tardy.
– Knock quietly to avoid a whole class
– Give note to Mrs. Law
– Begin working on the bellwork
– If you have missed bellwork, ask Mrs. Law or a
fellow student for instructions
Finishing Assignment Early
• Double check your assignment to make
sure it is an example of your best work
• Ask Mrs. Law or teaching partner to look
over your work
• Offer to assist another student who is not
• Check your make up folder for incomplete
• Ask permission to silently read or work
on another educational task
Class Dismissal
• Mrs. Law will give a last 10 minute
• Put away materials
• Clean area around your desk
• Reflect on daily learning via
discussion or exit slip
• Leave the classroom when given
permission from teacher