ABC and Animals Lesson Planning

Didactic Sequence
Level: Beginners
Topics: Alphabet and animals.
Student: Natalia Margusino. 4th Year IPPI.
Day 1
 Hand out one or two flashcards to each student (depending on the number of students in
the group). Each flashcard has one letter of the alphabet, a word which represents that
letter and its picture. For example: Aa Alligator. The teacher sets the rhythm with her
hands and starts singing a sort of nursery rhyme. It has to have a catchy rhythm for them
to remember it.
Students are supposed to raise their flashcards when they hear their letter. For example
if they sing, A is for Alligator. The student who has the letter A has to raise the
flashcard. The teacher sets the rhythm and encourages the students to sing with her.
The structure of the song will be: “C “(each letter) is for “CAT” (word), “D” is for “DOG”,
“E” is for “ELEPHANT”, etc. The teacher sings each phrase first and then, she lets her
students repeat it.
Once they finish it, they repeat the whole song again. Then, they can repeat each letter
and word aloud (not singing).
Put the letters in alphabetical order. Each student receives a flashcard or two
(alphabet), depending on the number of students. If a student receives two flashcards,
they have to be of consecutive letters (for example, C and D). Then, they have to form a
line or circle and put themselves in alphabetical order according to the cards that they
have received. Then, the teacher asks them to read their letter and word “A for Alligator”,
“M for Monkey”.
Read and Match. The students are supposed to solve an activity where they have to
match the picture of an animal with the word that represents it. Then, they correct the
activity orally.
Find your pair. The teacher hands out a flashcard to each student. They cannot show
their card to anybody. Once they are ready, they have to walk around the classroom to
find their pair. Some students have the word (alligator, spider, and hat) and some others
have the pictures of these things, animals. Once they have finished it, they form a circle
in alphabetical order and each student reads its words aloud.
Day 2
 Chant. The teacher asks the students to form a circle and they sing the alphabet chant
once again as they did in the previous lesson. They do this to revise the vocabulary that
they have learnt.
Mime. The teacher divides the class in two groups. Each group chooses one student.
This student has to go to the board, pick up one card from the teacher’s desk and mime
what the card shows. The cards are the same that they use in the previous lesson
(alphabet cards). They cannot show the card to anybody. They are not supposed to
make any noise. Each team has 20 seconds to guess and say the word aloud.
What’s this? The teacher hands out the activity. The students are supposed to read and
complete the questions and answers with the corresponding words. They have the
pictures of the animals as a guide. The questions are “What’s this?” and the answers
”It’s a (lion)”. Once they have finished, they correct the activity on the board. The teacher
asks some students to go to the board and write their answers.
Memo-game. The teacher divides the class into four groups; each group receives a set
of flashcards with 26 words and 26 pictures. The students put the cards faced down in a
random way. Each student picks up two cards trying to find the pair. If they find the pair,
they take the cards but if they do not, they are supposed to put the cards in the same
place that they were before. The student with more pairs wins the game.
Circle, complete and Draw. The hands out the activity and explains it. The students
have to read the statements, choose the right option according to the arrow 8This or
That) and complete the words with the correct letters (animals). Once they have done it,
they have to draw what each sentence represents.
Board Game. The teacher divides the class in groups of 5 students, each group
receives a board and a dice. Then, the teacher reads the instructions of the game. They
have to throw the dice and follow the instructions of each letter. They may have to move
forwards or backwards, say the word or complete the name of the animal. The student
who first reaches the finish line is the winner.
Make letters with your body. The teacher divides the class into 2 groups. The students
take turns to go to the board and make letters with their bodies. The teacher selects a
flashcard, shows it to the student and he/she has to use the body to represent the letter.