missing information

How to deal with missing information:
Use brackets to indicate information that did not come from the source. So if the publisher is not listed
in the book but you find it online somehow, do this:
New York: [Berkley Press], 2007. Print.
If you find the year of publication for a book from other than the book, do this:
New York: Warner Books, [2003]. Print.
If the date is approximate, make note of that with the abbreviation for the word circa: [c. 2012].
If you question that guess, you may add a question mark instead: [2012?].
Here are abbreviations for missing information:
No place of publication
No publisher
No date of publication
n. pag. No page numbering
Before the colon, n.p. means no place but after the colon, it means no publisher.
Here are some examples:
No place
N.p.: U of Gothem P, 2008. Print.
No Publisher
New York: n.p., 2008. Print.
No date
New York: U of Gotham P, n.d. Print.
No page numbers
New York: U of Gotham P. 2008. N. pag.
Here is an example of a citation with missing parts:
Bauer, Johann. Kafka und Prag. [Stuttgart]: Belser, [1971?]. Print.
Malachi, Zvi, ed. Proceedings of the international Conference on Literary and Linguistic Computing. [Tel
Aviv]: [Fac. of Humanities, Tel Aviv U], n.d. Print.
Photographic View Album of Cambridge. [Eng.]: n.p., n.d. N. pag. Print.
Sendak, Maurice. Where the Wild Things Are. New York: Harper, 1963. N. pag. Print.