
Period 3 Samples
I was as fast as a cheetah.
She was a cheetah when she ran.
He is as skinny as a twig.
He was a twig, his thin arms and legs sticking out in all directions.
I’m as silent as a ninja.
I used my silent ninja skills to sneak cookies out of the kitchen.
The leprechaun’s suit was as green as a clover.
She was as happy as a rainbow.
A rainbow spread across her face when she smiled.
He was as swift as a sparrow.
My sparrow reflexes helped me block the puck from going into the goal.
She was cold like an icicle.
I held her hands, her icicle fingers wrapping around mine.
She snuck candy like a burglar.
It’s as easy as taking candy from a baby.
Joe was as tall as a giraffe.
Her hair was like the color of sunshine.
Sparky is as soft as a pillow.
He is strong like a bear.
The thunder boomed like a firework.
The fire roared with anger.
The wind whistled by my ears as I was running.
The sun smiled at me.
The thunder hollered and the lightning answered back.
My desk crashed with anger.
The rain cried with sympathy.
The water ran a marathon.
Period 4 Samples
Eating ice cream is as thrilling as a roller coaster ride.
The thrill of eating ice cream and riding a roller coaster were equal in my
It was as big as a bear.
He’s a bear in size, hovering over me.
I’m as fat as a pig.
I’m a fat pig.
Jake is hungry like a wolf.
He wolfed down his lunch.
The stove was as hot as the sun.
The heat from the stove caused a sunburn on my skin.
I’m as skittish as a mouse.
His mousy features made him look even more skittish.
She was as red as a rose.
She was redder than a rose.
She was glowing like a star.
She was a glowing star on the stage.
He was as pale as a ghost.
His ghostly pallor struck me as odd.
Her hair was as yellow as a lemon.
Her hair reminded him of a ripe lemon gleaming in the sun.
His teeth are as yellow as cheddar cheese.
He smiled and a row of cheddar cubes peeked out from behind his lips.
Her eyes were as blue as the sky.
Her sky colored eyes peered into mine.
His hair was black as midnight.
Hooper’s hair was as greasy as a cheeseburger.
He’s as skinny as a toothpick.
The sour candy bit my tongue.
The flag waved at me.
The jump rope smacked me in the face.
My pillow hugged my head.
The arm of the document camera reached out to grab my journal.
The book sucked me in.
The thunder growled in discontent.
Period 5 Samples
The pencil was like rubber.
The rubbery pencil looked flimsy in his hands.
He’s as slow as a snail.
His snail pace made him come in last place during the race.
He’s as fuzzy as a bear.
The bear fuzz on his arms grossed Abby out.
I’m as smelly as a garbage can.
The scent of trash wafted from his underarms.
Her eyes were as sparkly as sapphires.
Her sapphire eyes sparkled in the sunlight.
She was as red as a tomato.
Her cheeks flushed tomato red with embarrassment.
He was as pale as a ghost.
His ghostly pallor freaked me out!
Tears gushed out of her eyes like a geyser.
Her eyes were flooded with tears.
She’s as tall as a giraffe.
Her giraffe height made her tower above her peers.
She bruised like a banana.
She was a bruised banana.
He is as hard as a rock.
He is rock hard.
She is sad like the rain.
Sadness rained down on her.
He’s soft as a pillow.
I snuggled into his pillow soft arms.
He smells like a wet dog.
The jelly-fish charged towards me for invading his space.
The marshmallow laughed in my face when it caught fire.
The teapot screamed when the water began to boil.
The book sucked me in as I read it.
Jellybeans scurried across the counter.
The popcorn jumped out of my bowl.
The chair dumped me out of my seat.
The cave swallowed us as we ventured farther into it.
The floor caught my fall and embraced me into a hug after I tripped.
The sea swallowed me up as the waves crashed over my head.