"I have neither given nor received any unauthorized aid on this exam." ____________________ Signature Mathematical Physics Major Grade Name: ____________________________ Date: ____________________________ REVIEW Show your work in the space provided for partial credit. FORMULA BANK: For a block on an inclined plane, d = ½at a= 2 FX = Fwsin For a block on an inclined plane, v t FY = Fwcos FNET = FX - Ff FW = mg On a horizontal surface, FW = FN FX = Ff in a simple equilibrium situation Ff = FN On an inclined plane, FY = FN F = ma Over-Easy: 1. (five points) Draw and label the specified forces acting on the book in the Figures below. Friction is present. (a.) all the horizontal forces I’m a box! (b.) all the vertical forces . I’m a box! 2. (three points) Draw and label the forces acting on the box on the inclined plane in the Figure below that affect its motion along the plane. Assume the box wants to slide down the plane. Friction is present. 3. (two points) Draw and label the forces acting on the hanging mass in the Figure above. MEDIUM-Rare: 4. (two points) A 2 kg box is being dragged along the floor at a constant velocity by a force of 380 N. (a.) Find the Normal Force acting on the box. (b.) Find the coefficient of friction between the box and the floor. 5. (one point) A bag of mass 5 kg is falling through the air with a constant velocity of 2.5 m/s. How much air resistance is acting on the bag? 6. (one point) If the tension on the cable in the figure below is 350 N, what is the mass of the sign? 40º Dr. Quark Physicist Well-Done: 7. (two points) A 2 kg block slides down a twometer-long inclined plane in 2.5 seconds (see figure at right). Friction is present. (a.) How much time would it take for the block to slide down without friction? 28º (b.) How much friction is present? OVER-Cooked: 7. Assuming that the system of blocks wants to slide to the left (down the 32° slope)… B A 32º 28º (a.) (three points) Draw and label the forces acting on Block A that affect its motion down the plane. Assume friction is present on the incline Block B is on but not the one Block A is on. (b.) (two points) Assume the conditions from Prob. A and that the coefficient of friction between Block B and the slope is 0.6 . If Block B has a mass of 2 kg, how much total force is trying to keep block A from moving the system of blocks down the slope?