Year 7 Puppets Summer2 KS3: Year 7 Title: Puppets Duration of Project: 6 Weeks AIMS: Lesson Duration: 1 hour To be able to create a basic puppet character using a sock. To be able to research and present findings on puppets. To be able to create a puppet show using set, stick or sock puppets and script for assessment. Students will research puppets through history. They will create a puppet show for assessment using knowledge gained from all previous units. ACTIVITY A: Students research puppets and present work. ACTIVITY B: Students to use sock puppets to present hero’s and villian’s. ACTIVITY C: Students to create a puppet show for assessment. They will write a script, build a set and create puppets. FOCUS WORDS: Script, Scene setters, Set, Costume, Make-up, Still Image, Character, Hot seating, Role-play, Evaluation, Performance. RESOURCES: Homework booklets, Scene setters, A2 paper, Pens, examples of make up, costume, ‘The Ratz’ 35 copies. ASSESSMENT: Practical: Assessment of final performance. Levels: 2 a,b,c. 3 a,b,c. 4 a,b,c. 5 a,b,c. 6 a,b,c. Please refer to levels chart for details. Written: Students will complete all homework and written work in the books provided. They will also be able to set targets and evaluate own working throughout the unit. These should be marked with using the levels above. 1 Year 7 Puppets Summer2 LESSON ONE Introduction to puppets OBJECTIVE To understand the importance of puppetry in the history of drama and how puppetry evolved. ASSESSMENT No formal assessment Activity 1: evolved. Go through the homework. Get a definition of what puppetry is and how it Activity 2: Look at physical examples of puppets. Talk about the stock characters used, particularly in Punch and Judy. The use of voice and obvious physical comedy can be looked at. Activity 3: Using the socks resource, allow the class to split into pairs and they create their own ‘Puppet Show’, where one is the hero and one villain. Make sure they use voice to establish character and that they project their voices. The performance will be behind a table. Activity 4: They will perform and then it can be summatively assessed. Activity 5: Evaluate this work on puppets. LESSON TWO Puppet Planning OBJECTIVE To understand how to incorporate the work done on script, costume, set and puppets into one big project – through producing and then performing their own puppet show. ASSESSMENT Summatively assess all the processes of this unit. Group work, script writing, puppet design and performance. Activity 1: Hand out the Assessment Brief. Explain that the task will be looking at all of the components taught over the past seven weeks. Activity 2: The main aspects of the assessment: To write a script To make a box set for their puppet show To ensure the puppets are costumed. 2 Year 7 Puppets Summer2 Activity 3: The students can use any type of puppet for the assessment, but it is likely that they will choose stick puppets. Show them examples of these, plus an example of the box set that they will be expected to make. Activity 4: Each group should share out the jobs so no one person does everything. The rest of the lesson should be spent planning in their books their puppets, story, set and costume. Activity 5: Feedback to the group their decisions. Homework FOR WEEK FIVE AT THE LATEST Complete a script, learn the script, and make their puppets and box set. LESSONS THREE AND FOUR – Writing and Rehearsing OBJECTIVE To understand how to write and rehearse a puppet show, ensuring the conventions are followed. ASSESSMENT Formal and summative assessment throughout this unit. Activity 1: Freedom for the students to rehearse in the ways they wish. Allow for showing some of their work so it can be assessed by teacher and group and modifications made. LESSON FIVE AND SIX Performance and Evaluation ASSESSMENT Summative assessment of finished piece. Video the final assessment. Activity 1: Performance is videoed and then can be watched to allow students to assess and evaluate their own work. Activity 2: the year. Students fill in their self assessment books and also reach a final level for 3