Cadence Design Contest 2015 Abstract Submission Form Please email the filled-in form to Cadence® Design Contest ( Incomplete forms will not be accepted. *Mandatory Fields Title of submission* Institution* Department* Guide Name* Guide Email* Guide Contact Number* Student 1 Name * Student 1 Email* Student 1 Semester* Student 1 Mobile Number Student 2 Name Student 2 Email Student 2 Mobile Number Student 3 Name Student 3 Email Student 3 Mobile Number Student 4 Name Student 4 Email Student 4 Mobile Number Are you submitting in the BE/BTech or ME/MTech category?* How would you characterize your design* (Type “Yes” in the appropriate column) Analog Digital Mixed Signal Board Design Which of the following design tasks did you do in your project and which tools were used?* Design Tasks Tools Used Give specific tool names, not just the vendor names For example, Cadence® Spectre® RF Simulation Circuit design Logic design Schematic entry Verilog VHDL Circuit simulation Logic simulation and verification Logic synthesis Custom layout Place and route Static timing analysis Power analysis Gate-level simulations with timing back-annotation RC extraction DRC LVS Other (please specify) What process node did you design with?* (Type “Yes” in the appropriate column) 0.18 CMOS 90nm CMOS 65nm CMOS Other (please specify): Please specify what IP cores you used in your design (if any): Standard cell library: I/O library: Memory compilers: Other: Write your abstract here (maximum 350 words)* Project plan* How are you going to execute the project? Please give details. What applications does your project serve?* What is unique, novel, or different about your project?* What does the final product target through the topic of submission? Compare your design to what exists/is in use today, and describe the improvements that your design will bring.*