Kokoneh Digest – November 2005


Issue No. 4

Kokoneh Digest – June 2006

1. Ian Jinsuh Ko born to the world on June 3


, 2006 – PRAISE God!!!

Hannah gave birth to our first beloved son, Ian

Jinsuh Ko, at 4:47am on the 3 rd day of June, 2006.

What a blessing it is to hold a child on your arm!

We would like to praise God for many answers to our prayers during delivery. First one was healthy and natural delivery. Since Hannah is giving birth to our 1 st baby at her late age (35), we worried about her health. God helped us by giving her short labor (~ 4 hours) and both mother and baby are very healthy! The second one is the timing of delivery. She prayed that she would give birth right after I arrive at Korea even though her expected delivery date was June 7 th (a week after my arrival).

God answered this prayer. Thirdly, she found out baby is getting too big and Doctor said baby would weigh over 4 kg which makes labor very difficult. She prayed that baby would weigh around 3.5 kg and started controlling her diet. Baby was born at 3.54kg. What a faithful God whom we serve and love!

When baby was born, we found out baby swallowed poop while he was inside womb. Doctor put him on antibiotics and ran some test to ensure there is no infection. Today we found everything is normal.

Praise God and thank you for praying with us.

We are in the process of applying for Ian’s birth certificate and passport. Please pray for the smooth processing of application and timely execution. Once again, we would like to thank all of you who prayed with us before and during pregnancy as well as delivery and praise God for His unfailing faithfulness in our lives.

Next Step…

There are few moments in my life which I remember like movie clips. These are the special moments God spoke to me regarding what He wants to do in my life. One of the moments was the time I committed myself to become a missionary.

Not long after I accepted Christ as my personal Savior, I went to Wednesday night service. For some reason, I wanted to attend the service that night. When I arrived at church, missionary was sharing his life story. I do not remember everything he talked about. But I clearly remember him mentioning that he had committed to become a missionary about ten years ago and had been preparing for it since then and finally ready to go. As a young Christian and a young man, his life style was very appealing. It sounded very cool to make a plan and prepare for ten years. That night I committed myself to become a missionary. It was during my senior year in high school. This decision also led to another important decision in my life. As I

One Person One Nation

Issue No. 4 was wondering about my major in college, I thought to myself, I can go to any countries where even missionaries and pastors are not allowed, if I train myself in technical areas in the states. Based on this idea and with much prayer, I decided to study electrical engineering in college.

Ever since then, God molded and trained me to desire what He desires through many Christians whom I am dearly thankful for. Then, He sent me and Hannah to the Philippines last year. We thought this was a small break for us to prepare next steps in the states as well as for brothers and sisters in Denton to grow into next level of their spiritual journey. But God seems to have different plan than what we had.

As I mentioned in the previous letter, we decided to go to Japan since it was one of the countries I have been praying for mission opportunities since my college year. However, God closed the door in

Japan for now and opened another one in the country which we never thought of, Malaysia. It’s a country even hotter than Philippines and also nation where most of population is Muslim. I think God knows my fear about Muslims and, as usual, He is challenging me to take small steps at a time. Even though Malaysia’s major religion is

Islam, they are still open to other religions. At least, there is freedom of religion. Based on statistics, 58% is Islam, 27% is Buddhism, 8%

Hindu, and 9% is others including Christians.

God spoke to me and Hannah through different encouragement and I want to share few verses.

He challenged me with Isaiah 61: 1-7:

“The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor . He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners,

They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the place long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations.

Instead of their shame my people will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace they will rejoice in their inheritance; and so they will inherit a double portion in their land, and everlasting joy will be theirs.”

It was on Saturday morning when I read this verse during my quiet time. I couldn’t stop crying all day.

Tears came down my cheeks as I eat breakfast and brush my teeth. The Almighty God who created this world has anointed me to PREACH GOOD NEWS to the poor!!!

It was such an overwhelming experience to realize this again. It is His desire for us to preach good news regardless of where we are. He simply wants everyone to hear His message through our mouths and our lives.

The second verse he used to challenge me was Isaiah 58:11.

“The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.” Isaiah 58:11

Phrase called “sun-scorched land” keeps popping up in my head after reading this chapter. As you know, most of countries dominated by Muslims are in sun-scorched land. Malaysia is one of those. But any person of nation without God is also spiritually sun-scorched land who desperately needs living water from

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Issue No. 4

Christ as Jesus mentioned in John 4. In those lands, best way to share the Gospel is to live out our faith by obeying Christ. Then people will be drawn to you and ask what is the hope that we have ( 1 Peter 3:15

“But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect” ). I remember one of the speakers from Urbana ’96 who told us that Muslims are eagerly waiting for us to SHOW what we believe with our lives instead of just telling with our mouths. I believe this is the perfect picture of evangelism and I want to live out my life as a good example. One of our life time visions is to build a home like this. It will be like a well-watered garden and a spring with never failing water that draws the lost and the thirst to Christ who is the Lord in our lives and our home.

God also spoke to Hannah by Isaiah 55:4-5 recently and gave the same confirmation to both of us, which is very important

“See, I have made him a witness to the peoples, a leader and commander of the peoples. Surely you will summon nations you know not , and nations that do not know you will hasten to you.

” Isaiah 55:4-5

This verse explains exactly what’s happening in our lives. He is calling us to the nations we do not know.

It’s coming fast to us. We are asked to become witness to them.

It’s been 13 years since I committed myself to become a missionary and decided to major in electrical engineering. Isn’t God so faithful and wonderful? He gives us vision and fulfills them in His time. Basing on this calling and recent confirmations, we have decided to go to any countries from now on as long as there are opportunities. This means we may not return to US for a long time. It is always difficult to say this to friends and family members in the states. But, with complete trust in the Lord, we will just focus on becoming Christ’s disciples and making disciples for His kingdom as Jesus commanded us in Matthew

28:18-20. Please pray for our next journey with God so that we may become useful instruments of righteousness for His kingdom.

We will be visiting US in August for a month before we make complete transition to Malaysia. We are very excited to see brothers and sisters as well as other friends and family members.

2. Discipleship

I must confess again God is great and awesome. Before I came to Korea, Jacky and I had a great fellowship and finished studying 5 assurances. He also attended my seminar with YFC on spiritual growth. What’s more exciting is that he has started sharing Gospel with his family members, especially with his dad whom he had difficult relationship for a long time. Yes, indeed

God is peacemaker and miracle worker! I am so proud of Jacky and his obedience to Christ. He also memorized 5 verses really well.

He also informed me that he is completely cured from depression long time before doctor had predicted. He doesn’t feel depression any longer and has stopped taking medicine. He also gives glory to God for answering our prayers. I am very excited about what God will do with him. I know God will do amazing things. Let’s continue to pray for

Jacky and join his thrilling journey with the Lord by prayer.

3. Friday Bible Study Group

While Hannah was in Korea, two bible study group members (Sam and

Jason) moved into my house. Joy also joined us few weeks later as he was having very difficult time with his personal life. We prayed and consulted with spiritual leaders and decided to live with him, praying that

God would change his life forever for His kingdom. As usual, God answered our prayer and Joy received

Christ as his personal Savior. How exciting it is to follow Him! God is great! Yes, God is great!

One Person One Nation

Issue No. 4

After living with us for a month, he returned to Korea to take care of his personal life. Upon returning, he faced great difficulties emotionally because things did not work out the way he wanted. I introduced him to my mentor, Pastor Kwak, so he can have someone to talk to before I visit Korea. I also wanted him to get involved with other faithful Christians in Korea.

Thankfully, I found him to be in much better condition, as shown in the picture below. He seems to be adjusting well and continue to seek God with the help from Pastor Kwak and his family. This shows how

Christians work as a team to make disciples all over the world. None of us imagined that we would develop relationships like this even one month ago. Pastor Kwak has invested his life in me to teach me how to love and make disciples. It was my turn to love someone else to pay off debt of love I received. Here we are posing together as three generations of spiritual family. This story involved three countries to complete, America, Philippines, and Korea. Isn’t God awesome? Isn’t God so creative? I pray that God would help my family so that we faithfully follow Him as He leads us to most exciting and thrilling life in the world.

As for the Bible study group, we finished 5 assurances are will move on to the next set of bible study material. I led the first bible study and Jason led the rest. It was a good learning experience for him to lead a bible study. I pray that God would continue to challenge him to grow in all areas of his spiritual life to become effective and productive worker for His harvest.

4. YFC

I had a privilege to lead a leadership seminar on spiritual growth at YFC summer conference. I was bit nervous since it’s been a while since I talked to youth group members. After I started to get involved with college ministry, I haven’ worked with youth group for a long time. Thankfully, God helped me connect well with students and we had blessing time talking about importance of spiritual growth in Christian life.

Message was well accepted by most of students. My prayer is that students would continue to listen to

God’s heart and eagerly pursue holiness of God for living fruitful lives promised by Jesus Christ in John


“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full


Pastor Nam is looking for other opportunities to get me involved with his ministry. My desire is to help out as much as possible while I am in the Philippines .

5. Answered Prayer Request

a. Protection of baby and mother through pregnancy – Hannah is traveling to Korea on April 3 rd . Safe trip and wisdom/guidance to find good doctor in Korea. – Thank God for safe delivery of baby. b. Direction of our lives after the Philippines assignment – We are praying for Japan for the next place after

Philippines. Pray for God’s guidance. – We will be going to Malaysia for the next few years. c. For Luke to find a good fellowship in US. – God is continuously helping Luke to grow spiritually in US. d. For bible study group members to grow as harvest workers – I see signs of growth in some members e. Salvation of Young gi & Joy – Joy has accepted Christ as his personal savior!

One Person One Nation

Issue No. 4 g. Jacky’s protection and growth in Christ. He needs God’s help to overcome his depression. – Depression is gone!! Jacky is growing well in Christ. He started to share his faith with his family members. God is awesome! h. Continuous growth of brothers and sisters in Denton. – Great summer conference has challenged brothers and sisters in many different ways. God is indeed faithful.

6. Prayer Request

a. Health of Ian and Hannah. b. Continuous growth of leadership team in YFC. c. Protection of Joy and his spiritual growth at Church of Dream and Love in Korea d. His protection and guidance as we make transition to Malaysia and travel a lot






Jesse returns to Philippines. Hannah and Ian will stay in Korea

Jesse wrap up in the Philippines and pack for move

8/1-6: Jesse visits Malaysia for house hunting

- 8/7-31: Jesse, Hannah, and Ian in US

- 9/1: Ko family to Korea for Jesse’s Mom’s birthday party and Ian’s 100 th day

- 9/3: Ko family to Malaysia for new journey e. Health of my father. He is getting treatment for his disk in Korea f. For Jesse to wrap things up well in Philippines both at work and personal life g. Processing of Ian’s birth certificate and passport

7. Contact Info

Cyworld: http://www.cyworld.com/kokoneh

Email: Hannah - lovexfails@yahoo.com

, Jesse – jessekotheman@yahoo.com

Skype ID: kokoneh

Address in Philippines: #1 St. Francis St., Petersville Subdivision, Camp 7 Kennon Rd. Baguio City 2600,


Telephone: (H) 63-74-447-3560

Jesse, Hannah, and Ian Ko

One Person One nation

“Father, make of me a crisis man. Bring those I contact to decision. Let me not be a milepost on a single road, make me a fork; that men must turn on way or another on facing Christ in me.” – Jim Elliot

One Person One Nation
