Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in the Philippines
Press Release - July 30, 2013
A drifting sampan from the Philippines was rescued at 8:10 am July 21 by the
CG-102, a Republic of China (Taiwan) Coast Guard Administration patrol vessel, at 21º,
16.6 minutes north latitude, 120º 58.8 minutes east longitude, 80 nautical miles from
southern Taiwan’s Kaohsiung Port.
The three Philippine fishermen on the sampan identified as Ronald Q. Dumaran,
Edwin C. Zoilo and Hener Mendoza, were safe and sound under the protection of the
CG-102. According to the fishermen, they departed July 15 from Santa Ana, Cagayan
Province. A typhoon they encountered July 17 left them adrift for five days.
Following the mission, the rescued Filipino fishermen were immediately issued
with temporary entry permits to Taiwan and were escorted by the CG-102 to Kaohsiung
Port. Through the coordination and assistance of the Taipei Economic and Cultural
Office (TECO) in the Philippines and the Manila Economic and Cultural Office (MECO),
the rescued fishermen were well-received during their one week stay in Taiwan. They
have finally returned to the Philippines via Air Asia PQ 7358 in the early morning of July
30, 2013.
The three Filipino fishermen—Ronald Dumaran (1-r), Edwin Zoilo (2-r), and Hener
Mendoza (center)— showing the tokens of assistance provided by the Taiwan government,
along with TECO Political Director Andrew Lin (2-l) and MECO official Angelo Samson
On behalf of the ROC government, the TECO officials warmly welcomed the
rescued fishermen at the Clark International Airport and handed over small tokens of
financial assistance to each fisherman in line with the Chinese tradition and belief of
attracting good luck and fortune. Indeed, the warm bright smiles on their faces are
genuine representations of their sincere gratitude to Taiwan government’s benevolence
and generosity.
The geographical proximity between Taiwan and the Philippines closely binds the
two countries, allowing our two countries to establish social and cultural ties, particularly
in the fields of trade and investment, tourism, labor, science and technology, health, etc.
We certainly believe that this rescue mission does not only exemplify the steadfast
friendship between our two countries but also demonstrates Taiwan’s commitment to
work closely with the Philippines to better serve and protect our two peoples’ welfare. As
the ROC’s President Ma Ying-jeou has recently mentioned in a Bloomberg interview,
since Taiwan and the Philippines have enjoyed a mutually beneficial and warm relations
before the breakout of the Balintang Channel shooting incident, we steadfastly hope that
the Taiwan-Philippine relations would be restored and be stronger than before. Therefore,
it is time for the Philippine government to take swift action on this two ways issue for the
interests of our two peoples.
More photos:
Edwin Zoilo retelling their rescue to media people who waited for them at Clark
International Airport.
Ronald Dumaran recalling the rescue mission that the ROC (Taiwan) CGA patrol vessel
conducted, as his companion on the sampan, Hener Mendoza breaks down into tears.
Hener Mendoza, one of the three Filipino fishermen rescued by Taiwan’s CGA.
The three Filipino fishermen being interviewed by local media.