Worksheet 22 - Case Studies

Mr. Bourgase
Case Studies
Worksheet 22
First of all, summarize all the relevant information in an organized format.
o You need to understand what is happening in detail before
making a recommendation
So far, we have evaluated products according to:
o Their role in the Canadian Business Community
o Brand Identity
o Consumer Profiles
o Human Resources
This information can be combined into a “S.W.O.T. Analysis” for case
o Strengths: the product’s best features (i.e. high quality, high
brand awareness, consumer loyalty and repeat customers)
o Weaknesses: areas that can be improved (i.e. poor
distribution, poor online promotion)
o Opportunities: a chance to grow and do better (i.e. creating
a women’s clothing line to attract more customers, opening
a new store downtown for urban consumers)
o Threats: challenges and dangers to the business (i.e. poor
profit/loss figures, high income consumers no longer buying
the product, primary market getting older)
Secondly, develop alternatives and compare them.
1) The Status Quo: Option 1 is always staying the course and
doing nothing
2) Possible Alternatives: Examples of alternatives could include:
o launching a new product
o discontinuing a new product
o going online
o opening more stores
o targeting a new primary market
o and many more possibilities…
3) Positives and Negatives: Based on your analysis, list the strengths
and weaknesses of each plan. If possible, give a likely outcome.
Lastly, make a recommendation about what the company should
do and why.
Worksheet 22
Case Studies
Sample Case:
Two brothers are thinking of opening a coffee and donut shop because
they would like to enjoy a success similar to Tim Horton’s. They are
confident that they can build their own empire if they devote all of their
time and energy to the business. Identify three major obstacles that the
brothers will face in trying to compete with an established brand like Tim
What are some competitive advantages that they could use to combat
the advantages of a large chain like Tim Hortons?
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