
Specific Setup Information
Windows Vista
I. Create a Dial Up Connection
Turn computer and modem (if external) on.
Use the mouse to click on the “Start” button.
Choose “Connect To,” then “Set Up a
Connection or Network” (Figure 1).
Figure 3. Set up a dial-up connection
Figure 1. Start Menu “Connect To” Path
You may see the "Windows Cannot Find any
Networks" message. Choose “Set Up a
Connection or Network” as in Figure 2.
In the “Set up a dial-up Connection”
window "Dial-up phone number” field, enter
the "Dial-in phone number" from the handout
“General Setup Information Read Me First.”
Be sure to include the area code first!
Type in your 8-character username and
password from this handout. Be certain to
enter upper and lower case letters as
indicated. It is also important to distinguish
zero’s and O’s and one’s, upper case I’s and
lower L’s. If you want to be able to see the
password, click the “Show Characters”
check box.
Type a name for the connection, such as
Library in the “Connection Name” field.
Make sure your phone line is free, then
click on the “Connect” button. (Figure 4)
Figure 2. Connect to a Network Window
Select “Setup A dial-up connection” then
click “Next.”
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Figure 4. Connect Button
The “Set up a dial-up connection'”
window will test your Library connection.
2. Connect to the Internet!
Click on the “Start” button, and then on the
“Connect To” Menu.
Highlight “Library” or the name of your
connection, and click the “Connect” button.
When you see the “Successfully
Connected” window; click “Close.”
Figure 5. Testing your Internet Connection window
Wait for the “You are connected to the
Internet” message (Figure 6).
Figure 8. “Successfully Connected Window
Figure 9. Connection status icon on the taskbar.
3. If you have problems …
Figure 6. You are connected to the Internet Window
You can click “Browse the Internet Now.”
The browser will open up to its default home
You are now connected to the Library
For what to do when you are ready to quit, see
“To Disconnect” below.
If the modems don’t answer, you may see a
message indicating that all of the library’s
modems are busy. Your computer will redial.
If there’s a problem with your modem or
phone line, you may see a “No dial tone”
In this case, you will need to refer to the
“If you are unable to connect” section of
“General Setup Information Read Me First.”
Page 2 -- Specific Setup Information – Windows Vista
4. After you are connected
You are ready to start your Web browser
software by double clicking on the Internet
Explorer® or Mozilla Firebox® icon on
your desktop, or in the Start Menu.
Figure 10. Common browser icons.
Figure 13. Successfully Disconnected Window.
The browser will open its default home page.
Click “Close.”
5. To Disconnect
To quit, close your browser software, e.g., File
then Exit. Your Browser may ask if you wish
to disconnect. Choose “Disconnect Now.”
6. Changing the Start Page
Web Browsers come with a “Start Page” or
“Home Page” pre-configured. So you’ll see a
Web page (for instance Gateway or Dell, or
MSN), when you first click on the browser,
even when you dial-up the Library.
To get to the Library web page, simply type
the URL, or web address, in the address bar.
Figure 11. Auto Disconnect Window.
If Auto Disconnect does not open, just
choose “Connect To,” then “Set Up a
Connection or Network” (Figure 1).
In the “Connect To” window, highlight (click
once) on the name of the connection you are
currently; e.g. “Library.”
Then click on the “Disconnect” button.
If you’d like for your Web Browser to open
with the library web page every time, simply
go to the following address (all one line),
and follow the instructions for your browser.
Bear in mind that each web browser can have
only one start page at a time.
If you have more than one Internet Service
Provider, and are using the same web browser
for them, then pick the one Start Page you’d
like most often to use.
Figure 12. Disconnect Button.
You will see a picture similar to Figure 13.
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