The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Summer Reading 2013
English 11
Summer Reading Study Guide:
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Summer Reading program, sponsored by the English Department at Padua Franciscan High School, is designed to entice
students to read and recognize notable contemporary literature. We wish to engage student interest, encourage critical thinking, and
challenge our students as readers. As such, some titles on the list may contain sensitive material and deal with more mature themes
than some students may have encountered previously. The target audience of all the selected literature is young adults. Students are
encouraged to find more information about all of the novels through the local library or through Additionally, the
English Department strongly encourages students and parents/guardians to discuss the content, themes, and overall inherent literary
value of the selected novels. Happy Reading!
General Note: These reading questions are meant only as a guide to the novel. These will not be collected or graded.
Your grade on the novel will be based on an objective test and a follow-up essay that will be given within the first week of
school. For your own benefit, it is highly suggested that you also keep a list of major plot happenings, characters,
settings, etc. per chapter. We look forward to seeing you in August!!!
Chapter One
Why did Nick Carraway come to the East?
How does Daisy respond to the phone calls from Tom’s woman in New York?
Why doesn’t Nick call to Gatsby when Nick first spots him on the lawn?
Why does Daisy always speak in exaggerated phrases?
Why does Daisy hope her child will be a ‘beautiful fool’?
What does it mean when Gatsby reaches out of the water?
Chapter Two
According to Catherine, why has Tom not left Daisy to marry Myrtle Wilson?
What does Tom’s breaking of Myrtle’s nose indicate about his respect for her and for Daisy?
Why does Myrtle Wilson behave in such an arrogant way, both toward her husband and in the city apartment?
Why does Nick feel that he is both on the inside and on the outside of the apartment?
Chapter Three
1.) Why does Gatsby throw huge, expensive parties for people he does not know?
2.) What kind of person is Jordan Baker?
3.) What is the contrast between Gatsby and his party?
Chapter Four
1.) When Nick asks Gatsby what part of the Middle West he if from, Gatsby replies ‘San Francisco’. What does
Nick surmise from Gatsby’s answer?
2.) What is the importance of Gatsby’s implied business dealings with Meyer Wolfsheim?
3.) As revealed by Jordan, what was Gatsby’s original relationship with Daisy?
4.) What is ironic about Gatsby’s appraisal of Jordan’s honesty?
5.) Why is it important that Daisy see Gatsby’s house?
Chapter Five
Why does Nick arrange a meeting between Gatsby and Daisy?
Why does Nick reject Gatsby’s offer of business?
After his private discussion with Daisy at Nick’s house, how has Gatsby changed?
What is significant about Klipspringer’s song?
Summer Reading 2013
English 11
Chapter Six
Why does James Gatz of North Dakota row out to Dan Cody’s yacht?
What happened to Gatsby’s $25,000 inheritance from Dan Cody? Why is this important?
What is ironic about Tom’s remark that women run around too much and meet the wrong kind of people?
What is the significance of the ladder that Gatsby imagines he sees in the blocks of the sidewalks?
How are Dan Cody and Gatsby foils?
Chapter Seven
How does Daisy reveal to Tom that she is in love with Gatsby?
Why does Wilson lock up his wife in anticipation of taking her West?
Why does Tom press Gatsby about his dealings with Wolfsheim?
Why does Gatsby oject to letting Tom drive his car and why is this important?
After running Myrtle down, why doesn’t Daisy stop the car?
What is Nick’s attitude toward Gatsby? How have his feeling changed throughout the story?
What draws Daisy and Tom back together?
Chapter Eight
Why had Gatsby first fallen in love with Daisy?
Why had Daisy married Tom Buchanan?
How has Gatsby’s house changed?
Why does Daisy always seem mysterious to Gatsby?
Chapter Nine
Why is it important that Nick takes charge of Gatsby’s funeral arrangements?
Who attends the funeral and why?
Why do Tom and Daisy leave?
Why is it important that Mr. Gatz arrives?
In the end, why does Nick say that he cannot forgive or like Tom?
How is Gatsby’s tragedy a contrast between East and West?