Warm up:ааGrammar Review Homework:

December 12, 2013
Tuesday, December 10
1. warm up
2. symbolism notes
3. finding symbols in TSB with group
4. symbolism activity
Warm up: Grammar Review
Identify the nouns in the following sentences.
1. A man flew to Paris in an airplane.
2. Last week, the president gave a speech about our nation.
Identify the proper nouns.
1. When Bob was in college he worked at Burger King.
2. Jay M. Robinson middle school is the best in Charlotte!
Identify the common nouns.
1. The student read a poem to the class.
2. The class had a test in math on Friday.
Read Chapters 25 and 26 - highlight and take notes
Study vocabulary and grammar notes
December 12, 2013
Symbolism- what is it?
In the novel Touching Spirit Bear there are many examples of symbolism.
December 12, 2013
Defining Symbolism in TSB
In your novel notes, work with 3 other members of your group to describe and explain what each of the following items symbolize in T.S.B. **Make a good choice about who you decide to work with. Group 3 with me!
1. Cirlce Justice Feather 2.
At.o'ow 3.
The Spirit Bear 4.
The Soaking Pond 5.
The Ancestor Rock 6.
The Dance of Anger 7.
The Totem Pole 8.
the stick
hot dog
carving knife
animal dances
the ocean
baby birds
In 10 minutes, we will meet back as a class to provide and review the symbolic representations of the symbols from TSB.
December 12, 2013
Symbolism Activity
Working independently, choose the three items you feel influenced the most change in Cole throughout the story. Requirements (see my example for clarification and an example)
Explain the symbol.
Explain the symbol's significance to the change in Cole.
Pull at least one quote of textual evidence from the novel as support­ **provide quote and page numbers.
Write in complete sentences, using correct grammar and sentence structure.
If you finish early, you may study for your quiz tomorrow or continue your study tool for the grammar test on Friday!
December 12, 2013
December 12, 2013
Wednesday, December 11
Warm up: Grammar Review
Circle the singular pronouns, put a box around the plural pronouns.
I its they me we your she our them him their
Identify the Reflexive and Intensive pronouns in the sentences.
1. The students chose new seats for themselves.
2. He gave himself a treat for doing well on his report card.
3. The class congratulated itself for finishing the long project.
4. I, myself did not know where the birthday present was hidden.
Identify the pronouns in the sentences.
1. Last week, we really enjoyed ourselves at Discovery Place.
2. It has been a great week for all of us at Jay M. Robinson.
Read Chapter 27 - highlight and take notes
Study for your grammar test.
December 12, 2013
Quiz Time
You may use your novel during the quiz. You will have 30 minutes to work on the quiz. Once finished, please read silently at your desk. You can get started on your HW­ 27 of TSB.
For the quiz, please put forth your BEST effort!
Chapter 25
December 12, 2013
In your group of 4, write down your given question and respond to it with a complete, well written response that includes textual evidence. Your group may be asked to present your response to the class.
Group 3­ What is Cole’s idea to cure Peter’s depression? How does Edwin react to this suggestion? support with textual evidence
Group 2­ Do you think it is a good idea for Peter to visit the island? Why or why not? support with textual evidence
Group 1­ Peter blurts “Leave me alone. I don’t want your help!” to Cole. How is this situation similar to Cole’s initial feelings about Garvey and Edwin? How is it different? support with textual evidence
Chapter 26
Group 3­ Peter shows some signs of embracing Cole’s island practices. What are these? support with textual evidence
Group 2­ Peter does not want to sleep in the cabin with Cole. Edwin had a tent that Cole slept in rather than staying in the shelter. Do you think that Edwin purposely brought a leaky tent? Why or why not? support with textual evidence
Group 1­ Why do you think Peter threw the rock at Cole and later tossed him into the water? support with textual evidence
December 12, 2013
Symbolism Activity Share
1. Get with your group that you have been working with and share
your one favorite & most influential symbol with your group.
(This is time for you to show off your hard work and great effort.)
Once finished, please complete the following T.O.D., submit
your activity and T.O.D. to me, and start on HW.
Whether it was from your poster or not, please describe which
symbol is the most influential to the change we've seen in Cole
throughout the novel. Be sure to explain by providing examples &
textual evidence.
December 12, 2013
Thursday, December 12
Warm up: Grammar Review
Identify the demonstrative, indefinite and interrogative pronouns.
1. What was the name of the last tropical storm?
2. That was the funniest thing I ever saw Malik do!
3. Are you asking anyone to the winter party?
4. Nobody knows all the answers to the test!
5. Are those the shoes you are wearing with that dress?
6. Betty did more push ups than several others who tried before her.
7. Who left the water bottle on the floor?
Review your grammar notes and study guide - prepare for
your test tomorrow.
December 12, 2013
Chapter 27
1. What does Peter tell Cole when he lets him into the cabin? What does Peter do in the following days that show he dislikes Cole? 2. What does Cole convince Peter to do after destroying the bear on his totem pole? 3. What does Peter do to Cole’s totem pole at the end of the chapter? What does this say about the change in Peter’s attitude towards Cole? We will read and discuss Chapter 28 as a class.
Be prepared to share your thoughts about the
ending of the story.
What was
about the circle
Peter helped Cole
carve on his
Chapter 28 What does the following
quote mean to you?
"It doesn't matter
what other people think
or believe," Cole said.
"It's what you believe.
That's what's important."
Answer the following 3 questions with a partner from your group.
December 12, 2013
Do you think
Peter and Cole
will remain
friends when
leave the island?
Justify all your
answers with textual
December 12, 2013
Symbolism Around the World
Symbolism can be found all around us. Most states, countries, continents and cultures use symbols to represent their beliefs and what they stand for.
Throughout the classroom you will notice posters. Each poster lists and describes the symbols in a variety of places and cultures around the world. Your job is to gather interesting facts from each poster to help you brainstorm ideas for today's activity. Today, you will be creating a symbol for the remote island that Cole is banished to in Alaska. You will have the choice to create the following: flag, anthem or motto. You will also include a 5­7 sentence explanation of your symbol, that contains the following information:
­ explanation of the symbol
­ at least two quotes from the text that helped you determine what you needed to include as part of your symbol Symbolism_and_chapters_25_to_28.notebook
December 12, 2013
December 12, 2013
Sentence One: Describe your symbol to the reader I created _________ to represent the beliefs and customs of the island because ___________.
Sentence Two: Describe a feature of your symbol
I included ___________ because on the island this was used to ______________.
Sentence Three: Quote/Textual Evidence
On page ___, the narrator describes this symbol by saying "________".
Sentence Four: Describe a feature of your symbol
I also included ___________ because on the island this was used to ______________.
Sentence Five: Quote/Textual Evidence
On page ___, the narrator describes this symbol by saying "________".
Sentence Six: Concluding Sentence­Wraps up your paragraph
The _______ I created represents the _______ and ________ of the island and the Circle Justice process.
***Your sentences will be in paragraph form, of course, with the first line indented. Symbolism_and_chapters_25_to_28.notebook
December 12, 2013