
Cyr 10
The works cited example on the facing page shows the following types of sources from MLA Handbook for
Writers of Research Papers, 7th edition:
1st Entry (“Asthma...”)...Online Database: work from a library subscription service no author. (When
using a database source, you must include both the original publication and the name
of the database like: Gale, EbscoHost, Proquest, eLibrary). Web.
2nd Entry (Baran)………..Book with two or more authors: Only first author’s name is inverted, followed by
other authors separated by comma. Book was published in New York. Monthly Review
Press is the name of the publishing company. The year of publication is 2003. Notice
how medium of publication is noted. Print.
3rd Entry (Bazell)…..…..Periodical/Magazine article with one author: Note the way the date is written and
how medium of publication consulted is noted. Print.
4th Entry (Berlage)……..Book with one author. Print.
5th Entry (Bidleman).….Internet: poem. Web.
6th Entry (Bowen)……...Online Database: work from a library subscription service with author. Web.
7th Entry (“Bowling“)….Internet article in an online encyclopedia. Web.
8th Entry (Coats)…..… ...Book with two or more one editors. Print.
9th Entry (“Dwarfed”)…Encyclopedia article unsigned (no author). Print.
10th Entry (Ewing)…… ..Encyclopedia article signed (with author). Print.
11th Entry (Feder)……….Newspaper article. Print.
12th Entry (“It’s…”)..…...Film, radio program or television program. DVD.
13th Entry (Peterson)……Personal interview or letter. If the interview is not face to face, you use how you
communicated. For example; “Telephone interview.” Or “Interview by Ted Koppel.” If
you received the information in a letter or by email, use “Letter to the author” (you are
the author of the paper) or “Email to the author.”
14th Entry (Spiegelman)..Work from a Graphic Narrative or illustrated text. Print.
15th Entry (Solot)………Essay or chapter by an author in an edited collection: Several collections in the
Moscow High library, such as the Opposing Viewpoints fit this category. Each chapter
or essay (including an introductory discussion by the editor) requires a different entry.
16th Entry (United)….…Government booklet or pamphlet. Federal publications often use the abbreviation
“GPO” for Government Printing Office. Print.
17th Entry (“Verb…”)….The Internet in general: Internet sources should contain:
Author(s). Title of
Work. Title of overall Web site. Version or edition used. Publisher or sponsor. Date of
publication. Medium. Date of access. URL only if required by teacher or if difficult to
find without <electronic address>. Web.
Cyr 11
Double space
Works Cited
"Asthma in the workplace." New Age. 29 April 2005: 66. General Reference Center Gold. Web. 1 Oct.
2007. <>.
Baran, Paul A., and Paul M. Sweezy. Monopoly Capital. New York: Monthly Review Press, 2003. Print.
Bazell, Robert. “Science and Society: Growth Industry.” Newsweek 15 Mar. 2003: 23-24. Print.
Berlage, George. Women in Baseball. Chicago: Bantam Press, 2002. Print.
Bidleman, Ray. “Marching Song.” Ballads of Socialism. London, 1908. Victorian Women Writers Project, 21
May 2003. Web. 26 June 2004 <>.
Bowen, Tom. "Boston Red Sox Win!" Scholastic News, 4th ed. 12 Nov 2004. 2. eLibrary. Web. 26 Oct 2007.
"Bowling." Compton's by Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, 2007. Web. 1 Oct. 2007.
Coats, Alfred W., Ross M. Robertson, and Joseph M. Williams, eds. Essays in American Economic History.
London: Arnold Publishing, 1999. Print.
Double space within and between
“Dwarfed Trees.” The Encyclopedia Americana. 2003 ed. Print.
Ewing, Jim. “Steam Engine and Other Heat Engines.” Encyclopedia Britannica. 9th ed. 2001. Print.
Feder, Barnaby J. “Job Seekers: A Gift of Expert Advice.” New York Times 30 Dec. 2003: A1+. Print.
It’s a Wonderful Life. Dir. Frank Capra. Perf. James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore and Thomas
Mitchell. RKO. 1946. DVD.
Peterson, Sandi. Personal Interview. 22 July 2003.
Spiegelman, Art. Maus: A Survivor’s Tale. 2 vols. New York: Pantheon-Random, 1986-91. Print.
Solot, Diane. “Marriage leads to healthier families.” The Family: Opposing Viewpoints. Ed. Auriana Ojeda.
New York: Greenhaven Press, 2003. 64-73. Print.
United Nations. Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs. Industrial Development for the Twenty-First Century:
Sustainable Development Perspectives. New York: United Nations, 2007. Print.
“Verb Tenses.” Chart. The OWL at Purdue. Purdue U Online Writing Lab, 2001. Web. 15 May 2008. Web.