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ISSN 1754-1514
Issue 5, May 2009
Journals and Periodicals
Journal of Stevenson Studies
The international Journal of Stevenson Studies
was born at a conference at the University of
Stirling in July 2000. This event, titled Stevenson, Scotland and Samoa, raised a great deal
of interest and became the first of a series of
biennial conferences organised by Stevenson
scholars at different institutions around the
world. In the years following these have been
held at Gargnano, Italy (RLS 2002: Stevenson: Writer of Boundaries); in Edinburgh (RLS
2004: Stevenson and Conrad, Writers of Land
and Sea); at Saranac, NY (RLS 2006: Transatlantic Stevenson); and at Bergamo, Italy (RLS
2008: European Stevenson). The conference
will return to Stirling on its tenth anniversary in
2010. The Journal of Stevenson Studies is published under the auspices of the Stirling Centre
for Scottish Studies and is edited by Professor
Roderick Watson, Director of the Centre and
Dr Linda Dryden, Reader at the University of
Napier. Professor Richard Dury who runs the
Robert Louis Stevenson website from the University of Bergamo is our consulting editor.
Scottish Review of Books
Scottish Review of Books is a quarterly that
has made a big impact in Scottish letters. Now
in its fifth year, it is produced in A3 format with
full colour and prints close on 100,000 copies
per issue. It reaches a wide general readership
in addition to the library and academic worlds,
where it is of interest to colleges, universities and literary institutions. Contributors are
from a large and varied pool including academics and the ever fewer practitioners of serious
journalism. Main feature articles vary in length
and SRoB is one of the very few outlets for
essays up to 5000 words. Ownership and editorial style is independent of corporate and institutional interests. Available free in the Sunday Herald newspaper, in many public libraries
and bookshops and by subscription. (£12 per
year/£20 overseas – see the Argyll Publishing
website for details.
The Transactions of the Gaelic Society of
The Gaelic Society of Inverness has published
these Transactions since its inception in 1871.
The aim of the Society is to cultivate the language, poetry and music of the Scottish Highlands; to rescue from oblivion Celtic poetry
traditions, legends, books and manuscripts; to
acquire books, manuscripts and other papers,
in whatever language, bearing upon the literature, the history, the antiquities and the material interests of the Highlands and Highland
people; to vindicate the rights and character of
the Gaelic people; and generally to further the
interests of the Scottish Gaelic people whether
in Scotland or elsewhere. The Gaelic Society
organises an annual series of papers and lectures aimed at upholding the traditions established by the founding members: to perfect
the use of the Gaelic language in the Gaelic
speaking districts of the Highlands through
the teaching of Gaelic and to promote a wider
awareness of Celtic culture, history and traditions both within the Highland area and further
Scottish Gaelic Studies
We are very pleased to announce the return of
Scottish Gaelic Studies, the leading academic
publication on the topic. Volume XXIV is now
available. It can be ordered via the University's
Online Store. Full details of the contents are
on the Back Issues page. Aberdeen University
Celtic Department has published SGS since
1926, when it was edited by John MacDonald,
one of the leading Celtic scholars of its day.
John MacDonald continued to edit the journal
for the next three decades, until he was succeeded by Derick Thomson in 1961. Donald
MacAulay took over in 1978 and carried on editing the journal until, in Thomson's footsteps,
he left Aberdeen to become Professor of Celtic in Glasgow University. Professor MacAulay
produced one further issue of SGS in 1996,
a festschrift in honour of Professor Thomson.
The first Chair of Celtic at Aberdeen University, Donald Meek, took over the editorship in
the 1990s, assisted by Professor Colm Ó Baoill.
Professor Emeritus Ó Baoill is now an Honorary Research Professor at the University and
he has returned to SGS as the editor-in-chief.
Professor Meek has also recently retired from
his post at Edinburgh University: Vol. XXIV is
published in his honour.
The Bottle Imp is the ezine of the Scottish Writing Exhibition
and is published by the Association for Scottish Literary Studies
Edinburgh Review
Scotland's leading journal of ideas, the Edinburgh Review publishes essays, short fiction,
poetry and reviews aimed at an educated reading public with an interest in critical thought.
Since its inception in 1802, the magazine has
balanced a strong Scottish focus with a keen
interest in international intellectual currents.
The current issue, Calcutta Connects,
presents new writing by both renowned and
emergent poets and fiction writers from India,
and Indian writers living in Scotland such as
Margaret Burnett and Bashabi Fraser. Articles
explore Indian-Scottish cultural and historical
connections, e.g. ‘Isabella Plumb’ by Hannah
Adcock documents the life and work of a 19thcentury Scottish Missionary worker in India,
based on Miss Plumb's journals and letters in
the National Library of Scotland. As a result
of writing this article, Hannah Adcock now
hopes to write a full length biography of Isabella Plumb and is approaching publishers and
agents with her proposal. For the first time in
this issue the magazine contains two photographic ‘essays’ by Naveen Kishore featuring
life in Calcutta.
in each spring issue. Although literature is our
core discipline, and will now be publicly acknowledged as such, the journal will continue
to approach literary activity in an expansive
way which includes interaction with theatre
and film and other relevant disciplines. Scottish Literary Review is published by the Association for Scottish Literary Studies. Contact
Duncan Jones to order.
Scottish Language
Editor: J. Derrick McClure
ISSN 0264-0198, one issue per year
Once per year, Scottish Language publishes the
best, latest research on Scotland’s languages
and linguistics. From place-name study to medieval poetry to language in the modern media,
Scottish Language is the foremost publication
in this field. Scottish Language is published by
the Association for Scottish Literary Studies.
Contact Duncan Jones to order.
If you would like to see the recent edition of
a particular Scottish Studies journal added to
this list in the next issue of The Bottle Imp,
please contact the editors.
International Journal of Scottish
The International Journal of Scottish Literature
is a peer-reviewed online journal which aims to
develop and circulate international perspectives
on Scottish writing. The journal is 'international' in focusing on views of Scottish writers from
critics outside Scotland, articles on trans-national influences and audiences, comparative
studies, reviews of translations, translations of
criticism, and so on. As an online journal, IJSL
is a venue as well as a stimulus of such discussion. IJSL is published by the Association for
Scottish Literary Studies. Contact IJSL.
Scottish Literary Review
(formerly Scottish Studies Review)
Editors: Margery Palmer McCulloch and
Sarah Dunnigan
ISSN 1475-7737, two issues per year
The cover colour for Scottish Literary Review
will be yellow for the spring issue and blue for
the autumn. Reviews will in future be published
principally in the autumn issue to give time to
develop a more extensive coverage, although
review articles may occasionally appear in the
spring issue. Reviews will on the whole be of
scholarly criticism and editions. Contemporary creative writing will now be reviewed in
the Scotlit magazine. A selected bibliography
of the previous year’s publications will appear
ASLS is a registered charity no. SC006535
ASLS is supported by the Scottish Arts Council
The Bottle Imp is the ezine of the Scottish Writing Exhibition
and is published by the Association for Scottish Literary Studies