Coyote Creek Restoration, A Case Study

Coyote Creek @ Edenvale Stream
Restoration, A Case Study
Acterra Habitat Restoration Workshop
October 25, 2011
Judy Ingols
SCVWD Mi)ga)on/Revegeta)on Program Tar Creek & Pajaro Wetlands Ross Creek • 
Mitigation planting
172 mi'ga'on sites encompass 351 acres of revegeta'on with 224,586 na've plants used. Guadalupe River u/s Hwy 880 Coyote Creek Watershed •  Major waterway of east side of County •  Carries flow from 322 sq. mile natural watershed and Anderson Reservoir •  Year round flow, steelhead stream *Project
Coyote Creek @ Edenvale Stream Gauge •  Located in South San Jose along Coyote Creek Bike Trail •  County owned property •  High use public access from •  trail •  Project area‐4.1 acres Coyote Creek @ Edenvale Stream Gauge Pre‐construc'on Coyote Creek @ Edenvale Stream Gauge Project goals: •  Repair stream gauge func'on •  Improve water quality –  Removal of 80 cubic yards of decaying vegeta'on/debris •  Enhancement of riparian vegeta'on –  Removal of 42 na've and 225 non‐
na've trees for construc'on access, allow be]er flow, and increase sunlight –  Removal/treatment of 7958 square feet of Vinca major and other invasive species –  330 container and cu`ngs installed as mi'ga'on Vegeta)on Removal •  Non‐na've vegeta'on removed included –  Black locust, Ash, Elms, Black walnut,Weeping willow, Vinca major, and Himalyan blackberry removed •  Arundo donax removed at same loca'on and 'ming taking advantage of increased access and dewatering •  Na've trees removed included Willows and co]onwoods Project Construc)on •  Construc'on included removal of sediment, debris and modifying channel •  Large woody debris (logs) installed as bank protec'on •  Transplan'ng of Willow root wads •  Desirable na'ves protected Channel Modifica)on Willow root wad trench Erosion Control •  Post construc'on erosion control included –  Hydroseeding with SCVWD na've grass mix –  Installa'on of double layer erosion control blanket –  Blanket across the channel Erosion Control Blanket Post hi‐flow event Mi)ga)on Plan)ng •  Plants installed –  27 trees including Acer negundo, Aesculus californica, Populus Fremon'i, Quercus agrifolia, and Quercus lobata –  197 cu`ngs Salix sp. and Baccharis salicifolia –  106 shrubs and perennials including Heteronmeles arbu'folia, Sambucus mexicana, and perennials/vines Aster chilensis, Euthamia occidentalis, Rosa californica, Rubus ursinus, Symphoricarpos laevigatus, leymus tri'coides Mi)ga)on Plan)ng •  Located according to sun/shade and inunda'on exposure •  Installed with Driwater and drip irriga'on •  Greenwaste compost installed in basins as mulch •  Browse screens to protect from cri]ers & people Project Success •  Stream Gauge func'on returned to design and opera'onal standard •  1000LF Water quality vastly improved •  Riparian canopy structure and complexity improved •  Invasive species eradica'on 