Cumulative Timeline Renaissance-Religious wars (1450

Cumulative Timeline Renaissance-Religious wars (1450-1650)
The purpose of this assignment is to show you how these periods and happenings in history interconnect
and overlap. Your job is to determine important happenings during these periods and place them correctly
on a timeline.
Materials needed: paper, four contrasting colored sharpie markers, knowledge and text
Assign a different colored marker to each period (ie: red for Renaissance, green for age of
discovery/exploration; blue for Reformation, brown for religious wars).
With paper held with the long side up, draw a long line in black or brown horizontally across the middle of
your paper. Divide it into 7 equal sections, then place the years at each division as shown above (yours
should be complete, with 1625 and 1650 placed correctly, obviously).
Place lines parallel to your main line for periods of time. You must include:
Italian Renaissance (it begins BEFORE 1475, so just put the beginning date in parentheses at the
beginning of your parallel line). Write it in the color you have chosen for Renaissance ABOVE your main
Martin Luther’s life : place the parallel line in the color you have chosen for Reformation BELOW the
main line.
Charles V reign: place the parallel line in the color you have chosen for religious wars ABOVE the main
Elizabeth I reign: place the parallel line in the color you have chosen for religious wars BELOW the main
Your time line: fill in the following dates in colors corresponding to the movement or era they belong to
(Renaissance, Reformation, etc) with a line perpendicular to the main line coming either above or below
the main line, NEATLY labeled.
Renaissance: Choose, place, and label 6 important dates.
Era of Discovery and exploration: Choose, place, and label 4 important dates, besides Columbus’s
“discovery” of America.
Reformation: Choose, place, and label 6 important dates (at least 1 from England and 1 from Switzerland)
Religious Wars: Choose, place, and label 6 important dates: 2 from France, 2 from Spain/HRE, 2 from
Beginning and ending of 30 Years War
Your timeline should look like this: