Introduction to Engineering (IED) - Maroon PLTW Pre

Introduction to Engineering Design
Austin High School
Rooms: 121 CAD lab, 125 Workshop area
Course Syllabus and Expectations
Mr. Espinoza
Career and Technical Education
S.F. Austin High School
Phone: (512)414-2505; Main Office
(512)414-7380; Classroom
Course Description
Students dig deep into the engineering design process, applying math, science,
and engineering standards to hands-on projects. They work both individually and
in teams to design solutions to a variety of problems using 3D modeling software,
and use an engineering notebook to document their work.
Scope and Sequence:
 Unit 1 Design Process
 Unit 2 Technical Sketching and Drawing
 Unit 3 Measurement and Statistics
 Unit 4 Modeling Skills
 Unit 5 Geometry of Design
 Unit 6 Reverse Engineering
 Unit 7 Documentation
 Unit 8 Advanced Computer Modeling
 Unit 9 Design Team
 Unit 10 Design Challenges
Grading and Assignments
Evaluation: The grades break down into the following categories and
 20% Exams & Quizzes
 30% Class work, Homework, In-class Activities
 10% Participation Grade
 40% Projects
Class work and Activities: Includes work to be conducted in the classroom.
Warm up activities, worksheets, project drawings, sketches, simulations,
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S.F. Austin High School
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presentations, and project testing will be conducted during the allotted time in
class. For those students unable to complete the assigned work in class,
additional time can be granted during tutoring hours or at home. The assignment
will need to be turned in the following class period without penalty.
Homework: Homework will occasionally be given as is expected to be turned in
on the due date.
Projects: Projects will be given throughout the year. Each project will have
multiple pieces indicated on the project design brief that will be given to the
student prior to the assignment.
Exams and Quizzes: Tests will be given periodically throughout the year.
AHS Late Work Policy: Student may submit assignments up to 4 days after
original due date with a 10 pt penalty per day late.
After 4 days a student may earn up to a 50 for completion of assignment or
alternative assignment comparable to original assignment, in the classroom with
teacher. This assignment must be completed no later than 1 week prior to the
last day of the grading period.
Exception: performances and projects as dictated by the teacher
If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed.
Daily Participation: Students are expected to participate daily in class and on all
assignments. Activities such as staying on task, contributing to class and in
group discussions, and being attentive are all examples of class participation
Tutoring: Tutoring hours are Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:15 p.m. to 5:00
p.m. If students do not come in for tutoring by 4:30 then the session will be
subject to cancellation unless prior notification is given to the teacher
Honesty: Students will only receive credit for work they completed. Copied
assignments or shared assignments will result in a zero for both parties, i.e. the
copier and the person allowing their work to be copied will both be given a zero
on the assignment. Plagiarism will not be tolerated on any level; credit must be
given to the original author.
Engineering Notebook: All students in Project Lead the Way courses including
Introduction to Engineering Design are required to keep and work in an
engineering notebook. They will be checked and graded during the school year
and recorded as a Homework/In class activity/Class work grade. Austin HS has
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purchased PLTW notebooks for all engineering notebooks and will be provided to
all for $3.00.
Portfolio: Students will create a portfolio of their work. This should remain in the
classroom at all times. Permission will be given to those students that ask to take
it home so they may show the work that is being done in the classroom. It should
be a solid white 2 inch 3-ring binder.
Computer Usage: Computers will be used for class purposes only.
Class Expectations and Rules
Attention Signal: Many times in class it will be necessary to get the attention of
every student during independent or group work. An attention signal consisting
of the teacher raising her arm and saying, “Attention class” will be used. It is
expected that the student stop what he or she is doing and direct his/her
attention to the teacher once this signal has been given.
Expectations: Following the guidelines below will contribute to a fun, safe, and
successful year.
 Be Present
 Try your Absolute Best
 Contribute to the Community
 Choose to be Positive, Respectful and Accepting of Yourself and Others
Classroom Rules: The following rules are intended to create and sustain an
environment conducive for learning.
 Be in Class on Time
 Follow Directions
 Keep hands, feet, body, objects, etc…to yourself.
 Act respectfully towards yourself and others.
 Keep phone, music devices, video games out of sight and off/silent.
 Absolutely No Food of Any Kind Including Candy, Gum or Sodas! We
are working in a computer lab with very sensitive material.
Consequences: Disregarding classroom rules will result in consequences
intended to fit the severity of the infraction. Consequences may include phone
call to home, referral to the AP etc... Disruptive behavior hurts everyone and it is
up to all of us to make this class a success.
Introduction to Engineering (IED)
IED Syllabus 2015-2016
S.F. Austin High School
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Course Syllabus and Expectations
My signature indicates that I have read and understand the Introduction to
Engineering (IED) Syllabus and Expectations guide and will abide by the
guidelines mentioned within.
Student’s Printed Name:
Student’s Signature
_______________________________ ______________________________
Parent’s Signature:
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S.F. Austin High School
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