Cherokee PA-28-161 CHECKLIST BEFORE STARTING ENGINE 1. Preflight Inspection -- COMPLETE 2. Passenger Briefing -- COMPLETE 3. Seats, Seat Belts, Shoulder Harnesses -- ADJUST & LOCK 4. Brakes -- TEST & SET 5. Avionics Power Switch -- OFF 6. Circuit Breakers -- CHECK IN 7. Pitot and Static -- DRAIN 8. Fuel Selector Valve -- desired tank STARTING ENGINE 1. Prime -- AS REQUIRED, (2-6 strokes, none if engine is warm) 2. Carburetor Heat -- full OFF 3. Throttle -- OPEN ¼”, When Hot ½” 4. Master Switch -- ON 5. Electric Fuel Pump – ON then OFF 6. Mixture -- RICH 7. Flashing Beacon -- ON 8. Navigation Lights -- ON (if required) 9. Propeller Area -- CLEAR 10. Ignition Switch -- START STARTER, RPM (800 - 1200), OIL PRESS. 11. Avionics Power Switch -- ON 12. Radios -- ON 13. Transponder -- STBY 14. ATIS -- Instruments -- CHECK a. Heading Indicator, Alt. Indicator -- Check (UP and STABLE) b. Compass -- CHECK (full of fluid, indicates a known heading) c. Turn Coordinator -- CHECK (indicates turn in proper direction, ball skidding opposite of turn) 15. Flaps -- 0 TAXI CHECK 1. Contact Ground Control -- TAXI Clearance, Set Tower Frequency 2. Brakes & Steering -- CHECK (insure aircraft will stop) 3. Control Positions -- POSITION (wind condition) CHEROKEE PA-28-161 CHECKLIST 2 BEFORE TAKEOFF 1. Parking Brake -- SET 2. Seats, Seat Belt, Shoulder Harnesses -- CHECK SECURE 3. Flight Controls -- FREE & CORRECT & TRIMMED 4. Flight Instruments -- CHECK & SET 5. Fuel Quantity -- AGREES WITH VISUAL 6. Fuel Selector Valve -- CHANGE POSITION 7. Engine Gauges -- CHECK 8. Primer -- IN & Locked 9. Set if > 3000ft 10. Throttle -- 2000 RPM a. Magnetos -- CHECK (RPM drop 175 RPM on either magneto or 50 RPM difference between magnetos) b. Carburetor Heat -- CHECK (for RPM drop) c. Suction Gage -- CHECK (4.8 to 5.2) d. Engine Instr. and Ammeter -- CHECK (oil temp & press., load electrical system with landing light, check for charge) 11. Throttle to Idle with Carb Heat ON -- CHECK (insure engine idles) 12. Throttle & Friction Lock -- 1000 RPM & ADJUST 13. Radios and Avionics -- SET 14. Annunciator Panel -- press to TEST 15. Autopilot, Air Conditioner -- OFF 16. Lights -- ANTICOLLOSION, NAV., STROBE -- ON 17. Cabin Door -- CLOSED & LOCKED 18. Review Takeoff Procedures 19. AFTER Takeoff CLEARANCE Compass -- CHECK and ADJUST Altimeter -- CHECK and ADJUST Transponder -- SET ALT (1200 for VFR; or IFR squawk) Landing Lights -- ON TAKEOFF 1. Wing Flaps -- 0 to 10 2. Electric Fuel Pump – ON 3. Carburetor Heat -- Full OFF 4. Mixture -- RICH 5. Throttle -- FULL OPEN 6. Elevator Control -- LIFT NOSE WHEEL, Vr (55 KIAS) 7. Climb Speed -- Vy (79 KIAS) CHEROKEE PA-28-161 CHECKLIST 3 SHORT FIELD TAKEOFF 1. Wing Flaps -- 25 2. Carburetor Heat -- Full OFF 3. Brakes -- APPLY 4. Mixture -- RICH 5. Throttle -- FULL OPEN 6. Brakes -- RELEASE 7. Elevator Control -- SLIGHTLY TAIL LOW 8. Climb Speed -- 52 KIAS (until all obstacles are cleared), 70 KIAS while retracting Flaps to 10, then normal Vy (79 KIAS) SOFT FIELD TAKEOFF 1. Wing Flaps -- 25 (second notch) 2. Elevator Control -- FULL AFT 3. Mixture -- RICH 4. Throttle -- FULL OPEN 5. Nosewheel -- LIFT OFF SURFACE 6. Attitude -- NOSE HIGH (lift aircraft off surface in ground effect) 7. Climb Speed -- 52 KIAS (hold aircraft in ground effect until 52 KIAS then climb until all obstacles are cleared), 70 KIAS flaps to 10, Vy (79 KIAS) flaps to 0 CLIMB 1. Best Angle (flaps up) -- 63 KIAS 2. Best Rate (flaps up) -- 73 KIAS 3. Enroute Climb -- 87 KIAS 4. Throttle -- FULL OPEN 5. Mixture -- RICH (above 3000ft, LEAN for best performance) 6. Fuel Pump – OFF when at desired altitude ENROUTE CRUISE 1. Fuel Pump -- OFF 2. Throttle -- 75% max., set per power table 3. Mixture -- (LEAN to obtain MAX. RPM) 4. Directional GYRO -- CHECK & ADJUST 5. Fuel Tanks -- as desired, CHECK level CHEROKEE PA-28-161 CHECKLIST DESCENT 1. Throttle -- 2500 rpm, or as desired 2. Airspeed -- 126 KIAS 3. Fuel Selector Valve -- tank with fuel 4. Mixture -- Rich or ADJUST for smooth operation 5. Carburetor Heat -- ON if required BEFORE LANDING 1. Fuel Selector Valve -- TANK with FUEL 2. Seats, Seat Belts, Shoulder Harnesses -- SECURE 3. Mixture -- RICH 4. Electric Fuel Pump -- ON 5. Air Conditioner -- OFF LANDING 1. Airspeed -- 100 - 90 KIAS (Downwind) 2. CARB HEAT -- ON if required GAS UNDERCARRIAGE, GEAR MIXTURE PUMP - ON, PRIMER - IN 3. Wing Flaps -- AS DESIRED below 103 KIAS 4. Throttle – 1500 RPM 5. Airspeed -- 90 - 80 KIAS (Downwind); 10 Flaps 80 - 70 KIAS (Base Leg); 25 Flaps 70 - 63 KIAS (Final); 40 Flaps SHORT FIELD LANDING 1. Airspeed -- 90 - 95 KIAS (Downwind) 2. Airspeed -- 80 - 85 KIAS, 10 flaps, (downwind descent) 70 - 75 KIAS, 25 flaps, (downwind descent) 61 KIAS, 40 flaps, (base leg, final approach) 3. Power -- REDUCE to idle as final obstacle is cleared 4. Touchdown -- MAIN WHEELS FIRST 5. Brakes -- APPLY HEAVILY, (do not skid tires) 6. Wing Flaps -- RETRACT 4 CHEROKEE PA-28-161 CHECKLIST 5 SOFT FIELD LANDING 1. Airspeed -- 90 - 95 KIAS (Downwind) 2. Airspeed -- 80 - 85 KIAS, 10 flaps, (downwind descent) 70 - 75 KIAS, 20 flaps, (downwind descent) 61 KIAS, 30 flaps, (base leg, final approach) 3. Power -- REDUCE to idle as final obstacle is cleared 4. Touchdown -- MAIN WHEELS FIRST, (add 100-200 RPM to help elevator control) 5. Elevator Control -- TO FULL AFT as speed slows to keep nosewheel off surface as long as possible 6. Brakes -- AERODYNAMIC until nosewheel touchdown BALKED LANDING (go around) 1. Throttle -- FULL OPEN 2. Carburetor Heat -- OFF 3. Wing Flaps -- RETRACT to 25 4. Climb Speed -- 55 KIAS 5. Wing Flaps -- 10 at 70 KIAS (after obstacles are cleared), RETRACT reaching safe altitude and 79 KIAS) AFTER LANDING 1. Carburetor Heat -- COLD 2. Wing Flaps -- UP 3. Transponder -- STANDBY 4. Fuel Pump -- OFF 5. Electrical -- NON-ESSENTIAL OFF (Strobe, Landing Lights, etc.) SECURE AIRPLANE 1. Clear Power Plant -- 1500 RPM, LEANED 2. Check ELT -- Radio @ 121.5 3. Throttle -- 1000 RPM 4. Radios, Lights & Electrical Equip. -- OFF 5. Avionics Power Switch -- OFF 6. Magneto Check -- Ignition OFF momentarily 7. Mixture -- IDLE CUT-OFF 8. Ignition Switch -- OFF 9. Master Switch -- OFF 10. Control Wheel -- SECURE with belt 11. Hobbs and Tack time -- RECORD TIME Cherokee PA-28-161 EMERGENCY ENGINE FAILURES ENGINE FAILURE DURING TAKEOFF ROLL 1. Electric Fuel Pump -- check ON 2. Fuel Selector -- SWITCH to tank with Fuel 3. Throttle -- IDLE 4. Brakes -- APPLY 5. Wing Flaps -- RETRACT 6. Mixture -- IDLE CUT-OFF 7. Ignition Switch -- OFF 8. Master Switch -- OFF ENGINE FAILURE IMMEDIATELY AFTER TAKEOFF 1. Airspeed 73 KIAS (flaps up) 63 KIAS (flaps down) 2. Electric Fuel Pump -- check ON 3. Fuel Selector -- SWITCH to tank with Fuel 4. Mixture -- IDLE CUT-OFF 5. Fuel Selector Valve -- OFF 6. Ignition Switch -- OFF 7. Master Switch -- OFF ENGINE FAILURE DURING FLIGHT (RESTART PROCEDURE) 1. AVIATE - Airspeed -- BEST GLIDE 73 KIAS 2. NAVIGATE - Course -- FIND SUITABLE LANDING AREA 3. Electric Fuel Pump -- check ON 4. Fuel Selector -- SWITCH to tank with Fuel 5. Mixture -- RICH 6. Carburetor Heat -- ON 7. Primer -- IN and LOCKED 8. Ignition Switch -- BOTH (START if propeller is stopped) 9. Engine Gauges -- CHECK for indication of power loss 10. COMMUNICATE - Radio/Transponder -- Transmit MAYDAY on 121.5 MHz, SQUAWK 7700 CHEROKEE PA-28-161 EMERGENCY CHECKLIST 2 FORCED LANDINGS EMERGENCY LANDING WITHOUT ENGINE POWER 1. Airspeed 73 KIAS (flaps up) 63 KIAS (flaps down) 2. Electric Fuel Pump -- OFF 3. Fuel Selector Valve -- OFF 4. Mixture -- IDLE CUT-OFF 5. Ignition Switch -- OFF 6. Wing Flaps -- AS REQUIRED (40 recommended) 7. Master Switch -- OFF 8. Doors -- UNLATCH PRIOR TO TOUCHDOWN 9. Seatbelts and harness -- TIGHT 10. Brakes -- APPLY HEAVILY PRECAUTIONARY LANDING WITH ENGINE POWER 1. Airspeed -- 70 KIAS 2. Wing Flaps -- 25 3. Selected Field -- FLY OVER, noting terrain, obstructions, wind, then retract flaps at safe altitude and airspeed 4. Avionics Power Switch -- OFF 5. Wing Flaps -- 40 (on final approach) 6. Airspeed -- 63 KIAS 7. Master Switch -- OFF 8. Doors -- UNLATCH PRIOR TO TOUCHDOWN 9. Touchdown -- SLIGHTLY TAIL LOW 10. Ignition Switch -- OFF 11. Brakes -- Apply Heavily DITCHING 1. Radio -- Transmit MAYDAY on 121.5 MHz, giving location and intentions, and squawk 7700 on Transponder 2. Heavy Objects -- SECURE or JETTISON 3. Approach -- High Winds, Heavy Seas -- INTO THE WIND Light Winds, Heavy Swells -- PARALLEL TO SWELLS 4. Wing Flaps -- 25 to 40 5. Power -- ESTABLISH 300 FT/MIN. DESCENT AT 55 KIAS more CHEROKEE PA-28-161 EMERGENCY CHECKLIST 3 6. Cabin Doors -- UNLATCH NOTE If no power is available, approach at 73 KIAS with flaps up or at 65 KIAS with 25 flaps, 63 KIAS with 40 flaps at Landing 7. Touchdown -- LEVEL ATTITUDE AT BEST ESTABLISHED RATE OF DESCENT 8. Face -- CUSHION at touchdown with folded coat 9. Airplane -- EVACUATE through cabin doors. If necessary, open window and flood cabin to equalize pressure so doors can be opened 10. Life Vests and Raft -- INFLATE FIRES DURING START ON GROUND 1. Starter -- Continue Cranking If engine starts: 2. Power -- 1700 RPM for a few minutes 3. Engine -- SHUTDOWN inspect for damage If engine fails to start: 4. Mixture -- IDLE CUT-OFF 5. Throttle -- FULL OPEN 6. Electric Fuel Pump -- OFF 7. Fuel Selector Valve -- OFF 8. Cranking -- CONTINUE 9. Fire Extinguisher -- OBTAIN (ground attendants, if not installed) 10. Engine -- SECURE a. Master Switch -- OFF b. Ignition Switch -- OFF 11. Fire -- EXTINGUISH using fire extinguisher, wool blanket, or dirt. ENGINE FIRE IN FLIGHT 1. Fuel Selector Valve -- OFF 2. Throttle -- CLOSED 3. Mixture -- IDLE CUT-OFF 4. Electric Fuel Pump -- Check OFF 5. Master Switch -- OFF 6. Heater and Air -- OFF (except overheat vents) CHEROKEE PA-28-161 EMERGENCY CHECKLIST 4 7. Airspeed -- 100 KIAS (if fire is not extinguished, increase glide speed to find an airspeed which will provide on incombustible mixture) Note Perform sideslip to keep the flames away from the fuel tank and cabin, land as soon as possible using flaps only as required for final approach and touchdown. 8. Forced Landing -- EXECUTE Landing without Engine Power ELECTRICAL FIRE IN FLIGHT 1. Master Switch -- OFF 2. Vents / Cabin Air / Heat -- CLOSED 3. Fire Extinguisher -- Activate (if available) 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Warning After discharging an extinguisher within a closed cabin, ventilate the cabin. Vents / Cabin Air / Heat -- OPEN when it is ascertained that fire is completely extinguished. Avionics Power Switch -- OFF All Other Switches (except ignition switch) -- OFF If fire appears to be out and electrical power is necessary for continuance of flight: Master Switch -- ON Circuit Breakers -- CHECK for faulty circuit, do not reset Radio Switches -- OFF Avionics Power Switch -- ON Radio / Electrical Switches -- ON one at a time, with delay after each until short circuit is localized. CABIN FIRE 1. Master Switch -- OFF 2. Vents / Cabin Air / Heat -- CLOSED (to avoid drafts) 3. Fire Extinguisher -- Activate (if available) 4. Land the airplane as soon as possible to inspect for damage CHEROKEE PA-28-161 EMERGENCY CHECKLIST 5 WING FIRE 1. Landing / Taxi Light Switches -- OFF 2. Pitot Heat Switch -- OFF 3. Navigation Light Switch -- OFF 4. Strobe Light -- OFF ICING INADVERTENT ICING ENCOUNTER 1. Turn Pitot Heat Switch ON 2. Turn back or change altitude (air temp less conductive to icing) 3. Pull cabin heat control full out, open defroster outlets to obtain maximum windshield defroster airflow. Adjust cabin air control to get maximum defroster heat and airflow. 4. Open throttle to increase engine speed 5. Watch for signs of carb ice -- APPLY CARB HEAT AS REQUIRED 6. Land at nearest suitable airport 7. Be prepared for significantly higher stall speed 8. Leave wing flaps retracted -- Use of flaps could result in loss of elevator control 9. Open left window and scrape ice from a portion of the windshield for visibility during the landing approach. 10. Perform a landing using a forward slip, if necessary, for improved visibility 11. Approach at 70-80 KIAS 12. Perform a landing in level attitude. LOSS OF FUEL PRESSURE 1. Electric Fuel Pump -- ON 2. Fuel Selector -- check on tank with fuel STATIC SOURCE BLOCKAGE 1. Static Pressure Alternate Source Valve -- PULL ON 2. Airspeed -- Consult appropriate calibration tables in Section PIM Note In an airplane without an alternate static source, breaking the glass in the VSI to supply cabin pressure to the static pressure instruments. CHEROKEE PA-28-161 EMERGENCY CHECKLIST 6 HIGH OIL TEMPERATURE 1. Land at nearest airport and investigate the problem 2. Prepare for power off landing ELECTRICAL MALFUNCTIONS ALT Annunciator Light Illuminated 1. Ammeter -- Check to verify inop. Alt. If ammeter shows zero: 2. Alt. Switch on Master -- OFF 3. Reduce electrical Loads to minimum 4. Alt. Circuit breaker -- CHECK and RESET 5. Alt. Switch on Master -- ON If ammeter still shows zero: 6. Alt. Switch on Master -- OFF 7. Reduce electrical loads and land as soon as practical. The battery is the only remaining source of electrical power EXCESSIVE RATE OF CHARGE (Shows 48 AMPS or above) 1. ALT switch of Master -- ON 2. BATT switch -- OFF If ammeter shows reduced load: 3. Nonessential Electrical Equipment -- OFF 4. Flight -- LAND as soon as PRACTICAL Note Due to increased system voltage and radio frequency noise, operation with ALT switch ON and BATT switch OFF should be made only when required by an electrical failure. If ammeter loads are not reduced: 5. ALT switch of Master -- OFF 6. BATT switch -- ON 7. Flight -- LAND as soon as POSSIBLE. Anticipate complete electrical failure CHEROKEE PA-28-161 EMERGENCY CHECKLIST 7 OPEN DOOR 1. Airspeed -- 89 KIAS 2. Cabin vents -- CLOSE 3. Storm Window -- OPEN 4. Latch side latch then top latch ENGINE ROUHGNESS 1. Carburetor Heat -- ON If roughness continues for 1 minute: 2. Carburetor Heat -- OFF 3. Mixture -- Adjust for max. smoothness 4. Electric Fuel Pump -- ON 5. Fuel Selector -- SWITCH TANKS 6. Engine Gauges -- CHECK 7. Magneto Switch -- “L” then “R” then “BOTH” If operation is satisfactory on either one, continue on that magneto at reduced power and full “RICH” mixture o first airport. SPIN RECOVERY 1. Throttle -- IDLE 2. Ailerons -- NEUTRAL 3. Rudder -- FULL OPPOSITE to direction of rotation 4. Control Wheel -- FULL FORWARD 5. Rudder -- NEUTRAL when rotation stops 6. Control wheel -- as required to smoothly regain LEVEL FLIGHT ATTITUDE ENROUTE CHECKLIST FOR VFR CROSS-COUNTRIES Before Takeoff 1. Aircraft Pre-Takeoff checks: -- COMPLETE 2. VFR Navigation Log: -- COMPLETE (minus actual figures) and arranged for use. 3. VFR Charts: -- ARRANGED in order of use. 4. Flight Computer: -- STOWED for easy access during flight 5. A/FD, Flight Guide, etc.: -- STOWED for easy access during flight 6. Personal Items: -- STOWED for easy access during flight (hat, sunglasses etc.) At Takeoff 1. Time Off: -- RECORD Enroute 1. Course: -- ESTABLISH according to D-R Nav Log and Pilotage. 2. Flight Plan: -- OPEN 3. Radar Service (if applicable): -- INITIATE 4. Wind Correction: -- MONITOR. Use pilotage to determine if D-R wind correction is appropriate. If not, determine whether to add or subtract more wind correction to the compass heading. Steer adjusted course. 5. Ground Speed: -- MONITOR. Pick various landmarks along the way to perform ground speed checks to determine if estimated ground speed is accurate. Crossing Checkpoint 1. Time: -- RECORD 2. Course: -- TURN to new heading as shown on the nav log. 3. Altitude: -- Climb or DESCEND as appropriate. 4. Nav Log: -- COMPUTE actual ground speed and adjust fuel use. 5. Continue to monitor course and ground speed enroute to next fix. Destination CLOSE FLIGHT PLAN!!!!!