Texas Academy of Audiology Student Poster Forum at TAA Cash Awards Call For Posters Eligibility: Students who attend universities in Texas. Students who are participating in an externship in the State of Texas. Students enrolled in non-Texas universities whose permanent address is in Texas. Abstracts: Submit abstracts by October 15, 2007 in a Microsoft Word attachment to pwilson@utdallas.edu. Abstracts should include the title of the poster, all authors and a brief description of the motivation, problem, approach, results and conclusion. The description of the poster should not exceed 200 words. The student entrant must be the 1st author of the poster. Posters: Posters should document new research findings or research in progress dealing with typical or atypical aspects of hearing or audiology. Posters will be displayed at TAA Annual Conference, Houston, Texas, November 9-10, 2007. Authors are expected to be present for the display of their posters. Notification of acceptance or rejection by October 31, 2007. Questions: Leo Wilson, Au.D., pwilson@utdallas.edu