Chapter 7 Review

Name _______________________
COMPLETION- Fill in the blanks with the most correct answers.
1. The complex process in which cells make ATP by breaking down organic compounds is
_________________________ _________________________.
2. Cellular respiration begins with a process called _________________________.
3. Anaerobic pathways do NOT need ___________________.
4. In glycolysis, one 6-carbon molecule of glucose is oxidized to produce two 3-carbon molecules of
__________________ _____________.
5. When cells break down food molecules, _________ is temporarily stored in ATP molecules and
then used by the cell as needed.
6. _______ is an instant energy molecule that is essential for a cell to perform all the tasks necessary
for life.
7. In ___________________ fermentation, pyruvic acid is converted to ethyl alcohol.
8. ______________________ respiration is glycolysis followed by the breakdown of pyruvic acid
using oxygen.
9. The buildup of _______________ ______________ in your muscles is what causes a burning
sensation after vigorous exercise.
10. Alcoholic fermentation is involved in making ____________________(list all).
11. A substance produced during photosynthesis that is used for the completion of cellular respiration
is __________.
12. In glycolysis, _______ATP (number) are made.
13. During the pathway of ____________, a molecule of glucose is split, 2 molecules of pyruvic acid
are made, and some ATP is produced.
14. If there is no oxygen in the cell, the products of glycolysis enter __________________
pathways that make no ATP.
15. The type of fermentation used in making sour tasting foods such as buttermilk and yogurt is
_______________ ______________ fermentation.
16. The 2 things released when pyruvic acid is converted to ethyl alcohol during alcohol fermentation
are ___________ and ___________.
17. In alcohol fermentation, yeast in bread dough give off _________ and this makes the dough rise.
18. In the mitochondrial matrix just before the Krebs cycle, each pyruvic acid loses a CO2 and is
converted to a compound called _____________________ during a chemical grooming process.
19. When muscles are exercised extensively in the absence of sufficient oxygen, ________ _____ is
20. The total number of ATP made in aerobic respiration (all of the steps) in a eukaryotic cell is
21. The final acceptor in the electron transport chain is ___________, which combines with protons
(H+) and electrons to make water.
22-23. Fill in the blanks in the equation for respiration:
C6H12O6 + __________  6 H2O + 6 CO2 + ___________
24. During the process of chemiosmosis that occurs in aerobic respiration, _______ ions are able to
diffuse through an ATP synthase and thus make ATP.
25. One food product that is made using lactic acid fermentation is ____________.
26. Whenever oxygen picks up electrons at the end of the electron transport chain, __________ is
27. The 2 main stages of cellular respiration are glycolysis and then ___________
28. There are ____ CO2, _____ ATP, _____ NADH, and _____ FADH2 given off during
29. During chemiosmosis, a protein gate called _______ _________________ opens and allows
H+ ions to diffuse through.
30. Glycolysis occurs in the ___________ of the cell.
31. Glycolysis is an anaerobic pathway because it does not require ___________.
32. Aerobic respiration has this name because it requires ___________.
33. The Krebs cycle takes place in the _____________ of the mitochondrion.
34. The electron transport chain takes place in the __________ ______________ of the
35. NADPH, the Calvin cycle, and the light reactions were all part of the biochemical pathway of
___________________, not cellular respiration.
36. Whereas photosynthesis only occurs in autotrophs, _______________ ____________
occurs in BOTH autotrophs and heterotrophs because ALL living things need energy!!!
37. With oxygen present, the _________ cycle and the ___________ ___________ chain
provide organisms with an alternative to glycolysis, produce most of the ATP needed for life, and
break down glucose to produce carbon dioxide, water, and ATP.
38. Water is an end product in the _________ ___________ chain.
39. It takes ___ turns of the Krebs cycle to break down 1 molecule of glucose.
40. In cellular respiration, most energy is transferred during the ___________ ___________
41. In aerobic respiration, ____ ATP are made during glycolysis, ____ ATP are made during the
Krebs cycle, and _____-_____ are made in the electron transport chain during chemiosmosis for a
grand total of ____-____ ATP molecules.
42. Cellular respiration is how we get ______ from _____!!!
43. _____________ are organisms that can make their own food, while __________ are
organisms that cannot make their own food (scientific terms!).
44. Electrons are donated to the electron transport chain by ______ and ______.
45. ____________________ and ________________ _______________ are the opposite
of one another because the products of one are the reactants for the other.
MATCHING- For each statement below, write whether the event occurs in GLYCOLYSIS, KREBS
CYCLE, or ELECTRON TRANSPORT CHAIN. You will only have 1 answer for each statement.
46. Oxygen is the final acceptor of electrons________________________________________
47. Occurs outside the mitochondria ___________________________________________
48. Produces FADH2 ______________________________________________________
49. Begins with glucose ____________________________________________________
50. Occurs in the mitochondrial matrix _________________________________________
51. Ends with pyruvic acid __________________________________________________
52. Where chemiosmosis occurs ______________________________________________
53. Forms water _________________________________________________________
54. Occurs in the inner membrane of the mitochondria _______________________________
55. Produces the MOST ATP _________________________________________________
SHORT ANSWER- Answer ALL of the following questions
56-57. Name two food or beverage products that are made using alcoholic fermentation (must be
58-59. Name two food or beverage products that are made using lactic acid fermentation (must be
60-65. Using chemical symbols, write the entire balanced equation for the aerobic respiration that
occurs in our cells.
66-68. What is the relationship between fermentation and sore muscles?
69-70. Compare the efficiencies of anaerobic respiration (glycolysis and fermentation) to aerobic
respiration (glycolysis, Krebs cycle, electron transport and chemiosmosis). Explain why this is
significant for the organisms that use these types of respiration (bacteria and yeast vs. humans).
VOCABULARY- write the correct vocabulary word for each definition.
71. _______________________ Describes a process that does NOT require oxygen.
72. _______________________the part of respiration that is carried out in the PRESENCE of
73. ______________a unit of energy equal to 1,000 calories.
74. ___________________________ the fluid that is inside the inner membrane of a
75. __________________________________ the chemical breakdown of carbohydrates that
produces lactic acid as the main end product.
76. ______________________ Acetyl coenzyme A.
77. _________________ the three-carbon compound that is made during glycolysis and needed
for both aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
78. ___________________ the breakdown of carbohydrates by enzymes, bacteria, yeast or mold
in the absence of oxygen.
79. _________________the anaerobic breakdown of glucose to pyruvic acid, which makes a small
amount of energy available to cells in the form of ATP.
80. ___________________________ the anaerobic process by which yeasts and other
microorganisms break down sugars to form carbon dioxide and ethanol.