Advanced Algebra 2 – Course Information Sheet

Honors Algebra 2 – Course Information Sheet
SUPPLIES: A pencil, 3-ring binder notebook, your textbook and a graphing calculator
will be needed each day. The TI-84 is highly recommended since it will be used for
classroom demonstrations.
NOTEBOOK: Your notebook is to contain three sections: homework, tests/quizzes, and
class notes. Please have your notebook by Monday. If your notebook is complete, you
will have everything you need to study for tests. Always take notes in class. You are
responsible for anything that appears on the board. Notes should be labeled with the
date, section number, page number, and problem number. Never put notes and
homework on the same page. Start each homework assignment on a new page and label
each homework assignment using the same system as above. This will make referencing
for tests much easier.
Read your notes before you begin your homework.
Read the notes again as you begin preparations for the test.
Please do your work in pencil. We all make mistakes, but they are easily
corrected in pencil, and it’s neater.
ATTENDANCE: Daily attendance in class is a crucial factor in your success in
mathematics class. Begin the course with the ATTITUDE that you will take the course,
course work, and mathematics seriously. Do not miss classes. If you must be absent, it
is your responsibility to determine what you have missed and to make arrangements with
me to make up any announced quizzes or tests. If you are not absent from school but you
will not be in class (e.g., field trips) it is your responsibility to advise me about missing
class as early as possible. It is imperative that you come to class on time. You must have
a pass to be admitted late.
HOMEWORK: Homework will be assigned daily! It may be collected; I may look to
see who has it; I may assign points for your effort. We will always spend time going
over homework. You are expected to try every problem. If you don’t know how to do it,
you are expected to copy the problem and write something in an attempt to solve it. Write
a question you can ask about the problem. Part of your homework is to check oddnumbered problems from the text with the answers in the back of the book before coming
to class. Homework is assigned to help you learn. You must do the work when it is
assigned. Never fall behind.
You may interchange questions and answers with your friends. This does not
mean that you can copy someone else’s homework.
Make homework corrections. Write them in a different color, or set them off in a
column next to each problem. That way, you can clearly see the correct solution and
your errors.
A project will also be assigned. You will be receiving information explaining the
project shortly.
TESTS AND QUIZZES: Most quizzes will be announced. We may have a “pop” quick
starter quiz at the beginning of the period. These starter quizzes will not be made up if
you are late or absent. The possible points on each quiz will vary depending on length
and difficulty. There will be a major test at the end of each unit. Major tests will be
announced in advance.
GRADING: Your grade will be determined from tests, quizzes, homework and a project.
It will be calculated as follows:
Quarter Grade = your total points earned
total possible points
Semester grade = 1/5(2Q1 + 2Q2 + Midyear Exam)
Final Grade = 1/10(2Q1 + 2Q2 + 2Q3 + 2Q4 + Midyear Exam + Final Exam)
98.5 – 100 = A+
92.5 – 98.4 = A
89.5 – 92.4 = A86.5 – 89.4 = B+
82.5 – 86.4 = B
79.5 – 82.4 = B76.5 – 79.4 = C+
72.5 – 76.4 = C
69.5 – 72.4 = C66.5 – 69.4 = D+
62.5 – 66.4 = D
59.5 – 62.4 = D0 – 59.4
EXTRA HELP: If you need extra help, please speak to me before or after class so we can
arrange a time to meet. If you need to find me, check the math office or this room.
Remember that the Math Center is staffed with a teacher to help you and you should take
advantage of this opportunity.
Remember, your success is a direct result of your classroom attitude and the
expectations you set for yourself. When you assume that you can’t solve a problem and
do not give it your best effort, your grades will reflect as such. If you believe in your
ability and feel confident and determined when solving problems, your grades will
likewise reflect as such. Strict attention to detail and a persistent “never quit” attitude are
essential to success in mathematics class.
Persist in the course regardless of any difficulties that might arise. Decide now
that you will work your hardest and not settle for less than your best. Good luck and I
look forward to working with you to make this a great year in math.